Page 51 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
P. 51


        UAE Launches the National Cybersecurity Capacity Building Program

        The  General Authority for Regulating  the  Telecommunications
        Sector TRA launched the National Cybersecurity Capacity Building
        Program, a  core program within the National Cybersecurity
        Strategy. The Program aims to develop highly efficient national
        capabilities in protecting the cyberspace and addressing relevant
        risks. The Program also aims to develop the capabilities of youth
        in Cybersecurity, whether professionals or those working in areas
        related  to IT and Computing,  or students  and amateurs, thus
        contributing  to  enhancing  the readiness of UAE  to  respond  to
        cyber  incidents  and supporting research  and innovation, while
        safeguarding the digital infrastructure of the country. Commenting
        on this Program, H.E.  Hamad  Obaid Al Mansouri, TRA Director
        General,  said: “As we steadily move towards shaping  a  digital
        future that promotes community happiness, we take into account
        the side effects of digital technologies,  especially  cyber  risks
        affecting infrastructures and information security. In this context,
        the TRA has launched the National Cybersecurity Strategy with a
        view to promoting and maintaining the rapid progress witnessed
        in the UAE in areas of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and the Fourth
        Industrial Revolution, driven by the strong momentum generated
        by a history of pioneering and key milestones. With the year 2020,
        we started the actual implementation of this Strategy by launching
        the National Cybersecurity Capacity Building Program, given that   in selecting Cybersecurity employees by defining the tasks and
        smart cities we aspire to in the future primarily need human cadres   skills  assigned to each post and training requirements  for HR
        capable of protecting such cities from cyber attacks. Therefore,   development in the field of Cybersecurity. Academic support is the
        the challenge  ahead is  not only to  reach great  achievements   second focal point of the Program, through which it aims to educate
        but also  to  be able to  preserve these achievements.” H.E.  Al   school  students  about Cybersecurity  in general  and relevant
        Mansoori stressed that youth are the cornerstone for achieving   career opportunities through awareness workshops by the TRA,
        the visions  of the country  and protecting  its  accomplishments,   and through the  Cybersecurity  awareness page on its  website.
        adding:  “Future  wars  will  not rely  on conventional weapons.   Moreover, the Program will, in cooperation with relevant entities,
        Rather, they would be wars of computers and experts capable of   include cybersecurity in UAE school curricula and Cybersecurity
        hacking into and destroying digital infrastructures with a push of   majors and courses in universities, while encouraging universities
        a button. Future destruction will not be physical destruction, but   to include Cybersecurity in all disciplines related to information
        rather a disruption of tasks and services and creation of chaos   technology  (e.g.  programming, networking,  etc.) to allow
        and panic, and in order to protect our nation from such events, it   graduates to obtain a sound grounding in Cybersecurity. Under
        had become imperative to prepare youth who are able to counter   its third pillar, the  Program  strengthens  competencies  through
        cyber-attacks, and find weaknesses in our digital systems. Today,   a number  of initiatives and training  programs  to be  launched
        through this Program, which comes in response to the directives   by the TRA in the near future, in collaboration with its strategic
        of our wise leadership  to strengthen  the role of youth,  we are   partners. The Program will provide Cybersecurity training to three
        striving  to  protect  our  gains  in  areas  of  Artificial  Intelligence,   categories:  students  and amateurs, Information Technology
        Big Data  and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”  In achieving its   workers and Cybersecurity professionals. Under its fourth pillar,
        goals, the National  Cybersecurity  Capacity Building Program   the National  Cybersecurity  Capacity  Building Program will
        bases itself on four pillars, including:  Competency  framework,   organize  and support  Cybersecurity conferences  and events,
        academic support, training courses and events. The Competency   where a national Cybersecurity conference is planned to be held,
        Framework  defines  Cybersecurity  functions,  tasks,  information   as well as supporting and participating  in all Cybersecurity-
        and skills that incumbents  should have. The  Framework also   related events. The Program also includes simulation exercises to
        identifies  training  courses  that  can  be  offered  to  Cybersecurity   respond to cyber incidents for increased readiness of specialists
        jobholders and other related jobs, to enhance their abilities and   in addressing and redressing the same. The TRA has launched
        competencies. The Competency Framework also seeks to bridge   the UAE  National  Cybersecurity  Strategy as  the country  is
        the gap between educational outcomes and the labor market by   entering the 5G era, where the TRA is developing and launching
        helping  universities  develop educational  programs to  meet the   the UAE 5G Strategy 2020-2025, making the UAE the first in the
        requirements of  the labor market.  This Framework outlines  the   region to launch such strategy beyond 2020. The new National
        basic skills that graduates must possess in order to be able to fill   Cybersecurity Strategy strengthens the integrated Cybersecurity
        Cybersecurity jobs. It also assists HR officers in UAE organizations   system by implementing 60 initiatives across 5 themes.

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