Page 23 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
P. 23


                                             Zain Business  Introduces  Z-HUB:  All-New
                                             Integrated Hub to Serve SMEs Business Needs

        Zain, the leading digital service provider
        in Kuwait, introduces  Z-HUB,  an all-new,
        fully integrated hub to serve all  business
        needs  of  startups  and Small  &  Medium
        Enterprises (SMEs) in the Kuwaiti market.
        The hub offers a  wide range of  services
        and solutions in over 6 essential business
        areas  to  help SME  owners expand their
        businesses, take them towards the road of
        success,  and rise above the  competition.
        Z-HUB  gathers the best tools that serve
        the needs of SMEs in one place, focusing
        on six essential business areas including
        services for e-commerce, marketing, HR,
        location  and online presence,  insurance,
        tendering,  Zain Business solutions,  and
        more.  Zain  presents these services and
        more for the most competitive prices in the
        market. The new hub comes in collaboration
        with a number of SMEs specializing in the
        above-mentioned  areas.  Zain  will  design
        special  and exclusive offers for its SME
        customers in partnership with its partners   digital service provider in Kuwait  and   to ensure the swift  expansion of their
        to tailor each  offer to each  customer’s   the region.  We  hope this  step opens up   business. Zain offers special and exclusive
        unique business needs. The offerings are   entire  new  horizons in  front of  Kuwaiti   offers to its  customers,  tailored to every
        designed to maximize efficiency, increase   entrepreneurs”.  Al Marzouq  continued:   customer’s company, customer base, and
        productivity, elevate customer satisfaction   “Since  its  inception,  Zain has  always   business  partners,  ensuring  efficiency
        rates,  and reduce the time  needed  to   enjoyed a  solid ecosystem  of strategic   and flexibility in their everyday operations.
        process transactions all  while  cutting   partnerships  with the world’s top tech   The new hub features tools and solutions
        costs. Commenting on the announcement,   leaders,  making  it  the  first  destination  to   in over  six  essential business  areas,
        Zain Kuwait’s Chief  Enterprise Business   serve the technical needs of companies of   including  e-commerce  services  and
        Officer  Hamad  Al  Marzouq  said:  “We  are   all sizes. Today, we expand this ecosystem   integrated  platforms where customers
        proud  today to launch  Z-HUB, our  all-  by partnering with a number of SMEs, each   can manage their products  with  ease,
        new integrated hub to  serve the Kuwaiti   specializing in their respective industries,   marketing services like analysis, strategies
        startups market. Through this service, we   so that Z-HUB’s services  are offered   and branding  customizable  for every
        gather all  of our  most advanced, world-  by  entrepreneurs  for entrepreneurs. We   customer,  HR  services that  aid  business
        class solutions and put them in the hands   believe this will help  enrich  the spirit   owners  to manage their employees,
        of SME owners, supporting them to build   of joint collaboration and contribute  to   location services  to  help customers get
        a digital infrastructure for their business   developing  the local  SMEs  market”.  Al   recognized on Google  Maps  and create
        and  helping them  serve  their customers   Marzouq concluded: “This launch reflects   an online presence, insurance services to
        with utmost efficiency”. Al Marzouq added:   our continuous efforts to grow our services   provide consultation and risk assessment,
        “The Kuwaiti  market is  full of promising   portfolio for Kuwait’s SME community,   tendering  services to  facilitate  the
        talents, and we at Zain are well aware of the   who have grown to become a great part of   tendering  process  across all  sectors,  as
        important role played by SMEs in achieving   our corporate customer base. This is why   well as a wide range of tech services and
        economic  and social development  in   we will always be commitment to offering   tools from Zain Business.
        the nation. We believe SMEs  represent   such  refreshed  offerings  in line with our   The Z-HUB partners ecosystem features a
        a big part of the country’s production   digital transformation strategy that  aims   number of SMEs specializing in their own
        channels,  and  they  play  an  essential   at  empowering  a  more  efficient  business   respective industries, including:
        role in the growth of national economy.   sector in the Kuwaiti market”. Z-HUB is an   UPayments:
        That is why we are always committed to   integrated hub where customers can find   Online e-commerce tool to meet every
        offering them the best and most advanced   a  variety of services tailored to meet the   business need that includes UStore, Upay,
        solutions, especially that Zain is a leading   needs of SMEs in one user-friendly place   and Uinterface.

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