Page 63 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 63
In Kuwait and Bahrain, Zain in cybersecurity and risk management protected environments by providing
is providing its corporate were presented to ensure all operations wide range of services, including a DDOS
are aligned, work to enhance synergistic
(Distributed Denial of Service), a cloud-
customers secured and opportunities, and establish a strategic based service that proactively monitors
protected environments direction for risk management. customer traffic behavior and patterns to
provide a 24/7 remote detection, and risk
by providing wide range There are many aspects to establishing mitigation against DDoS attacks. Zain has
of services, including a a robust cybersecurity posture within multiple DDoS detection servers across
DDOS (Distributed Denial an organization, and certification is a the globe that detect and push necessary
way of ensuring internal processes and
policies to redirect the attacking traffic to
of Service), a cloud-based technologies are up to standard, while also scrubber devices that clean the traffic and
service that proactively giving a level of confidence to third-party send it back to the customer.
stakeholders that the organization takes
monitors customer traffic this aspect of its business seriously. Zain is helping the corporate customer
behavior and patterns to Given the growing importance of the in providing and building fully managed
services to manage their SOCs by providing
provide a 24/7 remote government and enterprise (B2B) segments them risk assessment and penetration
detection, and risk to Zain, it comes as no surprise that the tests, as well as defining the process and
mitigation against DDoS telecom operator has invested significantly policies for their SOCs, including the tools
in tailoring solutions for customers in this
and resources.
attacks. area, where the protection of digital assets
is arguably at its most critical. Zain Jordan has developed a state-of-
Program content extends to topics such the-art facility with a highly modernized
as malware/ransomware; two-factor Pursuing its desire to adhere to industry communications network and solid UT
authentication; password security; mobile/ best practices, operations across Zain’s infrastructure that qualifies as a TIER 3
laptop security, and is disseminated footprint continue to maintain their ISO Disaster-Recovery Center. Coined ‘The
throughout the organization via six distinct 27001 Information Security Management Bunker’, the facility is situated at the
channels (e-newsletters, posters, rollups, System Certifications. In 2019, Zain Kuwait King Hussein Business Park in Amman,
SMS, banners, screensavers). Additionally, went as far as achieving the ISO 22301 and is a certified data center that
‘train the trainer’ sessions are conducted Business Continuity Management System gives local, regional and international
for subject matter experts from Zain Certification and was first telco in Kuwait organizations the opportunity to host their
operating companies, while advanced and third in the region to receive M&O IT infrastructure and DR offices, while also
cybersecurity content has been developed Data Center Certification from Uptime offering clients a secure environment to
for technical staff. Institute recognizing the high international enhance their ICT business processes.
standards in its data center.
Sharing information is fundamental to In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Zain has
improving cybersecurity posture, and Zain Jordan has developed partnered with Samsung to launch a cloud-
having successfully hosted the first Risk based Enterprise Mobile Management
Synergy Forum in 2018, Zain’s Group Risk a state-of-the-art facility (EMM) solution to manage a fleet of
Management organized the second edition with a highly modernized devices, increasing business efficiency
of the event in Bahrain in October 2019. communications network and securing corporate data. The solution
The two-day conference was inaugurated can manage any Android, iOS or Windows
by Board Risk Committee Chairperson, Dr. and solid UT infrastructure 10 device, but is most secure on Samsung
Saud Al Nahari. that qualifies as a TIER 3 Galaxy devices integrated with the Knox
Risk management professionals from Disaster-Recovery Center.
across Zain’s operations shared their In conclusion, all cybersecurity conscious
best practices across enterprise risk corporations need to ensure their
management, business continuity, and In Kuwait and Bahrain, Zain is providing employees PAUSE, THINK, ACT.
cybersecurity management. New trends its corporate customers secured and
63 FEBRUARY 2020