Page 143 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
P. 143


                         The  Tanzania  Communications  Regulatory  Authority   regulator said that unverified active SIM cards would be
                         (TCRA) has extended the deadline for mobile users to   barred  from receiving  or providing  services  after  that
                         verify  active  SIM  cards  using  their  personal  National   date, in order to prevent fraud and ensure user safety.
                         Identification Number (NIN). The original deadline of 31   (January 26, 2023) The Citizen
        Tanzania         January has now been postponed to 13 February. The

                         The communications regulator approved two separate   have given the companies until the end of June 2024 to
                         mergers  of  the  country's  major  telecom  operators.   correct the problem through returning, exchanging, or
                         Following the decisions, Taiwan Mobile will merge with   trading the extra bandwidth. The approval process has
                         Taiwan  Star  Telecom,  while  Far  EasTone  will  be  able   taken almost a year, with applications being submitted in
        Taiwan           to merge with Asia Pacific Telecom. But the two new   February and March last year. The decisions still have to
                                                                        obtain approval from Taiwan's Fair-Trade Commission.
                         enterprises arising from the mergers will each exceed
                         legally mandated bandwidth limits. That's why regulators   (January 18, 2023)

                         The  telecoms  sector  incurred  around  USD1.8  billion   telecommunication and  critical infrastructure in  the
                         worth of damages in six months after Russia’s invasion   temporarily occupied  and war-affected territories of
                         in  February  2022,  according  to  a  report  from  UN   Ukraine.’ The economic losses of the telecoms market
                         agency  the  International  Telecommunication  Union   were estimated at over USD100 million in six months,
        Ukraine          (ITU),  cited  by  Capacity  Media.  The  ITU  said  that  in   with  companies  providing  22%  fewer  services  than
                         the  first  six  months  of  the  war  damage  was  done  to
                                                                        before  the  start  of  the  war,  while  ‘three  out  of  seven
                         communications infrastructure in more than ten out of   operators providing  mobile communication  services
                         24 Ukrainian regions. As of July 2022, 12.2% of homes   and  961  out  of  4,482  fixed  internet  service  providers
                         lost access to mobile communications services (3.1%   of Ukraine  are  under  occupation’  according  to the
                         partially) and 11% of base stations of mobile operators   report.  The  ITU  Council  adopted  Resolution  1408  on
                         were  out  of  service,  while  20%  of  the  country’s   ‘Assistance and support to Ukraine for rebuilding their
                         telecommunication infrastructure  was damaged or   telecommunication  sector’  to monitor and  provide
                         destroyed.  ‘Direct  damage’  of  telecommunications   regular reports on the country’s needs in telecoms and
                         facilities,  networks,  systems  and  equipment  was   to prepare proposals for effective technical assistance.
                         estimated at USD710 million. The report added: ‘Since   It also aims to carry out assessments of the impact of
                         the beginning of military attacks, with the purpose of   the war and to ensure ‘adequate financial and human
                         using the facilities in its interests and for its own needs,   resources  mobilization’,  including  the  internal  budget
                         the  aggressor either  destroyed completely or  seized   for the implementation of proposed actions.
                         the  regular  operation  of public  and  private  terrestrial   (January 10, 2023)

                          Ofcom  has  launched  a  review  to  examine  whether   British telecoms regulator Ofcom has set out four ‘key
                          inflation-linked, mid-contract price rises give phone and   expectations’ for the nation’s mobile network operators
                          broadband  customers  sufficient  certainty  and  clarity   (MNOs) with regards to what happens when they switch
                          about what they can expect to pay. We are concerned   off their  2G  and 3G  networks. With  network closures
        United            about the degree of uncertainty consumers face about   expected to happen over the course of the next decade,
                                                                        the watchdog has said it aims to ensure consumers are
                          future price rises specified in contracts on the basis of
        Kingdom           inflation. The unpredictability of inflation rates means   treated fairly and can continue to access the services
                          it can be difficult to know – months in advance – what   they need, even though Ofcom does not have a formal
                          an  inflation-linked  price  rise  will  equate  to  in  pounds   role in the switch-off process. In short, it expects the
                          and  pence  when  consumers  enter  a  contract.  Our   MNOs  to:  minimize  impact  by  ensuring  an  equivalent
                          preliminary  research  (XLSX,  20.5  KB)  has  found  that   level  of coverage  post  switch-off; explain  in  contract
                          around a third of mobile and  broadband customers   information when service will no longer work due to a
                          do not know whether their provider can increase their   planned network shutdown; provide a minimum of three
                          price.  Among  those  who  do  know  their  provider  can   to six months’ notice of steps customers need to take
                          increase their price, around half do not know how this   should  they  need  to  replace  or  update  their  handset;
                          would be calculated. And nearly half of all customers do   and identify services that will be impacted by network
                          not know what CPI and RPI measure.            switch-offs,  such  as  telecare  alarms  and  payment
                          (February 9, 2023)           terminals,  and  raise  awareness  so  that  relevant
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