Page 71 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
P. 71



        Digitally Empowered Economic Recovery

                                               Q.  What  does  digitally-empowered  Q. What trends has the  recent global
                                               economic recovery mean to you, both in   health crisis catalyzed for the ICT Industry
                                               terms of societal normalcy and business   and  particularly for Telecom Operators?
                                               continuity?                        Which of these trends are here to stay?
                                               A.  Looking at the immediate  future,   A.  As  Microsoft  CEO  Satya  Nadella
                                               digitalization in general and connectivity   put  it,  “we  saw  two  years  of  digital
                                               in specific will be enablers and drivers of   transformation in two months”. And he is
                                               economic  recovery.  Both  technologies   right: there are a number of digital trends
                                               allow people  to do  their  work despite   in  various  industries that  have  been
                                               prevailing   restrictions   (e.g.   social   accelerated during the last year.
                                               distancing),  therefore  aiding  the  •  Sales:  Due  to  widespread  business
                                               economy  to  get  back  on  track.  What’s   closures, stores  were forced  to  shift
                                               more, investments  in digitization (from   their sales  activities into the digital
                                               governments  and companies  alike),   sphere,  and  many  did.  In  some
                                               which are now seen as crucial, will further   markets, the number of digital sales
                                               stimulate the economy.                channels increased by more than 100
                                                                                     percent in just under three months.
                                               Regarding societal  normalcy,  digitally-  •  New work:  Working  from  home (or
                                               enabled  solutions especially  for the   basically anywhere) as well as virtual
        Dr. Kajetan Zwirglmaier                healthcare sector (for example to monitor   collaboration  tools have become
        Partner                                (potential) patients’ conditions) will play   increasingly  common  during  the  last
                                               a  major  role  in  the  future.  They  can  not   year.  Once  the  pandemic  is  under
                                               only help to detect  or even avoid future   control, we expect  some people  to
                                               pandemics  and health crises, but can   return  to  their  offices.  But  still,  the
                                               also be a tool to return to a more normal   possibility to work remotely  and still
                                               state and ease-up on restrictions earlier.  be in touch with team members will be

                                                 For telcos, all of these trends mean that the importance
                                                 of their services (like connectivity) is much more widely
                                                 recognized, which can be translated in value adjustments
                                                 and price increases.

                                               But in order for this to happen, companies   important for employees, so employers
                                               need  to  adopt and  accelerate  digitized   should make sure they can enable it.
                                               business.  In  doing  so,  not  only  the  way   •  Healthcare: Telehealth solutions (from
                                               employees  are  working  in  the  “new   doctor  consultations via  phone  to
                                               normal”  changes,  but also how we    virtually-assisted  surgeries)  became
                                               interact with our customers. For example,   more  widely available, and there  is
                                               we  witness  a  significant  alteration  of   still lots of room for evolvement with
                                               internal processes for telecommunication   new network standards and reduced
        Lovrenc Kessler                        companies,  since  everybody’s  use   latencies in the wings.
        Managing Partner UAE                   of digital tools and communication   •  Education:  Schools  and  universities
                                               solutions has  increased drastically  in   had to  increase their capabilities
                                               order to ensure efficient mobile working   regarding e-learning very quickly, and
                                               or working from home.                 are (quite often) still far from perfect.

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