Page 52 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
P. 52


        Virgin Mobile Develops Saudi Banking App

                                                                                  (The Communications and Information
                                                                                  Technology  Commission)  regulations.  In
                                                                                  that sense  we are the best-performing
                                                                                  mobile operator in Saudi Arabia,” he said.
                                                                                  Nielsen  says that  with that ethos behind
                                                                                  them,  coupled  with very strong digital
                                                                                  capabilities and an abundance of research
                                                                                  analysis,  Virgin  can  expect  to  see  plenty
                                                                                  of customers come onboard with the new
                                                                                  services.  “We  do  have  experience  from
                                                                                  other  countries.  For  example,  in  Oman,
                                                                                  customers can buy life insurance products
                                                                                  on the back of their subscription. For us,
                                                                                  what  we’re  doing  in  Saudi  Arabia  is  a
                                                                                  natural expansion  step, and we expect
                                                                                  to  continue to  develop and evolve and
        Telecom provider Virgin Mobile has signed   application to  link  their bank  accounts   hopefully  provide even more  exciting
        an  agreement  with  the  Saudi  Investment   and cards to their phone,  allowing them   products  to  the  Saudi  Arabian  market.”
        Bank  (SAIB)  to  become  the  first  entity  in   to  carry  out  international  transfers.   Since launching in 2014, Virgin Mobile has
        the Kingdom to obtain a banking agent’s   “Effectively, if you have money on an ATM   netted more than 2.5 million customers in
        license.   The   strategic   partnership,   card or bank account, you can transfer it to   Saudi Arabia, and has become one of the
        endorsed  by  the  Saudi  Arabian  Central   the Virgin Mobile banking application, and   top ten Mobile Virtual Network Operators
        Bank,  will  enable the telecom  provider’s   then straight from your mobile phone you   (MVNOs)  in  both  the  Kingdom  and  in
        customers  to  use  financial  services  on   can do international money remittance,” he   Oman,  out of more  than a  thousand in
        their phones. Erik Dudman Nielsen, Group   said. Phase two will be to enable domestic   the world. “We have a 6-7 percent market
        CEO of Virgin Mobile Middle East & Africa,   usage, allowing users to pay for items in   share  both  in  Saudi  and  Oman,  so  we’re
        told Arab News the announcement of the   stores, restaurants and cafes using only   very  proud of the performance that  we
        new  milestone  made  him  proud.  “We’re   their  phones.  However,  that  option  has   have.  It’s  a  testament  to  what  it  means
        now in a  position where we can enable   been available to Saudis for a while, with   to  be  an  MVNO.  We’re  very  focused  on
        Virgin Mobile customers to take electronic   options  such  as  Apple  Pay,  which  was   the segments we serve, and we provide
        funds  of any sort and fundamentally   made  available  to  Saudis  in  early  2019,   offers and services built around  their
        allow  them to  do international  money   and  mada  Pay,  launched  in  mid-2019.   needs,  and that’s  how we succeed,”  said
        transmittance  or  remittance,”  he  said.   Saudis  have  been  able  to  pay  bills  and   Nielsen. The Virgin Mobile announcement
        Nielsen  said that  the services would be   transfer funds to  sellers electronically   came after the news last week that digital
        made available  to  everyone, regardless   using  SAMA’s  Sadad  payment  system   payment  transactions  in  the  Kingdom
        of which  banks  they  had accounts in or   since 2004. However, Nielsen believes that   jumped  by  75  percent  in  2020  as  Saudi
        which telecom providers they used. “Users   Virgin’s reputation and loyal userbase will   consumers  embraced  online  shopping
        will not need to have an account with the   create a strong enough incentive for users   during   the   coronavirus   (COVID-19)
        Saudi Investment Bank. You’re completely   to opt in for the new application, once all   pandemic,  while cash withdrawals  from
        bank  independent.  Any  customer  from   the services are made available. “As part of   ATMs  and  other  payment  points  fell  30
        any bank, or for that matter, any mobile   the Virgin Mobile brand, and our company   percent  over  the  same  period.  Speaking
        operator, can use our  app and perform   ethos, we are very customer-focused. That   to Arab News, Talat Zaki Hafiz, economist
        mobile  transfers.  But  existing  customers   goes for everything we do; we always try   and secretary-general of the media and
        of Virgin Mobile will get exclusive benefits   to remove ping points for customers. Over   banking  awareness  committee  for  Saudi
        for  their  transfers,”  he  said.  Phase  one,   the past three  years, quarter by quarter,   banks, said non-cash transactions are
        which  the company aims to kickstart in   we have been the company with the least   expected to make up to 70 percent of all
        February, will allow customers to use the   complaints  in  Saudi  Arabia  as  per  CITC   transactions by 2030.

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