Page 46 - SAMENA Trends - Gitex Special 2023
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        Kuwait Ranks ‘63rd’ in World in Digital Quality of Life Index

        Surfshark’s  5th annual Digital Quality  of
        Life Index (DQL) ranks Kuwait 63rd in the
        world. Out of the Index’s 5 pillars, Kuwait
        performed best in internet quality, claiming
        26th  place, while  facing challenges in
        e-security,  ranking 104th.  The  nation
        ranks 35th in internet affordability, 45th in
        e-infrastructure, and 66th in egovernment.
        In  the overall  Index, Kuwait  lags  behind
        Saudi Arabia  (45th)  and Qatar  (48th).
        In Asia, Kuwait takes 19th place, with
        Singapore  the leader in  the region. “In
        many nations,  ‘digital quality of life’
        has  merged into  the broader concept  of
        overall ‘quality of life’.  There’s no  other
        way to look at it now that so many daily   •  Kuwaitis  have to work  59  minutes   e-infrastructure makes it easy for people to
        activities, including work, education, and   a  month  to  afford  fixed  broadband   use the internet for various daily activities,
        leisure, are done online.  That’s why it’s   internet. While this is less than average,   such as working, studying, shopping, etc.
        crucial  to pinpoint the areas in which a   it is 3 times more than in Romania, which   This  pillar  evaluates  how high internet
        nation’s digital quality of life thrives and   has  the  world’s  most  affordable  fixed   penetration  is  in  a  given country, as  well
        where attention  is needed,  which  is the   internet  (Romanians have to  work  18   as its network readiness  (readiness
        precise  purpose  of the DQL  Index”,  says   minutes a month to afford it).  to  take advantage of Information and
        Gabriele Racaityte-Krasauske, Surfshark’s   •  Kuwaitis  have to work  1  hour  22   Communication  Technologies).  Kuwait’s
        spokeswoman. Kuwait’s internet quality is   minutes 36 seconds  a  month  to afford   internet penetration is high (99% – 6th in
        21% higher than the global average.    mobile internet. This is  5  times  more   the world), and the country ranks 61st in
        •  Fixed  internet  averages  179  Mbps  in   than  in  Luxembourg, which has  the   network readiness.
          Kuwait.  To  put that  into perspective,   world’s most affordable mobile internet   The e-government pillar  shows  how
          the  world’s  fastest  fixed  internet  –   (Luxembourgers have to work 16 minutes   advanced a government’s digital services
          Singapore’s – is 300 Mbps. Meanwhile,   a month to afford it). Kuwait is 104th in   are  and  the  level  of  Artificial  Intelligence
          the slowest fixed internet in the world –   the world in e-security.  The  e-security   (AI)  readiness a  country  demonstrates.
          Yemen’s – is 11 Mbps.                pillar measures how well a  country is   Kuwait’s  e-government  is  similar  to the
        •  Mobile internet averages 210 Mbps. The   prepared to  counter  cybercrime, as   global average. Globally,  the internet  is
          fastest  mobile internet –  the UAE’s  –   well as how advanced a country’s data   more affordable than last year.
          is 310 Mbps, while the world’s slowest   protection laws are.          •  Fixed  internet  is  11%  more  affordable
          mobile internet  – Venezuela’s  – is   In this pillar, Kuwait  lags behind Saudi   than last year – on average, people have
          10 Mbps. Compared  to Saudi Arabia,   Arabia (42nd) and Qatar (67th). Kuwait is   to work  42  minutes less a  month to
          Kuwait’s  mobile  internet  is  15%  faster,   unprepared  to  fight  against  cybercrime,   afford it.
          while  fixed  broadband  is  63%  faster.   the country  has  no data  protection   •  Mobile  internet  is  26%  more  affordable
          The  internet  is affordable  in Kuwait   laws.  Kuwait  is 45th in e-infrastructure   than last year – people have to work 41
          compared to other countries.       and 66th  in  e-government. Advanced   minutes less to afford it.

        Pakistan Ranks 9th Globally in Mobile Connectivity with 165 million Users

        In a remarkable feat for Pakistan, the nation   a world increasingly interconnected  by   positions as the top two countries with the
        has propelled itself into the global spotlight   technology, the latest  data  on cell phone   highest number of cell phone users.
        by securing a spot in the top 10 rankings   usage reveals that  China and India have   China - 1.6 billion users
        of countries with the highest  number  of   emerged as the undisputed champions of   China,  the most populous  country  in the
        cell phone users. With an impressive 165   mobile  communication,  with a combined   world, leads the pack with a  staggering
        million mobile phone users, Pakistan now   user base  of over 2.8  billion  people.   1.6  billion cell  phone  users. With its
        stands shoulder to shoulder-with global   According to  recent  statistics, these   rapid technological  advancements and
        giants such as China and India, showcasing   two Asian giants are setting the pace for   widespread access to affordable mobile
        its rapid strides in mobile connectivity. In   global mobile connectivity, solidifying their   devices, China's  mobile market  has  seen

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