Page 25 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
P. 25


        AT&T Demonstrates 5G Capabilities for Department of Defense

        AT&T  successfully  completed  its  first   to its next stage:  delivering  AT&T 5G   including   identification,   recording,
        milestone toward proving the capabilities   across the 120,000 square foot Naval Base   organization,  storage,  retrieval,  and
        of its  5G network solution  to enable   Coronado  warehouse.  There, we expect   transportation of  materiel and  supplies.
        “smart warehouse” applications for the   to  efficiently  and  securely  connect  smart   Additionally, the project will create a proving
        Department of Defense’s Naval  Base   warehouse  application  infrastructure  ground for testing, refining, and validating
        Coronado in San Diego. AT&T’s 5G network   to provide high-speed,  low-latency  5G   emerging 5G-enabled technologies.
        solution  demonstrated data throughput   connectivity  for autonomous mobile   2.  Fort Hood,  Killeen,  TX – Augmented
        speeds greater than 4 gigabits per second   robots, video cameras, Internet of Things   Reality/Virtual Reality Training
        with less than 10 milliseconds of latency   (IoT), and AR/VR systems that will enable   This DOD 5G project  was  originally
        using AT&T 5G spectrum and a private 5G   inventory tracking,  transshipment and   designated for Joint Base Lewis-McChord
        Core and Radio  Access  Network  (RAN).   other elements of DOD’s objectives for the   in  Tacoma,  WA.  It  has  been  relocated
        This performance was demonstrated with   test. Following  successful  completion  of   by  DOD to U.S.  Army base Fort  Hood
        commercially available commodity mobile   that stage of the test, AT&T 5G is expected   near  Killeen,  Texas.  The  objective of this
        devices at a testbed facility in Richardson,   to  integrate  with  official  Navy  systems   project is  to  enable modular,  deployable
        Texas. In October 2020, the Department of   to enable Smart Warehouse  capabilities.   and secure  5G  connectivity  on currently
        Defense (DOD) announced $600 million in   DOD  selected  AT&T as  the primary  5G   available training devices, specifically the
        awards for 5G experimentation and testing   networking services provider for 2 of the 4   Instrument able Multiple Integrated Laser
        at five U.S. military test sites, representing   U.S. military test sites where it is testing   Engagement System (I-MILES) and the U.S.
        the largest full-scale 5G tests for dual-use   5G capabilities as part of DOD’s Tranche 1   Army’s Integrated Visual Augmentation
        applications  in the  world. DOD seeks to   experiments:                 System (IVAS). DOD is testing 5G support
        remain at the forefront of cutting-edge 5G   1. Naval Base Coronado, San Diego, CA –   for tactical edge use cases that integrate
        testing and experimentation to strengthen   5G Smart Warehousing         I-MILES and IVAS with Augmented Reality
        our  Nation’s  warfighting  capabilities  as   The objective of this project is to develop   and Virtual  Reality  (AR/VR) capabilities
        well as  U.S.  economic  competitiveness   a  5G-enabled Smart  Warehouse focused   to  conduct mission planning,  distributed
        in  this  critical  field.  AT&T’s  successful   on transshipment between shore facilities   training, and operations.
        demonstration  of its  5G networking   and naval units, to increase the efficiency
        capabilities allows the program to advance   and  fidelity  of  naval  logistic  operations,

        AT&T: Using Streetlights to Boost 5G Deployments in Cities

        Ever notice new  poles popping up with
        strange boxes and wires strung about
        along some streets? It’s most likely a 5G
        small  cell  site.  These  access points help
        deliver mobile  data to a localized  area,
        powering the connections you rely on for
        everything from a video conference on the
        go to streaming your favorite team in the
        playoffs. With ever-growing capabilities
        and sizeable shift in connectivity trends at
        home and on the go, it’s no surprise that
        data  consumption and demand  for high-
        speed connections has surged over the last
        few years. Keeping pace means continued
        expansion  and enhancement of the
        network, including more 5G small cell sites
        in areas where you live, work and play. One
        of the most significant challenges network
        operators face in  deploying new mobile
        network infrastructure is the time it takes   new 5G locations can take anywhere from   options for how 5G is deployed is exactly
        to work through the process of acquiring   12  to 18  months on average,  which also   what inspired the question and idea nearly
        sites, engineering designs,  and securing   means it’s  ripe  for innovative solutions.   three  years ago that I posed to smart
        permits – and that’s all before construction   Continuous process improvement is in our   solution  provider Ubicquia:  Why not plug
        even begins. Across the industry  adding   blood as engineers. Pushing the traditional   5G radios into  streetlights?  We quickly

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