Page 83 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
P. 83


        FCC Publishes  New  Broadband  Deployment Report; Continues  to Bridge

        Digital Divide

        The   US    Federal   Communications   million  at  the  end  of  2019  –  a  decrease   Pai  commented:  ‘From  my  first  day  as
        Commission (FCC) has released its annual   of  more  than  20%.  Moreover,  more  than   chairman, the FCC’s top priority has been
        ‘Broadband Deployment Report’, asserting   three-quarters of those  in newly  served   closing  the  digital  divide.  It’s  heartening
        that  significant  progress  was  made  to   locations  –  nearly  3.7  million  Americans   to see these numbers, which demonstrate
        bridge the digital divide in 2019. Since the   – are located  in rural areas, bringing  the   that  we’ve been  delivering results  for the
        watchdog’s previous report, the number of   number of rural Americans in areas served   American  people.  In  just  three  years,  the
        Americans living in areas without access   by at least 25Mbps/3Mbps to nearly 83%.   number  of American consumers living in
        to  at  least  25Mbps/3Mbps  down/upload   Since  2016,  the  number  of  Americans   areas  without  access  to  fixed  broadband
        speeds (i.e., the FCC’s current benchmark)   living in rural areas lacking access  to a   at 25Mbps/3Mbps has been nearly cut in
        has dropped from more than 18.1 million   25Mbps/3Mbps  service  has  fallen  more   half.’
        at  the  end  of  2018  to  fewer  than  14.5   than  46%.  Outgoing  FCC  chairman  Ajit

        FCC Mulls 12GHz Band for Mobile Use

        The  US  Federal  Communications  Commission  (FCC)  weighed  a
        move to make more spectrum available for 5G, opening a public
        consultation on whether to allow mobile services in the 12GHz
        band. In a statement, the agency explained the band is currently
        used by satellite service providers and sought input on whether it
        would be possible to share the frequency with terrestrial mobile
        services  without  causing  harmful  interference.  The  FCC  also
        asked  for comment  on  approaches  to assigning  usage  rights;
        potential  sharing  mechanisms;  and  the  public  interest  benefits
        of either keeping the existing satellite-focused  framework or
        accommodating  new  services.  Outgoing  FCC  chairman  Ajit  Pai
        stated  “technical  studies  will  undoubtedly  be  submitted  from
        all sides”, adding the agency will “scrutinize the arguments and
        data  in the record and be guided  by  the evidence  and sound
        engineering”. Dish Network and industry group the Competitive
        Carriers  Association  (CCA)  backed  the  move.  However,  it  faced
        opposition from satellite communications providers OneWeb and   12GHz frequency and was recently awarded nearly $1 billion in US
        SpaceX, which already deployed hundreds of satellites using the   government funding to deliver internet connectivity.

        FCC Chief Pai Urges Spectrum Policy Overhaul

        Outgoing  US  Federal  Communications   Information  Administration (NTIA) those   spectrum  more  efficiently”,  and  insisted
        Commission  (FCC)  Chairman  Ajit  Pai   used by government bodies. He noted the   “we must bring an end to the practice of
        called on Congress to reform the nation’s   US is one of the only countries to have such   each  agency  having  its  own”  policy.  “If
        spectrum   management     framework,  a  split  system.  Pai  argued  the  structure   the FCC ultimately holds  the pen  on all
        warning the current fragmented approach   “doesn’t  work”,  pointing  to  efforts  by   spectrum  matters,  perhaps agencies  will
        could hinder future progress. In a speech,   federal agencies to “throw up roadblocks”   stop throwing  up roadblocks  by default
        Pai explained spectrum in the US is currently   in recent years as the FCC worked to free   and will  recognize that  the best way  to
        managed by  two separate agencies, with   additional  spectrum  for  commercial  use.   preserve their interests is to persuade the
        the  FCC governing  commercial airwaves   He  blasted  the  government  as  “arguably   Commission  with sound  engineering  and
        and the National Telecommunications and   the biggest thing hampering efforts to use   facts.”

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