Page 61 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
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        Best  Emiratisation Supporting Entity,   recognizes Emirati companies on multiple   built  the  UAE’s  first  nano  satellite  with
        Emiratisation Pioneer, Best New Emirati   fronts, including  their work  in innovation   remote sensing capabilities – MYSAT-1 -
        Employee and Best Emirati in a Supervisor   and community development, employment   at Yahsat Space Lab on Khalifa University
        Role. “My  best  wishes to the two   and talent development,  leadership  and   premises. After the successful closure of
        individual  winners,  and to Yahsat  on this   strategy as well as engagement and work   the  project,  he  wanted  to have a broader
        memorable  achievement,”  said  Yahsat’s   environment. Yahsat’s Chief Human Capital   understanding  of the space  industry,
        Chief Executive Officer, Masood M. Sharif   Officer,  Muna  Al  Muhairi  said,  “We  are   which led him to take up his current role
        Mahmood. He further emphasized the   honored and humbled by the recognition.   at Yahsat as a Field Operations Engineer.
        significance of the company’s successful   I warmly congratulate our winners and the   With  a  distinguished record  in  the space
        Emiratisation program:  “As Emiratis  set   entire Yahsat family that have made these   industry, Adnan Al Muhairi has worked at
        multiple  milestones  in the  global space   awards possible through their commitment   Yahsat  for 10  years.  He  was  involved in
        industry,  we  are  very  happy  to  note   and hard work.  We are inspired by  our   the UAE’s first successful remote sensing
        Yahsat’s  contributions  to the growth of   youth, and we aim to make Yahsat a place   spacecraft  program.  Later, he worked on
        indigenous talent. The company provides   where our children dream of working and   the  UAE’s  first  communication  satellites,
        an excellent platform to Emirati students   a company that our young generations are   Al Yah  1  and Al Yah  2, before being
        looking to build a career in the space and   proud of.” The Best New Emirati Employee   appointed as the Program Director of the
        satellite sector.  We support  them  in their   award winner, Abdullah Essa Ahmed Sharif   Al Yah 3 space  communications  system
        chosen  fields  through  rigorous  training   graduated as a Mechanical Engineer from   -  a highly  advanced  space  network that
        and career  development  programs.  At   the American University of Sharjah, with   expanded  Yahsat’s services further into
        every  level, Yahsat  facilitates  higher   a Minor in Engineering  Management.  In   Africa and also  into Brazil.  As  Deputy
        education, research and unique on the job   2018, he obtained an MSc in Engineering   CTO  of  Yahsat, Adnan  oversees the
        training. As a result, we have become the   Systems  and  Management  from  Khalifa   design  and  development  of cutting-edge
        employer of choice for Emirati space and   University,  with  a  specialization  in  space   communication  solutions  for Yahsat’s
        satellite engineers.” Yahsat won the award   systems and technology.  Abdullah was   customers across the world.
        for the Best  Company of the Year  that   part of the team that conceptualized and

        Yahsat Joint Venture Boosts EchoStar Subscriber Count

        Satellite broadband and hardware provider   is building for a 2021 launch. After selling   Wi-Fi  service “Express Wi-Fi”  has been
        EchoStar added 20,000 HughesNet internet   nine on-orbit broadcast satellites to Dish   deployed in 800 locations and is expanding
        subscribers  through  its  Brazilian  joint   Network Corp. last  year for $800  million,   rapidly in partnership  with  Facebook,
        venture  with  Yahsat,  boosting  subscriber   EchoStar is now focused almost exclusively   Kaul  said.  Hughes  provides  services  in
        numbers  as  EchoStar’s  satellite  capacity   on broadband. EchoStar’s Hughes Network   seven countries across Central and South
        becomes limited. Germantown, Maryland-  Services division  generated  $1.85  billion   America, and counts 237,000 international
        based  EchoStar  had  1.477  million   of the company’s $1.89  billion in 2019   subscribers,  he said.  Yahsat and Hughes
        subscribers at the end of 2019, up 116,000   revenue. Hughes President Pradman Kaul   are still  combining  their operations,  a
        from the year prior partly due to capacity   said the company’s satellites covering   process  Kaul  said  includes  installing
        made available in November  on  Yahsat’s   North America have “relatively full beams,”   a  Hughes  Jupiter  gateway  pointed  at
        Al Yah 3 satellite. During an earnings call   limiting  the capacity available  for new   Yahsat’s Al Yah 3 satellite, migrating more
        Feb.  20,  EchoStar  executives  said  they   subscribers. Hughes is focused on adding   Yahsat  customers  onto HughesNet, and
        continue to evaluate ways to add capacity   higher paying subscribers in those beams   integrating  Yahsat’s  distribution network
        while  awaiting  the  launch  of  Jupiter-3,  a   while seeking to limit customer churn, Kaul   across Brazil.
        half-terabit satellite Maxar  Technologies   said. In Latin America, Hughes’ community

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