Page 54 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
P. 54


        CMPak Invested Over US$5 Billion in Telecom Sector of Pakistan

        China Mobile Pakistan  (CMPak)  had  in-  Consumers  IT  and Telecom  Conference,   backing  of a strong  group  in the form of
        vested  around  US $  3 billion  in the  tele-  organized by  Consumers  Association of   China Mobile (CMCC) Zong works closely
        communication  sector of Pakistan  along   Pakistan (CAP), with support from Ministry   in collaboration  with the Pakistani  gov-
        with  other investments in  infrastructure   for Information Technology and Telecom-  ernment. Zong envisions a Pakistan which
        worth over US $ 2 billion. CMPak had made   munication  and Pakistan  Telecommuni-  technologically and economically prosper-
        some  massive contributions  for the  eco-  cation Authority (PTA),” it added. PTA had   ous. China Mobile Pakistan (CMPak) was
        nomic development of  Pakistan  with  Rs   also awarded ZonG 4G for 10 years of Ser-  a 100 percent owned subsidiary of China
        134 billion taxes paid in the last 12 years, a   vice Excellence and presented a token of   Mobile Communications Corporation. The
        press release received here said. The taxes   appreciation  to Chairman  and CEO  ZonG   pioneering overseas set up of China Mo-
        being  paid included  Activation Tax, Cus-  4G Wang Hua in recognition for 10 years   bile came through acquisition of a license
        tom Duty, Income Tax, Sales Tax, AIT, WHT,   of Excellence whereas CAP Awarded Zong   from Millicom to operate a GSM network in
        Payroll Tax, Royalty to PTA,  Stamp Duty,   “ Leadership in Innovation”. Zong 4G had   Pakistan.
        etc  whereas the company  had generated   won “Leadership in  Innovation” and was
        over 3,500 direct and over 200,000 indirect   awarded “CEO of the Year” in October 2019
        employments. Moreover, CMPak  had the   by CAP based on its leadership and inno-
        commitment to leading Pakistan’s Digital   vation in technology. In August 2019 Zong
        Revolution  by continuing  to reinvest all   became the first operator to successfully
        earned revenues in Pakistan whereas the   test its 5G network in South Asia. Zong is
        Consumers Association of Pakistan (CAP)   ready for all future technology and has the
        awarded ZonG 4G of CMPAK for best ser-  right set of technological prowess and fi-
        vices in country. “ZonG 4G wins the “Best   nancial muscle to acquire and implement
        4G Services” in Pakistan award at the 3rd   new digital technology solutions. With the

        UAE  Telecom  Regulatory Authority  Warns  Public  of a Computer  Virus

        Spreading Fraudulent Links

        The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) has warned the
        public against a worldwide virus outbreak that goes by the name of
        ‘Emotet’. The virus is a malicious system that spreads malware and
        infects users through  its  bulk spam email campaigns  containing
        harmful links to users. Emotet first emerged in 2014, originally designed
        as a banking malware that attempted to sneak onto an individual’s
        computer and steal sensitive and private information. Later versions
        of the software saw the addition of spamming. The TRA also warned
        the public of the risk of fraudulent messages that mislead recipients
        into thinking that they are from reliable sources and invite them to
        click on certain  links  or send private  information by  phone,  email
        or otherwise, ultimately making the recipient  a  victim of scam and
        online fraud. A widespread of fraudulent messages containing links
        have been recently detected. Such message reach users via SMS and
        WhatsApp, impersonating a well-known company or bank established
        in the UAE, which then ask the user to call some numbers, provide
        personal data and bank card details, under the pretext of unblocking
        the ATM card. Users become victims of fraud and theft due to lack of
        awareness of such methods used in the attack.

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