Page 86 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 86


        Uzbekistan Unleashes the Power of Starlink Satellite Internet to Drive Digital


        Uzbekistan  is  making  significant  strides   connectivity.  The  introduction of Starlink   and  engagement  with  the  digital  world.
        towards  achieving  digital  inclusivity  by   has  the  potential  to be a game-changer   Nevertheless,  as  Uzbekistan  embarks on
        partnering  with  SpaceX to bring Starlink   for Uzbekistan’s  economy,  education   this  technological leap, it  must confront
        satellite  services  to  its  territory.  This   system, healthcare services, and business   two critical challenges. Firstly, affordability
        collaboration  aims  to  revolutionize  sectors. With  high-speed  internet  at their   is  paramount in ensuring  that Starlink
        internet  access  throughout the  nation,   fingertips,  remote  and  rural  communities   services  are  accessible  to  the  average
        especially in areas with historically limited   can  anticipate  unprecedented  growth   citizen.  While  innovative  services  often
                                                                                 come  with  a hefty  price tag, economic
                                                                                 accessibility  is  key  to  bridging  the
                                                                                 digital  divide  effectively.  Secondly,  the
                                                                                 environmental  impact of deploying  a
                                                                                 multitude  of satellites  into orbit cannot
                                                                                 be  overlooked. The  issue  of space  debris
                                                                                 has  raised  global  concerns,  compelling
                                                                                 countries  like  Uzbekistan  to consider the
                                                                                 sustainability and planetary consequences
                                                                                 of embracing advanced technologies.  In
                                                                                 conclusion, Uzbekistan  is  forging  ahead
                                                                                 into the  future by embracing Starlink
                                                                                 and  pushing  for digital  advancement
                                                                                 while  remaining cognizant  of the  broader
                                                                                 aspects of affordability and environmental
                                                                                 preservation. This well-balanced approach
                                                                                 may serve as a blueprint for other nations
                                                                                 seeking to embark on a similar journey of
                                                                                 technological empowerment.

        Ofcom Commits to Making More Spectrum Available to Meet the Growing

        Demand for Satellite Services

        Ofcom  has  published  three  documents   material  impacts  on  incumbent  Spectrum   views  by  14  June  2024  and  plan  to  set
        which aim to enable more spectrum access   Access licensees; propose to enable some   out  our next  steps  later  this  year.  Finally,
        for the growing satellite connectivity sector   additional  spectrum access  for satellite   Ofcom  is  proposing to grant  an earth
        in the UK. Satellite operators offer a range   land terminals – the dishes and antennas   station  network  license  to  Kepler  for its
        of broadband services in  the  UK,  such   used by customers to connect to a satellite   constellation of non-geostationary orbiting
        as  helping  to  better  connect  homes  and   network – and fixed links; and seek views   (NGSO) satellites. Ofcom has received an
        businesses in hard-to-reach rural areas, as   on demand for  unused  28  GHz  spectrum   application  from Kepler  to  cover  its  use
        well as on trains, in the air and at sea. We   blocks  in  London and  Northern  Ireland.   of terminals – which can be on a building,
        are also proposing to make more 28 GHz   We are inviting feedback on the proposals   in the air or at sea. Kepler already has 15
        spectrum  available  for  use  by  fixed  links.   by 31  May 2024,  and  plan  to publish  our   satellites  in  orbit and  plans  to launch  a
        In  our decision  and  further  proposals  on   decision later this year. We are also inviting   total of 140 satellites. It says it will use its
        the  27.5-30  GHz  (‘28  GHz’)  band  we: set   input on the possibility of making spectrum   network to support a host of applications,
        out our decision, following consultation, to   in the Q and V bands (37.5-43.5 GHz, 47.2-  from store and forward-based IoT services
        make  560  MHz  more  spectrum  available   50.2 GHz and 50.4-52.4 GHz), and E band   to real-time data transfer services when the
        for  use  by earth  station  gateways, which   (71-76  GHz  and  81-86  GHz)  available  for   network  reaches  full  deployment.  We  are
        are large dishes on the ground that connect   satellite  gateway earth  stations.  This  is   inviting comments on Kepler’s application,
        a satellite network to the internet; propose   something  which satellite  operators who   and  on  our proposal  to grant  the  license,
        to  introduce a  new  mechanism  to  enable   responded  to our 2022  Space Spectrum   by 29 April 2024. We will take into account
        satellite gateway access to the whole band,   Strategy consultation said will be important   all  responses  to this  consultation  before
        subject to consultation processes to avoid   to enable future services. We are seeking   reaching a final decision.

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