Page 94 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
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                                              WHOLESALE NEWS

        Lifecell 5G in Roaming Available Now in 47 Countries

        Lifecell  subscribers  have  been  able  to use  5G  mobile  Internet   iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max,
        in  roaming  for almost  a  year. The  operator provided  this  option   iPhone 14. The smartphone is gaining popularity among Android
        for lifecell  roaming  in  47  countries, if  the  smartphone  supports   users Galaxy A53 5G, which is used to connect to the 5G network.
        this  standard.  Now in  Australia,  Austria,  Argentina,  Belgium,   In 2019, lifecell and Ericsson Ukraine deployed a demo segment
        Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Greece, Denmark, Dominican   of the fifth generation network and conducted a successful speed
        Republic,  Estonia,  Israel,  Iceland,  Spain,  Italy,  Kazakhstan,   test, during which a peak data download throughput of 25.6 Gbps
        Canada,  Qatar, China,  Cyprus, Kuwait, Latvia,  Liechtenstein.  ,   was achieved in the ultra-high frequency band of 28 GHz. In 2020,
        Netherlands,  Germany,  Norway,  United  Arab  Emirates,  Oman,   the operator rolled out a 5G test segment at its central office to
        Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia,   explore the technology’s capabilities.
        Taiwan,  Thailand,  Turkey, Hungary, Finland,  France. Sweden,
        lifecell  subscribers  with  5G  gadgets  can  take  advantage  of this
        generation of communication. The list of countries where the new
        communication standard will be available to lifecell subscribers is
        constantly increasing, a detailed list can be found on the lifecell
        website.  Since  May  2023,  when  5G  roaming  became  available
        to lifecell  subscribers, almost  200,000  people  have  used  this
        opportunity. The top 5 countries where the most lifecell subscribers
        use  5G  are  Germany, Romania, the  Czech Republic, Spain  and
        Turkey /strong>. The largest amount of GB per 5G subscriber in
        Germany is about 14 GB, in Turkey this indicator is about 10 GB, in
        the Netherlands – 9 GB. The rather high rates of mobile Internet
        consumption in roaming are influenced by the possibility of using
        tariff Internet  from  the  lifecell  promotion “Gigabytes  without
        borders”. The most popular devices on which lifecell subscribers
        use 5G are Apple smartphones. Among them: iPhone 14 Pro Max,
        iPhone  13,  iPhone  13  Pro Max,  iPhone  12  Pro Max,  iPhone  12,

        ACCC Inquiry Leads to Wholesale Telecoms Revisions

        New telco rules are on its way following the Australian Competition   services are accessed as well as how competition is protecting its
        and Consumer Commission (ACCC) report reviewing its telecoms   citizens. The ACCC has decided it will allow the currently declared
        regulations. Launched in May 2023, the ACCC began a combined   unconditioned  local loop and  line  sharing  services to expire  on
        public inquiry into whether nine wholesale telecoms services that   30th June 2024. “While these two legacy network access services
        support the provision of broadband, voice and data transmission   once enabled greater competition on Telstra’s fixed line network,
        services should continue to be regulated.  At present,  telecoms   the  number  of  consumers and  businesses  using  them  is  fast
        services in Australia are typically unregulated unless the services   approaching zero due to migration to networks such as the NBN,”
        are declared. The  decision  to declare a service is  based  on the   said  Anna  Brakey,  commissioner at  the  ACCC.  In  addition,  the
        ACCC being satisfied that said declaration would be in the best   regulator also found that other parts of Telstra’s fixed line network
        interests  of its  citizens.  The  nine  declared  services  included   continue to show bottleneck and natural monopoly characteristics
        in  the  inquiry  were,  domestic  transmission  capacity  service,   for  voice and  broadband services.  This  is  particularly prevalent
        wholesale  line  rental,  local  carriage  service, wholesale  ADSL   in in regional and remote areas, as well as outside the NBN fixed
        service, unconditioned local loop service, line sharing service, fixed   line network. As a result, the ACCC will extend the declarations of
        originating access service, fixed terminating access service and   wholesale line rental, the local carriage service and the wholesale
        domestic mobile terminating access service. As part of the inquiry,   ADSL service for a further five years. “In the absence of alternative
        the  ACCC  investigated  how recent  developments,  including  the   services that can compete as close substitutes to these fixed line
        completion of the National Broadband Network (NBN) and declining   services, we decided that extending their declarations was in the
        use  of  Telstra’s  copper network,  have  changed  how telecoms   long-term  interests  of consumers.  These  services  will  promote

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