Page 66 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
P. 66



        New Interconnection Opportunities in Africa

        Console Connect by PCCW Global shares exclusive insights on Africa’s

        rapidly growing data centre and cloud ecosystem.

                                         The Africa Interconnection Report looks in detail at the current
                                         state of Africa’s data centre and cloud landscape, exploring some
                                         of the broader global and local trends that are driving growth in
                                         data centres and cloud services.

        2020  was  a  significant  year  for  Africa’s   To gain  a  deeper  insight into  these   Data centre growth
        cloud  and  data  centre  ecosystem.  There   trends, Console Connect by PCCW Global   The report identifies that about a quarter
        was considerable investment into carrier-  commissioned consultancy firm Balancing   of  Sub-Saharan  African  countries  have
        neutral data centres across the region and   Act to gather  market research on the   an  existing or  planned  carrier-neutral
        slowly but surely the adoption of cloud   region’s data centre and cloud ecosystem.  data  centre.  Of  the  rack  capacity  in  5
        services gathered pace.              The Africa Interconnection Report looks in   key  countries  (South  Africa,  Nigeria,
                                             detail at the current state of Africa’s data   Kenya,  Ghana  and  Angola),  South  Africa
        The  impact  of  the  COVID-19  pandemic   centre and cloud  landscape,  exploring   represents 89% of total capacity in those
        led many  businesses  to  accelerate  their   some of the broader global and local trends   selected countries.
        adoption of cloud services in order to help   that are driving growth in data centres and
        them operate during these difficult times.   cloud services.             There are currently 10 Sub-Saharan African
        But  they  are also looking beyond the                                   countries with carrier-neutral data centres
        short-term and want a more strategic view
        of  how  cloud  can  drive  efficiencies  and
        reduce cost in the future.

           The impact of the COVID-19
           pandemic        led      many
           businesses  to  accelerate

           their  adoption  of  cloud
           services in order  to  help
           them operate during these
           difficult  times.  But  they
           are also  looking  beyond
           the short-term and want a
           more strategic view of how

           cloud can drive efficiencies
           and reduce cost in the

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