Page 85 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
P. 85


        Pakistan Begins Paving Way to 5G Spectrum Auction

                                                               Pakistan’s  government  has established  an advisory  committee
                                                               to prepare for the auction of 5G spectrum, the Express Tribune
                                                               reports. The committee will be headed by the Finance Minister, and
                                                               will include eleven other Ministers and senior officials, including
                                                               the IT and Telecom and Science and Technology Ministers, the
                                                               Chairman of the Pakistan  Telecommunication  Authority (PTA)
                                                               and the Frequency Allocation Board (FAB) Executive Director. The
                                                               group  will  review the available spectrum  resources and submit
                                                               a  plan to maximize the utilization of the airwaves.  Also, to be
                                                               considered are telecom reforms and incentives for the promotion
                                                               of the development of the 5G  ecosystem. The government  is
                                                               aiming to complete the auction  of 5G frequencies  by  January
                                                               2023 at the latest.

        Australian Minister Issues Policy Statement for the 3.4GHz-4.0GHz Band

        Paul  Fletcher,  Australia’s  Minister  for Communications,  Urban   tified in the 2021-26 Five Year Spectrum Outlook for re-planning
        Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts, has issued a Ministerial Pol-  and future allocation. Four communications policies specified in
        icy Statement (MPS)  for the 3.4GHz-4.0GHz  band, setting out   the MPS cover: supporting the deployment of new and innovative
        ‘policies of the Government that the Australian Communications   technology, including 5G; supporting a range of use cases and
        and Media Authority (ACMA) must have regard to in performing   users; supporting digital connectivity and investment in regional
        its  spectrum  management  functions  and exercising its  spec-  Australia; and promoting competitive markets. Notably, the MPS
        trum management powers  with respect  to the  spectrum  band   is the first released following recent reforms to the Radiocommu-
        in question’. In a press release regarding the matter, it was not-  nications Act 1992, which formalised the ability of the country’s
        ed that the MPS is specifically intended to apply to the ACMA’s   communications minister to provide high-level policy guidance to
        decisions  regarding  the 3.4GHz-4.0GHz  band (remote  areas),   the ACMA with regards to the Government’s policies for spectrum
        the 3400MHz-3575MHz band (excluding remote areas) and the   management through the issue of an MPS.
        3.7GHz-4.0GHz band (excluding remote areas), which were iden-

        FCC Targets VoIP Duo Over Spam Call Failings

        The   US    Federal  Communications  implementation  commitments,  the FCC   investigators and consumers.  Providers
        Commission  (FCC) toughened  its stance   stated. FCC chair  Jessica  Rosenworcel   which met an early implementation target
        on voice-over-IP (VoIP) service providers   said  the  regulator was  keeping a  close   of December  2020 were granted  certain
        Vonage and Bandwidth for failing to   watch as companies  implement  STIR/  conditional leniencies on implementing the
        implement spam call protections within an   SHAKEN  and “will  hold companies   framework up to the mid-2021  deadline
        agreed timeline. As a result, the FCC referred   accountable  if they fail to meet  their   for full deployment. The  FCC’s Wireline
        Vonage and Bandwidth to its Enforcement   commitments to protect consumers from   Competition  Bureau  handled  Bandwidth
        Bureau for failing to meet their respective   robocalls”.  Large providers were required   and Vonage before the  reference  to the
        STIR/SHAKEN commitments. For the past   to install STIR/SHAKEN throughout  the   enforcement division. In an email to Mobile
        several years, the FCC has been adamant   IP  portions of their networks  by  end-  World Live, a  Bandwidth spokesperson
        US voice carriers implement STIR/SHAKEN   June  2021.  The STIR/SHAKEN  standards   said a small amount of legacy equipment
        standards to combat robocalls. Bandwidth   provide a  common  information  sharing   wasn’t able to support STIR/SHAKEN, but
        and Vonage were stripped  of their   language  between  networks to verify   it was working to remove traffic off of that
        respective partial  exemptions  from STIR/  caller ID  information which can then  be   equipment.
        SHAKEN after they failed to meet certain   used by  robocall blocking  tools, FCC

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