Page 86 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
P. 86


                           A SNAPSHOT OF REGULATORY ACTIVITIES

                                          IN THE SAMENA REGION


        Although Afghanistan continues to be confronted by numerous   a  significant  impact  on  production  and  supply  chains  globally.
        challenges, largely due to the material effects of many years of war   During the coming year the telecoms sector to various degrees is
        and civil strife, there have been successes in the country’s efforts   likely to experience a downturn in mobile device production, while
        to rebuild infrastructure and create a functional telecom sector.   it may also be difficult for network operators to manage workflows
        Telecom services now cover over 90% of the population, though   when maintaining and upgrading existing infrastructure. Overall
        penetration rates remain relatively low. Efforts continue on rolling   progress towards 5G may be postponed or slowed down in some
        out fixed-line services, but these are limited to outside the main   countries. On the consumer side, spending on telecoms services
        urban areas and thus the country heavily relies on mobile network   and devices is under pressure from the financial effect of large-
        infrastructure. The government has been supported by the World   scale job losses and the  consequent  restriction  on  disposable
        Bank and a range of other donors to develop a nationwide fiber   incomes. However, the crucial nature of telecom services, both for
        backbone. Afghanistan now has terrestrial cable connectivity to   general communication as well as a tool for home-working, will
        five neighboring countries, while work on the ‘Wakhan Corridor Fiber   offset such pressures. In many markets the net effect should be a
        Optic Survey Project’ to connect to China is nearing completion.   steady though reduced increased in subscriber growth. Although
        The mobile market showed  reasonably strong growth between   it is challenging to predict and interpret the long-term impacts
        2012 and 2017 but faced a serious slowdown in 2018, with the   of the crisis as it develops, these have been acknowledged in the
        number of subscribers falling 8% year-on-year. This was partly   industry forecasts contained in this report. The report also covers
        due  to increasing  violence  in the country (creating population   the responses of the telecom operators as well as government
        displacement as well as damage to infrastructure), and also to a   agencies and regulators as they react to the crisis to ensure that
        downturn in the regional economy. Insurgent activity continues to   citizens can continue to make optimum use of telecom services.
        degrade telecom infrastructure, mainly in damage done to mobile   This can be reflected in subsidy schemes and the promotion of
        towers. However, there were positive signs of recovery in 2019,   tele-health and tele-education, among other solutions.
        with slow subscriber growth despite the uncertainty created by   Key developments:
        the presidential election. The Covid-19 pandemic contributed to a   •  Regulator and Ministry of Communications develop new policy
        fall in the number of mobile subscribers in 2020, and the segment   to improve telecom QoS;
        is expected to remain under pressure well into 2021. Afghanistan   •  Salaam  Telecom  launches  its  LTE  service  in  some  areas  of
        has seen  a  strong  increase in mobile  broadband  penetration   Kabul;
        over the past few years, with penetration reaching 22% in 2019   •  Progress made with the Wakhan Corridor Fiber Optic Survey
        compared to only 1% in 2013. The sector is still at an early stage   Project;
        of development and penetration remains relatively low compared   •  Report update includes the regulator’s market data to March
        to other Asian nations. As with the mobile sector, the number of   2020, operator data to Q2 2020, Telecom Maturity Index charts
        mobile broadband subscribers has been affected by the pandemic   and analyses, assessment of the global impact of Covid-19 on
        though slow growth is expected to return in the sector after 2022.   the telecoms sector, recent market developments.
        BuddeComm notes that the outbreak of the Coronavirus is having   (January 20, 2021)


        The Telecoms Minister Brahim Boumzar stated this week that a   included  provisions supporting number  portability but its
        decree to implement number portability is being finalized, with a   implementation has been delayed. The telecoms authorities are
        draft version currently being studied by the regulator before being   now accelerating  the  process  to introduce  portability to help
        sent to the General Secretariat, with the expectation of the service   encourage network operators to improve their service quality and
        being launched this year. A telecoms reform act, Law 18-04 of May   coverage via the ramping up of competition.
        2018  (‘General  rules  on  post  and  electronic  communications’),   (January 15, 2021) Agence Ecofin

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