Page 81 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
P. 81


                                             REGULATORY NEWS

        GSMA Backs Mid-Band 5G to Deliver Global GDP Boost

        The GSMA reiterated calls for governments   noting as  demand grows  increased   impact. The report analyses the impact of
        to prioritize making mid-band  spectrum   network congestion and deployment   various government spectrum policies on
        available for 5G,  backing services using   costs could  “stifle” the technology.  It   economic  development  strategies, which
        the  frequencies to contribute  $610   added  network quality would suffer   the organization highlighted as a key area
        billion  to global GDP by 2030 should   without  sufficient  spectrum,  limiting  5G   of its ministerial program during MWC22
        sufficient  allocations  be  available.  The   adoption  and hampering  its  economic   Barcelona.
        lofty prediction was made by the industry
        association in its Socio-economic benefits
        of mid-band 5G services report released.
        It  forecast  5G  spectrum  in the mid-band
        range would drive a significant proportion
        of the $960  billion  socio-economic  value
        created by the latest network technology.
        Among the areas  the GSMA  cited as
        having  the  greatest  financial  benefits  are
        services including health and education,
        manufacturing and smart cities. However,
        the GSMA warned $360 billion of the GDP
        growth expected  to  be fueled  by  mid-
        band 5G  could  be lost  if  spectrum  was
        constrained  to levels currently available,

        NTIA, FCC Commit to Spectrum Management Changes

        US regulator the  Federal  Communica-  and propagation  models,  among other   holding monthly meetings to focus on joint
        tions Commission  (FCC) and the  Nation-  items.                         spectrum planning.  Roger Entner, found-
        al  Telecommunications and Information   •  Revamp Technical Collaboration. A   er  of  research company Recon  Analytics,
        Administration (NTIA) pledged to improve   commitment  to foster  proactive tech-  told Mobile World Live the agencies’ com-
        government  coordination on spectrum   nical exchange  and engagement  with   mitment to put the nation “ahead of their
        management,  an apparent response  to   industry and other federal agencies by   respective turfs” was  a  welcome  devel-
        a  recent  spat  with  the aviation  industry   participating in cross-agency  advisory   opment. “We can only win when the FCC
        over C-Band deployments.  The agencies   groups, beginning with the FCC partic-  and NTIA are working together  to bring
        formed the Spectrum Coordination Initia-  ipating as an observer in the a commit-  more spectrum, more quickly and without
        tive, committing to:                   tee advising NTIA chiefs and vice-versa.  hiccups to the best possible use. The new
        •  Renew efforts  to  develop a  national   Going forward, the FCC and NTIA pledged   cooperation will accelerate and harmonize
          spectrum  strategy.  NTIA and the FCC   they would work together to resolve spec-  the approach  to spectrum  management.”
          vowed to cooperate to develop a nation-  trum policy issues by holding regular for-  Creation of the spectrum initiative follows
          al spectrum strategy, increase transpar-  mal meetings on joint spectrum planning.   a fierce spat between the US aviation in-
          ency and establish long-term planning   In a statement, the agencies explained the   dustry involving the launch of 5G services
          and coordination.                  Spectrum Coordination Initiative will work   in C-Band spectrum by Verizon and AT&T.
        •  Recommit to scientific integrity and ev-  towards improving their “ability to address   The FAA has  repeatedly  expressed con-
          idence-based policymaking. The agen-  gaps  in  governmental  coordination”  by   cerns the 5G services could interfere with
          cies plan to create processes for spec-  updating  a  nearly  20-year  memorandum   aviation operations, with  the operators
          trum engineering compatibility analysis,   of understanding between  the two.  The   agreeing  to create buffers around  some
          including  a  compilation of principles,   Initiative also includes  recently-appoint-  airports. Hope springs eternal the new ini-
          guidelines,  accepted  technical  stan-  ed NTIA assistant  secretary  Alan David-  tiative will plant the seeds for better coop-
          dards, interference  protection  criteria   son and FCC chair Jessica Rosenworcel   eration going forward.

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