Page 41 - SAMENA Trends - Gitex Special 2023
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        future-proofed in a  responsible  manner.  Tech  Mahindra’s  Ops   investments  in the AI space, comprehensive knowledge  of
        amplifAIer solution integrates with existing ITOps tools to collect   customer needs, and expertise in fostering digital transformation
        the contextual information related to an IT ticket/alert and uses   within the enterprise. Ops  amplifAIer will  drive unprecedented
        generative AI to analyze the collected data. It further identifies the   efficiency  in  enterprises,  being  agnostic  to  work  in  any  type  of
        probable root cause, diagnose, recommend remediation actions,   organization to eliminate the complexity from everyday work. The
        and generate the corresponding automation scripts. The solution   launch  of generative AI-powered Ops  amplifAIer is  in line with
        comes with an enterprise automation catalogue that enables the   Tech  Mahindra’s continuous  endeavor to transform enterprises
        reuse of  automation  artefacts like scripts or workflows  across   with advanced  AI-led offerings  and solutions,  along with its
        the enterprise. Hasit Trivedi, CTO – Digital Services and Global   recent addition of Email amplifAIer, Enterprise Knowledge Search
        Head - AI, Tech Mahindra, says, “Enterprises have a system for   offering, Evangelize Pair Programming and Generative AI Studio.
        every team such as the HRMS for HR, FMS for Finance, CRM for
        sales, etc. But there is no single system focused on IT support
        engineers. While there are multiple ITOps tools and each of them
        has core strengths, but they lack completeness and hence, support
        engineers must log into multiple tools and toggle between them
        numerous times to analyze and resolve the tickets. Enterprises are
        looking for technology that addresses modern workplace issues
        quickly to accelerate value and bring efficiency. With our know-
        how of customer context and in-depth expertise in AI technology,
        we developed  Ops amplifAIer  to accelerate  the automation  of
        complex IT processes. Our Ops amplifAIer solution is designed
        by putting the support engineer at the center. It enables them to
        analyze and resolve issues faster with generative AI assistance.”
        In addition, Ops amplifAIer enables collaboration between team
        members and a generative AI chatbot for assistance. The solution
        also attempts to protect enterprise IT knowledge like workflows/
        scripts from being bound to vendor-specific platforms and tools.
        The unified operations console reduces the need for IT support
        engineers  to log into multiple ITOps tools. The contextual data
        collected allows generative AI to perform most of the activities that
        a support engineer does today. With Tech Mahindra’s distinctive

                                             Zain and  Pioneers  Systems  Agreement to Develop

                                             IoT Solutions

        Zain Saudi Arabia and Pioneers  Systems
        have inked an  agreement  to develop IoT
        solutions,  manufacture  specialized
        products  locally,  and  support  the
        Kingdom’s   capabilities  to  achieve
        sustainable digital services innovation.
        Saudi-based Pioneers Systems’ CEO Subhi
        Alghamdi stated: ‘Having already achieved
        remarkable milestones  in localizing the
        production  of point-of-sale devices  and
        medical respirators, our cooperation with
        Zain will open the door wide for us to work
        together  in localizing innovation in the
        telecommunications  and digital  services
        sectors   through  developing  and
        manufacturing  advanced   electronic
        products  for advanced  applications such
        as  the  Internet  of  Things,  Artificial
        Intelligence, and more.’

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