Page 90 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 90


        Sateliot to Launch Four 5G Satellites

        Sateliot  has  announced  that  it  has  entered  into  a  partnership   35cm in size. They are the size of a microwave, and have a net
        with  SpaceX to launch four  new satellites  into space in  2024.   weight of 10 kilograms. They will orbit at an altitude of between
        The  company,  which  counts  firms  such  as  Indra,  Cellnex  and   500 and 600 kilometers, have a lifespan of five years and are said
        Sepides  as  partners,  said  it  is  the  first  to  operate  a  low-Earth   to cover 100% of the planet. Sateliot stressed that the fundamental
        orbit (LEO)  5G internet  of things  (IoT)  satellite  constellation   part  of these  satellites  lies  in  their  interior, supported  by their
        acting  as  a “seamless”  roaming extension  of cellular  networks,   own innovative technology, tested and validated by the European
        and that  with  the  deployment of these  four  satellites  plus  the   Space Agency (ESA) and mobile communications standards body
        two already orbiting the Earth, it is entering the first phase of its   3GPP. Complying with  such standards  is  said  by the  company
        constellation  and  opening  its  commercial  phase.  The  Spanish   to be the key to making the craft scalable, and easy to maintain
        company has recently raised €13.5m. In addition to the €6m from   and  update,  allowing for the  progressive  deployment  of the
        Banco Santander, €5m has come from a convertible note, and the   constellation according to customer demands. The firm believes
        remaining €2.5m from a participative loan from public company   its offer will start with connectivity services for IoT applications
        Avançsa. Sateliot said these funds, along with the start of Series B,   such as agriculture, which only require two daily messages, and
        will allow it to advance its technology development, launch the four   end  with  real-time  services  worldwide.  This  way,  Sateliot  can
        satellites  and  strengthen  its  team for  the  complete deployment   provide  service  with  its  first-phase  constellation  as  opposed  to
        of its  constellation  in  2027/2028,  providing  real-time  coverage   other  companies  that  need  to deploy  many more  satellites  for
        worldwide. The four satellites comprise cubesats, each 20 x 10 x   a similar commercial start. Sateliot has already built up a sales
                                                               pipeline of more than €1bn, with companies boasting a diversified
                                                               range of use cases and geographies. Sateliot will now begin billing
                                                               the €187m of binding orders with over 350 clients in more than 50
                                                               countries worldwide. With these recurring revenues, the company
                                                               aims to generate €500m in revenue by 2027 and become a $1bn
                                                               revenue company by 2030. Commenting on the launches, Sateliot
                                                               CEO and co-founder Jaume Sanpera said: “We are ready to enter
                                                               a new dimension, both technologically and commercially. We are
                                                               closer to becoming the first IoT constellation operating worldwide
                                                               under the 5G standard, and we will place Spain at the forefront of
                                                               the New Space revolution.”

        Algerie Telecom Turns to Satellites to Improve Connectivity

        Algérie Télécom is increasing partnerships to improve telecoms   services in  the  country.  This  should also  help  accelerate  the
        services on the national market. The incumbent operator signed a   Algerian  government's  ambition  to develop  the  “information
        memorandum of understanding with its competitor Ooredoo last   society” through infrastructure, telecommunications means  and
        January, about two weeks after concluding a similar agreement   the use of ICT. Furthermore, the executive has made improving the
        with Djezzy. Algérie Télécom signed a partnership agreement with   quality of connectivity and the generalization of access to high and
        Algérie  Télécom  Satellite  (ATS)  last  week.  The  two subsidiaries   very high speed Internet one of the priorities of its general policy.
        of the Algérie Télécom Group are committed to working together   As a reminder, Algeria  had  50.5  million  subscribers  to mobile
        to improve connectivity services for citizens and businesses. As   telephone  services  in  the  third quarter of 2023,  according  to
        part of this collaboration, both parties will implement a series of   statistics from the Post and Electronic Communications Authority
        initiatives while leveraging each other's skills and expertise. These   (ARPCE). The number of Internet users was 52.2 million.
        include the implementation of innovative professional solutions,
        the integration of cutting-edge technologies and the modernization
        of  telecommunications  networks.  The  partnership  is  part  of
        Algérie  Telecom's global strategy  focused on technological
        innovation and continuous improvement of service quality. To this
        end, the company has already signed agreements with players in
        the telecoms sector such as Djezzy and Ooredoo. It is now turning
        to satellites, because the said technology offers a greater range
        allowing it to reach even populations living in rural, remote areas
        and difficult to access for its terrestrial networks. This initiative is
        therefore expected to help improve the adoption of connectivity

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