Page 105 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
P. 105


                         Romania’s  National Authority for Management and   The National Authority for Management and Regulation
                         Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) has revealed   in  Communications  (ANCOM)  has  fined  Telekom
                         that 945,186 telephone numbers were ported in 2020,   Romania   Mobile   Communications   RON700,000
                         of which 92% (873,519) were mobile numbers and only   (USD143,475) for non-fulfilment of its spectrum license
        Romania          71,667 fixed line numbers. RCS&RDS (DIGI) accepted   obligation to provide mobile voice coverage to at least
                         the most mobile porting requests (377,536), followed
                                                                        98% of the country’s population. The regulator’s most
                         by  Telekom  Romania  Communications  (141,795),   recent monitoring survey conducted between August
                         Vodafone  (133,158),  Orange  (125,633)  and  Telekom   and December 2020 found that all four of the country’s
                         Romania Mobile Communications (95,375). Post-paid   mobile  network operators  (MNOs) increased  their
                         customers accounted for 55% of the mobile numbers   voice  services  footprint  last  year.  Orange  Romania’s
                         ported. Fixed telephone numbers were ported between   mobile voice services covered 98.27% of the country’s
                         the  main  providers  as  follows:  RCS&RDS  34,014,   population  in  2020,  compared  with  97.81%  the
                         Orange  13,671,  Vodafone  12,792,  Telecom  Romania   previous  year,  Vodafone  Romania  achieved  98.16%
                         Communications  4,899  and  GTS  Telecom  3,200.   coverage  (up  from  97.76%  in  2019),  RCS&RDS  (DIGI)
                         Almost 7.3 million numbers have now been transferred   98.02% (2019: 95.42%) and Telekom Romania Mobile
                         between  networks since the portability  service was   Communications  97.25%  (2019:  96.63%).  Under
                         introduced in October 2008. Of these, 6.4 million (87%)   the terms of their radio spectrum licenses,  Orange,
                         have been mobile numbers and over 900,000 landline   Vodafone and Telekom Mobile were obliged to cover at
                         numbers. (January 21, 2021)    least 98% of the population with voice services through
                                                                        their  own  radio  access  network  by  5  April  2017,  and
                                                                        RCS&RDS by 5 April 2019. (January 15, 2021)

                         The  government is looking  to license  a telecoms   there.  No  timeline  is  given  concerning  the  selection
                         operator  to  offer  fixed  voice  and  data,  mobile  and   process for the would-be quad-play licensee, but Allen
                         TV  services  on  the  island,  or  ‘a  new  hybrid  offering   notes that: ’[there is] the opportunity for the island to
                         all  of the services in innovative and creative ways’,   totally  embrace  a  digital future  that will  solve many
        Saint            according to Tom Allen who is acting as a consultant   of their current challenges, including the ability to use
                         on  the  project.  In  a  LinkedIn  post,  Allen  noted  that
                                                                        credit  or  debit  cards.  Saint  Helena  could  become  a
        Helena           the development is potentially exciting as the remote   Smart Everything, from supporting remote learning at
                         tropical island is about to get connected to a 100Gbps   every level, to super secure data centers and satellite
                         fiber connection when the Google Equiano cable lands   ground stations.’ (January 8, 2021)

                          Serbia delayed its 5G auction again for the end of 2021   noted  operators  registered interest in airwaves due
                          due to the COVID-19 pandemic scuppering investment   to the potential to transform the industrial sector, and
                          plans  of  operators,  reported  Serbian  news  agency   consumers will not be using 5G networks for mobile
                          Tanjug. Tatjana Matic, minister of trade, tourism and   content services “to a large extent”. Serbia originally
        Serbia            telecommunications, said due to the “global economic   planned to hold its 5G auction at the end of 2020 but
                                                                        this was pushed back to Q1 this year, also due to the
                          crisis”  and the unpredictable  effects the pandemic
                          has  on  businesses,  companies  have  “withdrawn”   effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
                          potential  5G  rollout  plans  citing  uncertainty.  Matic   (January 2, 2021)

                         MTN Group reportedly threatened legal action against   scheme,  ICASA  will  use  a  criterion  to  ensure  smaller
                         South Africa’s telecoms regulator over rules set for an   operators  are able to access  spectrum  before larger
                         upcoming spectrum auction, opposing a plan to allow   rivals.  For  example,  national  operators  with  a  retail
                         small operators first dibs on certain frequencies.  market share of more than 45 per cent in more than ten
        South Africa     South  African  technology  website  MyBroadband   municipalities are unable to bid on certain spectrum in
                                                                        the first round. MTN argued the scheme could mean
                         reported it  had viewed a  letter  from MTN  lawyers
                         contesting the Independent Communications Authority   tier-two operators (those with less than a market share
                         of South Africa’s (ICASA) proposal to exclude network   of 45 per cent in fewer than ten municipalities) snap up
                         operators  from initially  bidding  on lots of spectrum   all of the 3500MHz spectrum made available.
                         based  on  their  market  share.  Dubbed  the  “opt-in”   (January 7, 2021)

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