Page 48 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
P. 48


        Abu Dhabi Customs Completes ‘Digital Transformation’ Of All Services

        Abu Dhabi Customs has announced 100 percent completion of   Dhabi  Customs’  advanced  infrastructure,  operational  flexibility
        the digital transformation of all its services through the ‘TAMM’   and  innovative  technology.  Its  digital  services  also  enable  the
        platform, in order to upgrade the customs system and enhance   completion of digital payments for 18 services via the ‘Abu Dhabi
        customer satisfaction. The digital services provided by Abu Dhabi   Pay’  platform  -  an  integrated  digital  payment  platform  within
        Customs include 40  integrated  core  services that  reflect Abu   ‘TAMM’. This reflects the importance of digital transformation in
                                                               facilitating transactions for investors, wholesalers and customs
                                                               brokers, helping them to save times and facilitate the movement
                                                               of trade. Rashid Lahej Al Mansoori, General Director of Abu Dhabi
                                                               Customs, said that achieving 100 percent digital transformation
                                                               will  enhance the completion  of customs transactions, and
                                                               facilitate the movement of trade and stimulate business  and
                                                               investment in Abu Dhabi. He added that this development also
                                                               supports  Abu  Dhabi  government’s  efforts  to  accelerate  the
                                                               digital transformation of all government  services  to enhance
                                                               sustainability and provide optimum customer service. Abu Dhabi
                                                               Customs’ digital channels received more than 2.7 million visits
                                                               during  2020, while more than 56,480 working days  were saved
                                                               for  employees  of  government  agencies.  Customer  satisfaction
                                                               with  Abu  Dhabi  Customs’  digital  channels  reached  95  percent
                                                               during 2020, which reflects the successful impact of the entity’s
                                                               digital  transformation  on  its  customers.  The  digital  services
                                                               enable  customers to complete  customs  services available -  in
                                                               both Arabic and English - by entering the service using the digital
                                                               ID. Then the customs declaration form can be filled out, with the
                                                               required documents attached, and the request submitted along
                                                               with fee payment. The customs declaration can then be printed
                                                               so that customers can obtain customs services from anywhere
                                                               in minutes.

        Pakistan-Based B2B eCommerce Startup Raises US$6.5 Million

        In one of the biggest  seed  rounds  in   community  (kiryana stores)  owners  to   online,  making flexibility for the  most
        the Middle East  and North Africa region   access  manufacturers,  wholesalers,  important  things,  which will  eventually
        (MENA),  the  Pakistan  B2B  marketplace,   and  suppliers’  inventories.  The  Bazaar   lead  to  greater  returns,”  he  continued.
        Bazaar, raised $6.5 million. Bazaar is one   app  currently  houses  over  500  SKUs  of   Also,  Bazaar’s  Co-Founder  Saad  Jangda,
        of  Pakistan’s  best-funded  startups,  with   branded and unbranded products with the   who  previously  was  a  Careem  Product
        its overall raise of $7.8 million. This is the   option of free next-day delivery. Moreover,   Manager,  says,  “We  at  Bazaar  agree  that
        Global Founders Capital’s first investment   Bazaar was also able to beat its own initial   developing the technology layer is a huge
        in  Pakistan,  which  is  co-leaded  by  the   target of serving 800 Karachi retailers by   opportunity for traditional businesses. We
        Berlin-based  Global Founder  Capital  and   the end of 2020 and was able to close the   finally  have  the  right  foundation  to  build
        the  Pakistanis-based  VC  Indus  Valley   year  with  over  10,000  retailers.  Hamza   huge  tech institutions,  considering  the
        Capital. According to MENAbytes info, this   Jawaid,  Bazaar  Co-founder  and  a  former   sheer size of the market, a new narrative
        seed round was the second-largest startup   McKinsey  consultant,  also  explains  that   and emphasis  on  our ecosystem,  and  an
        ever in the MENA region  and the largest   Bazaar  has incredible  opportunities  to   explosion of Pakistanis coming home.” It
        in  Pakistan.  It  should  also  be  noted  that   empower  micro-businesses  through  also has several other goods in its pipeline
        Bazaar has a variety of leading global and   technology  in  Pakistan,  which  has   in addition to Bazaar’s mobile market. The
        regional  institutional and angel investors   emerged  as  the  fifth  largest  country  in   start-up aims to extend its teams and its
        in  addition  to  its  leading  investors.  The   the  world  with  rising  digital  adoption.   presence across Pakistan with these new
        bazaar  was  only  launched  8  months ago   “Over  80%  of  our  customers  own  and   funding  opportunities.  Global  Founders
        and hopes to  digitize traditional  retail   operate  smartphones,  yet their way of   Capital and Indus Valley Capital also look
        stores  in  Pakistan.  It  was  established  to   running a business has not changed, until   forward to  building a  partnership with
        be a mobile-based e-commerce market by   now.  We  will  boost  your  company  and   Bazaar  to  revolutionize  Pakistan’s  retail
        Hamza Jawaid and Saad Jangda, allowing   your  lives dramatically by taking  them   industry for $150 billion.

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