Page 25 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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        to  increase  data  security  and  reliability,   drive  digital  transformation  regionally.  In   and  service  verification  completed  by  the
        predominately through the implementation   partnership with Huawei, we are now laying   stc  Group  and  Huawei  is  based  on the
        of the mainstream technology, GPON/10G   the  foundations for  the  next-generation   existing  access  platform and  wavelength
        PON. In recent years, the rapid development   of connectivity via 50G PON, ensuring we   specifications  that  comply  with  industry
        of  various  new  services,  such  as   continue  to improve  user  experience  and   standards.  The  service can coexist  with
        Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality   accelerate  digital  transformation  with   the 10G PON on stc’s live optical network,
        (VR), has promoted the evolution of optical   leading networks." Feng Zhishan, President   proving its stable high rate and low latency.
        access  technologies.  Currently,  50G  PON   of  Optical  Access  Network  Product  Line   This signifies a seamless evolution of the
        [1] is considered the next-generation PON   at  Huawei,  said,  "Huawei  will  leverage   PON network, laying solid foundations for
        technology  across  the  industry,  including   its  continuous  R&D  investment  in  50G   large-scale deployment of 50G PON in the
        operators and  equipment vendors. Bader   PON technologies to help stc Group build   future. This verification test is a key step in
        Allhieb,  Infrastructure  VP  of  stc  Group,   advanced optical access networks, provide   leading the way to the next generation of the
        said: "As a digital champion in the Middle   premium network  connections  for homes   industry  and  joint  technology  innovation.
        East,  stc  has  been  active  in  adopting  the   and  enterprises,  and  lead  the  industry
        industry's  leading  technology  solutions  to   development."  The  50G  PON  technology

                                             e& Named MEA’s Most Valuable Portfolio of
                                             Telecom Brands, by Brand Finance

        e&  (formerly known as  Etisalat  Group)
        has consolidated its position as the most
        valuable portfolio of telecom brands in the
        Middle  East  and  Africa  (MEA),  according
        to the 2023 Brand Finance Global 500 Re-
        port released at the World Economic Forum
        (WEF)  in  Davos. Highlighting  its  transfor-
        mation efforts into a global technology and
        investment conglomerate, e& has achieved
        remarkable business growth and unwaver-
        ing stakeholder confidence in 2022, with its
        portfolio of brands now exceeding a total
        value of US$14 billion. This reflects the suc-
        cess of the Group's business strategy over
        the past year, which has introduced further
        improvements  in  customer  service,  more
        people-focused products and  new digital
        services across its specialist business ver-
        ticals.  etisalat  by  e&,  the  Group's  largest
        telecom  brand,  also  retained  its  position   pushing the boundaries of technology and   the  emergence  of  the  metaverse.  "As  we
        as the strongest telecom brands across all   service excellence, we have emerged as an   help usher in the next wave of digital tech
        categories in the MEA region, achieving a   inspiring  global  technology  conglomerate;   transformation, we will continue exploring
        score of 89.1 out of 100 and a AAA rating,   this  international  recognition  makes  us   new business models in the digital space.
        according  to the  report.  It  was also  rated   extremely proud," he said. “We will contin-  Our strategic priority is to drive new part-
        one of the top three telecom brands in the   ue to earn the trust of our customers and   nerships  and  investment  opportunities
        world, due to its market reach, operational   stakeholders by developing and innovating   that  will accelerate  the  growth of all  our
        capabilities, and outstanding customer ser-  cutting-edge  products and  services that   business  verticals.”  "With  sustainability  at
        vice  record.  Hatem  Dowidar,  GCEO  of  e&,   meet the needs of our 162 million subscrib-  the heart of everything we do, the e& ESG
        said the Group’s endorsement by the Brand   ers in 16 countries across the Middle East,   framework has become an integral part of
        Finance was both humbling and a worthy   Asia and Africa," Dowidar added. Dowidar   the Group's business model. We have suc-
        reflection  of  the  UAE’s  unstinting  com-  said  that  e&  had  made  significant  strides   cessfully  created  an  ecosystem in  which
        mitment  to  unlock  economic growth  and   in  Artificial  Intelligence  (AI),  blockchain,   we  operate,  communicate  and  deliver  our
        potential  through its  investment  in  state-  Virtual  Reality  (VR),  Augmented  Reality   products and services to stakeholders and
        of-the-art  infrastructure  and  digital  trans-  (AR),  the  Internet  of  Things  (IoT),  cloud   customers, enabling us to be a key player
        formation. "Guided by our 46-year legacy of   computing,  and  technologies  supporting   in the search for clean and green solutions.

                                                                                             25   JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2023
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