Page 47 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
P. 47



        Technology for Everyone

           Achieving  a world  in  which  technology
           makes life better for every individual, every
           family, and  every organization,  requires
           a collaborative  approach  that  focuses  on
           not  only  technology  distribution,  but  the
           development of applications and skills.

        Technology is at the heart of today’s society, and yet it is not as
        inclusive as it should be. Achieving a world in which technology
        makes life better for every individual, every family, and every
        organization, requires a collaborative approach that focuses on not
        only technology distribution, but the development of applications
        and skills.  By  working together  as  a  united  information  and
        communications technology (ICT) sector, and in partnership with
        the public and private sectors, we can bridge the digital gap to
        enable society to thrive as a whole in the age of intelligence.

        The Earth is home to 7.5 billion people, but only half of the world’s
        population  has access  to digital technology.  In a  world that is
        increasingly driven by digital technology, it is essential that we
        close the digital divide by working to empower the unempowered,
        so that everyone has the same digital rights.

        Huawei believes that no one should be left behind in the digital   Li Xiangyu (Spacelee)
        world.  Our  TECH4ALL  initiative centres  on bringing  partners
        together to develop digital inclusion and empowerment initiatives   VP of Public Affairs and Communications
        for the following four  high-impact domains:  environment,   Huawei Middle East
        education,  health and development.   One of the key  purposes
        of TECH4ALL  is  to accelerate  the United Nation’s Sustainable
        Development Goals (SDGs).

        TECH4ALL has three core areas of focus: technology, applications,
        and skills. Through the technology focus, Huawei aims to make
        digital  technologies affordable  for developing  regions  with
        scalable, low-cost products, and solutions. The application focus
        aims to create digital ecosystems and help developers to build
        applications  for  different communities  and industries. Last  but
        by no means least, the skills focus sees Huawei work with local
        governments, communities, organisations, and other partners to
        improve society’s digital skillset.

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