Page 106 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
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                                                                        is expected to allow operators to expand the scope of
                         The communications regulator revealed six companies   existing mobile services and boost 5G networks, which
                         applied  to take part in its  multi-frequency  spectrum   are currently using temporary bandwidth released by
                         auction including all of the market’s existing operators,   authorities to improve connectivity during the ongoing
                         with the sale expected to begin by the end of March. In a   Covid-19  pandemic.  The  sale  will  include  various
                         statement, the Independent Communications Authority   allocations  across  the  700MHz,  800MHz,  2600MHz,
                         of  South  Africa  (ICASA)  announced  it  had  received   and 3500MHz bands and is expected to begin by 31
                         completed  submissions from existing mobile  players   March. Winning bidders will have to adhere to a range
                         Vodacom, MTN, Telkom SA, Cell C and Rain Networks   of terms including provisions for MVNOs and coverage
                         alongside  Liquid  Telecom.  The  regulator  added  a   commitments. Under rules published last year, a new
                         submission had also been made from an organization   entrant would also be required to purchase a minimum
                         called Women Building a Better Society but had been   number  of lots to ensure they become  a credible
                         rejected as it missed the deadline. Spectrum on offer   competitor. (January 4, 2021)

                         The  Swedish  Post  and  Telecom  Agency  (Post  &   have  selected  Ericsson and  Nokia  to  deploy  their
                         Telestyrelsen,  PTS)  completed  its  auction  of  2.3GHz   nationwide  5G  radio  access  network.  Tele2  had
                         and 3.5GHz 5G spectrum after four rounds of bidding   previously named Nokia as its core network vendor for
                         on a single day, with all five incumbent cellcos securing   Sweden and the Baltics. (January 20, 2021)
        Sweden           licenses. Telia Sweden, Hi3G Access (Tre Sweden) and
                         Net4Mobility (the network sharing  venture of Tele2   The  Supreme  Administrative  Court  in  Sweden  has
                         Sweden  and  Telenor  Sweden)  won  spectrum  in  the   ruled that Chinese vendor Huawei cannot challenge a
                         3.5GHz  range,  while  4G-only  operator  Teracom  was   decision to exclude its equipment from the country’s
                         the sole bidder for 2.3GHz frequencies. The sale raised   5G rollouts,  meaning  the delayed 5G spectrum
                         a  total  of  SEK2.32  billion  (USD273.7  million)  for  the   auction  should  go  ahead  as  planned  on  19  January.
                         Treasury.                                      According to a report from Reuters, Huawei says that
                         The full allocations are as follows:           it  is  still  awaiting a  decision  on two other  appeals
                         •  Tre Sweden: paid SEK491.25 million for 100MHz of   lodged  against  the  ban  in  November.  The  firm  says
                            spectrum between 3400MHz-3500MHz            going ahead with the auction while a legal challenge
                         •  Net4Mobility: paid SEK665.5 million for 100MHz of   is  still  pending  would  have  ‘serious  consequences.
                            spectrum between 3620MHz-3720MHz            Swedish  equipment  firm  Ericsson  has  supported
                         •  Telia Sweden: paid SEK760.25 million for 120MHz of   Huawei’s position,  saying the ban is a  restriction  on
                            spectrum between 3500MHz-3620MHz            free competition. Sweden’s Post and Telecom Agency
                         •  Teracom:  paid  SEK400.0  million  for  80MHz  of   (Post & Telestyrelsen, PTS) is auctioning 5G-capable
                            Spectrum between 2300MHz-2380MHz.           spectrum in the 2.3GHz and 3.5GHz bands.
                         Separately,  Net4Mobility  partners  Tele2  and  Telenor   (January 18, 2021)

                         Taiwanese mobile operator Asia Pacific Telecom (APT)   it has been noted that it would mark the first time in
                         has been told it needs to improve its 4G coverage before   Taiwan  that two cellcos  had offered services using
                         it can share the 5G spectrum and network belonging   the same spectrum and network. Commenting on the
                         to rival Far EasTone (FET). The stipulation was made   matter, NCC Vice Chairman Wong Po-tsung said: ‘We
                         as  the National Communications  Commission  (NCC)   are cautiously optimistic about the partnership, but we
        Taiwan           began  reviewing a partnership  application  from   want the two carriers to offer more information on how
                         the two  cellcos,  with  FET  president  Chee  Ching and   each of them can manage the network independently,
                         APT  president  Huang  Nan-ren  attending  a  weekly   maintain 5G service quality, raise the service coverage
                         commissioners’ meeting to answer questions regarding   rate and ensure full disclosure of information.’
                         the matter. In September 2020 FET agreed to pay TWD5    (January 15, 2021) The Taipei Times
                         billion (USD178 million) to acquire an 11.58% stake in
                         APT, while in a parallel move the two parties also inked   The  National Communications Commission  (NCC)
                         a spectrum sharing deal, under which APT would gain   has yet  to set a  timetable for releasing  a  portion
                         access to FET’s 5G-suitable 3.5GHz spectrum, paying   of the 5G spectrum supporting private 5G network
                         TWD9.47  billion  to  use  the  frequencies,  while  also   applications.  The  appropriation  of  the  5G  spectrum
                         sharing  network  deployment  costs.  Should  the  NCC   for private enterprise networks may not come until the
                         ultimately opt to approve the partnership application,   government fixes the tariff rates for spectrum usage,

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