Page 49 - SAMENA Trends - Gitex Special 2023
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        role will  allow  the company to  gain and   Jordan, Morocco and Pakistan,  as  well   will  also be used  to support  a  variety
        provide insights into the initiatives the   as the broader digital world to accelerate   of applications, such  as telemedicine,
        DCO  is  undertaking  across  member   the growth of the digital economy across   education and agriculture.
        nations,  including Saudi  Arabia, Bahrain,   DCO  member populations. The network

        Ofcom Measures to Encourage Satellite Connectivity for Maritime Services

        and Protect Other Services

        Ofcom has today made changes to its Earth Station Networks li-
        cense to confirm that NGSO satellites can deliver the latest space-
        based broadband services to ships and boats.   At the same time,
        the new measures are designed to help us protect other services,
        such as radio astronomy, from harmful interference.   Every satel-
        lite operator providing broadband services in the UK must hold an
        Earth Station Network license. These licenses authorize access
        to spectrum so that ground-based terminals can communicate
        with satellites.  To ensure all providers of UK satellite services can
        access the spectrum in a similar way, we have made the following
        changes to the current Earth Station Network license:
        •   Explicit authorization  for earth stations on  boats, ships and
          offshore installations that connect to non-geostationary orbit
          (NGSO) satellites. This clarifies that these services are permitted   from harmful interference caused by NGSO systems.
          in the territorial seas of the UK, Isle of Man and Channel Islands,   •  A new definition of the geographic boundaries of the license.
          and ensures that all NGSO services – whether on land, sea or   The  new/updated license  will  be  issued  to all  new applicants
          air – all operate under the same license conditions.    granted an Earth Station Network license in future. The updated
        •  New license conditions to support the protection of geostationary   terms will be issued to all existing license holders in the form of a
          orbit (GSO) satellite services, radio astronomy and fixed links   variation to their current licenses.

        SpaceX Launches Starlink Satellites on Record-Breaking 62nd Mission of

        the Year

        SpaceX just set a new launch record. The company sent 21 of   from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 10:47 p.m. EDT
        its  Starlink internet  satellites to orbit atop a  Falcon 9 rocket   (0247 GMT on Sept. 4). It was SpaceX's 62nd orbital mission of
                                                               2023, setting a new record for most flights in a year, according
                                                               to company founder and CEO Elon Musk. The old mark was set
                                                               in 2022. The Falcon 9's first stage came back to Earth as plane.
                                                               It touched down about 8.5 minutes after liftoff on the drone ship
                                                               Just Read the Instructions, which was stationed in the Atlantic
                                                               Ocean. It  was  the 10th launch and landing  for this particular
                                                               booster, according to a SpaceX mission description. The Falcon
                                                               9's upper  stage,  meanwhile,  kept on flying. It's scheduled  to
                                                               deploy the 21 Starlink satellites into low Earth orbit (LEO) about
                                                               65  minutes  after  liftoff.  The launch was  part  of a  big day  for
                                                               SpaceX. The company is also bringing home the four astronauts
                                                               of its Crew-6 mission, who had been at the International Space
                                                               Station (ISS) since March. Crew-6's Crew Dragon capsule, named
                                                               Endeavour, departed the ISS a little after 7 a.m. EDT (1100 GMT)
                                                               today. It will splash down in the ocean off the Florida coast at
                                                               around 12:17 a.m. EDT (0417 GMT).

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