Page 64 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
P. 64


        Viasat And SKY Brasil Partner to Expand the Distribution and Availability of

        High-Quality Satellite Internet Service Across Brazil

        Viasat and SKY Brasil (SKY) announced a partnership to increase   provides  Viasat  a  strategic,  local  partner  and  channel  to  reach
        the  availability  of  fast,  reliable  satellite  internet  across  Brazil.   a broader set of potential subscribers who can benefit from its
        Through this agreement, SKY will sell, install and provide on-site   competitively-priced  satellite  internet  service  plans.  Today,
        technical service for Viasat's high-speed internet service. Viasat   Viasat  offers  three  plans:  a  premium  plan  (Viasat  30Mega),
        gains a  strong  Brazilian  distribution partner with proven local   an  advanced  plan  (Viasat  20Mega)  and  a  basic  plan  (Viasat
        expertise, and will help train SKY's vast network of distributors,   10Mega), with download speeds of up to 30 Mbps, 20 Mbps, and
        resellers and installers on its internet service offerings. In October   10 Mbps, respectively. All three plans come with a Wi-Fi router
        2020, Viasat became the first satellite Internet Service Provider   and attractive features such as messaging and unlimited basic
        (ISP) to offer high-speed broadband connectivity across 100% of   navigation, and a free zone between 2:00 AM and 7:00 AM local
        Brazil. Viasat's residential internet service for Brazil uses Telebras'   time. With the launch of the Viasat 30Mega plan in October 2020,
        SGDC-1  satellite  bandwidth  to  provide  satellite  broadband   Viasat is recognized as offering the best satellite internet service
        service. "SKY is present in all cities within Brazil, offering services   in the Brazilian market, allowing customers to enjoy faster access
        that adapt to the daily life and different consumer  needs  and   to daily online activities such as social networks, video streaming
        profiles  of  Brazilians.  We  are  specialists  in  offering  excellent   content,  videoconference  services, remote work,  and distance
        service  and technical  support with an unbeatable  distribution   education. Evan Dixon, Vice President, Global Broadband Services
        network that  delivers  great  value and  a  highly-differentiated   at Viasat commented, "Working with SKY, Brazil's premier leader
        service that  can  be seen  in our business  results on a  national   in  satellite  television, further reinforces our commitment to  the
        scale. We look forward to working with Viasat. This partnership is   local  market, and accelerates  the ability  to  bring high-speed
        in line with SKY's objective, which is ensuring all Brazilians have   satellite connectivity to more homes across the country – even
        access  to  information  and  entertainment,"  said  Sérgio  Ribeiro,   those in the most difficult to reach locations." "This is an exciting
        chief operations officer at SKY Brasil. "This partnership reinforces   move for Viasat in Brazil and an important part of our distribution
        SKY's strategy of leveraging its vast distribution network to offer   strategy",  added  Bruno  Soares  Henriques,  Viasat  Brasil's
        Home Services and Home Automation to increase the comforts   commercial director. "Since the launch of our commercial service,
        of home, while ensuring  all Brazilians have access  to the  best   we have seen the growing demand for connectivity outside of the
        home  services  they  require,"  added  SKY  President,  Estanislau   fiber  footprint,  and  believe  our  SKY  partnership  will  help  reach
        Bassols. The Viasat/SKY association is in line with Viasat's goal   Brazilians who live in unserved or underserved areas where other
        to  offer  connectivity  options  to  all  Brazilians.  This  partnership   terrestrial services are not available."

        Satellite Monitoring System Deployed in Tunisia

        A  satellite  monitoring  system  of  fishing  vessels  over  15
        meters  was  put into operation, the Ministry of Agriculture,
        Water  Resources  and  Fisheries  announced.  This  system  is
        based on three complementary  components,  namely a  central
        computer  system  at  the ministry,  50  central and local  control
        rooms and terminals ensuring the transmission of data relating
        to the location  and activities  of vessels while guranteeing
        confidentiality.  These  terminals  will  be  installed  in  874  vessels
        (that is 6.72% of the fleet), the ministry added Friday in a press
        release. Sea equipment manufacturers are free to choose suitable
        terminals  in  compliance  with  rules  of  competition.  Fiscal  and
        financial advantages are instituted to cut the cost of operating
        these terminals. A 5% premium on the cost of hydrocarbons will
        be provided to  cover annual operating  and maintenance  costs
        in midland and the south where fishing sites are far from ports.   of fishing sites. It will help reduce the costs of naval surveillance,
        The ministry laid emphasis on the importance of this surveillance   address illegal fishing and protect small fishermen against losses.
        system  in  optimizing  the  safety  of  fishermen  and  vessels  and   The Ministry is working to set up a computer system dedicated
        combating illegal fishing which threatens seafood wealth and the   to  sea  fishing  and  aquaculture  to  ensure  better  services  for
        sustainability of the sector. This system also provides a database   fishermen and equipment manufacturers and streamline human
        for scientific research programmes on monitoring the exploitation   and financial resources.

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