Page 108 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
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mobile broadband. Its auction plan faced challenges so in light of the COVID-19 pandemic’. At that date, the
from some of the country’s operators, as they sought regulator said it would work with all interested bidders
a different approach to awarding the spectrum in the to ensure the auction can proceed in a safe and secure
wake of requirements to invest heavily into removing way, with a view to starting bidding in mid-January
Huawei equipment from their networks. 2021. (January 8, 2021)
(January 25, 2021)
The telecoms regulator OFCOM has confirmed that,
The telecoms regulator OFCOM has now formally having completed an initial information gathering
confirmed that four bidders will contest its upcoming process, it has decided to proceed to the provisional
auction of spectrum in the 700MHz and 3.6GHz-3.8GHz decision phase of an investigation into BT’s compliance
bands. In accordance with regulations, the watchdog with its obligations as a broadband universal service
has now published the identities of the participants, provider. BT has been designated as a universal service
which unsurprisingly are the four mobile incumbents: provider, and as such is subject to regulatory conditions
EE, O2 UK, Three UK and Vodafone UK. Last month the which set out how it must provider broadband universal
quartet had been confirmed as qualified bidders, but service obligation (USO) connections to eligible
notably each had until 23 December 2020 to withdraw consumers. In October 2020 OFCOM announced it
from the award process. Meanwhile, the timeline for the had opened an investigation amid concerns that ‘BT
auction itself is still reportedly being considered in light may not be complying with the regulatory conditions
of the ongoing global health crisis, with OFCOM cited correctly where it assesses excess costs for a given
as saying: ‘We are keeping the timing of the start of connection’. Specifically, the regulator suggested at
bidding in the auction under careful review in light of the that date the situation could result in some customers’
recent worsening of the coronavirus situation, and will quote for a connection being higher than necessary.
publish an update on this in due course.’ As previously Now, OFCOM has confirmed that it has moved to the
reported by CommsUpdate, in November 2020 OFCOM next phase of the investigation, saying it will continue
finalized the regulations relating to the planned award to gather additional evidence, while it expects to
of spectrum in the 700MHz and 3.6GHz-3.8GHz bands, provide a further update on the matter ‘by the end of
saying it would proceed with preparations to hold the March’.
auction ‘as soon as it is reasonably practicable to do (January 13, 2021)
The FCC's Wireline Competition Bureau is seeking input students can engage in remote learning with support
on how to hand out over $3 billion in new broadband from the program’s funding for connected devices."
benefits created by Congress in the recently passed Pai said the staff is working quickly to stand up the
package of appropriations and COVID-19 aid funds. program and get the money to needy consumers, while
United The $3.2 billion Emergency Broadband Benefit Program at the same time "guarding against waste, fraud, and
abuse," which will include a congressionally required
was created to help low-income households access the
States internet, and fund equipment and service for students audit of the program. The stand-up will have to be
forced to study from home during the pandemic. The quick for Pai to be around for any of it since he will be
latter was imparted because the FCC under chairman exiting in two weeks. Among the questions the FCC
Ajit Pai interpreted the E-rate subsidy statute language would like answers on as it figures out how to structure
as excluding home service and equipment because the the program:
statute directed the subsidy to be used for classrooms 1. "Which providers can participate in the program
not homes. Democrats argued that was too narrow a and what do such providers need to do to elect to
reading. Companies participating in the new program participate?
will be reimbursed for providing discounted service 2. "How should the Commission set up an expedited
and equipment (up to $50 per month and up to $75 process for approving broadband providers for areas
on tribal lands) during the pandemic. Companies where they are not eligible telecommunications
providing tablets, desktops or laptops fur use during carriers?
the pandemic can get up to $100 per connected device 3. "How should the Commission and providers track
(only one device per household). “We’re excited to get participating households and verify that they are
to work on this new program, which responds to my call eligible?
last June for Congress to fund a program to advance 4. "What services and connected devices are eligible
the Keep Americans Connected initiative that we for reimbursement from the program?
launched when the pandemic started,” said Pai. “The 5. "How should the Commission structure the
Emergency Broadband Benefit Program will go a long reimbursement process?
way to ensuring that low-income American families and 6. "What rules are needed to ensure appropriate service
veterans are connected during the pandemic, and that on Tribal lands?
108 JANUARY 2021