Page 129 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 129


        In a few cases, telecom  companies will   the system, resulting in the loss or theft   security assessments and penetration
        act  as  intermediaries  in  the chain  from   of data.                     tests.
        supplier  to subscriber, which opens  even   •  Indirect  Client  Attacks:  Telecom  •  Implement real-time anomaly detection
        more vulnerabilities to the security of the   companies  often have a large client   systems to identify  more advanced
        architecture.                          base, due to which they are more at risk   attacks and their prequels.
                                               for attacks targeted to their customers
        CYBERSECURITY THREATS IN  TELE-        from cybercriminals, such  as identity   2) SIP Hacking
        COMMUNICATIONS                         theft, malware, and phishing attempts.  Session  Initiation  Protocol  (SIP),
        With the  additions  of cloud  computing,                                used  in most voice-over-IP (VoIP)
        IoT, AI technology, and a growing number   Communication  networks need to be   communications,  is  another prime target
        of connected  devices,  the  perimeter  of   resilient. Especially, as the scope, variety,   for malicious parties.  Without  proper
        visibility is widening.              and complexity  of current cybersecurity   security measures, hackers can easily tap
                                             threats are increasing exponentially.  into encryptedcalls, distribute SIP malware
        An important key point  when  attempting                                 and otherwise tamper with the VoIP
        to  reduce  overall  risk  is  acknowledging   The growing volume of data transmissions,   services you are provisioning.
        the wide variety of possible threats to your   legacy technology, and signaling protocols,
        telecom cybersecurity, which may include:  the increased role of cloud  technologies   Here’s a list of cybersecurity threats that
        •  DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service)   and legacy  DNS  and DDoS attacks  are   were common:
          Attacks: Cyber  attackers intentionally   among the most common “bullets” telcos   •  SIP trunk hacking
          overwhelm their target with a stream of   need to dodge on a daily basis.   •  SIP toll fraud
          Internet traffic to deplete their victim’s                             •  Eavesdropping
          uptime and availability.           THE MAIN TYPES  OF CYBER  THREATS   •  Caller ID spoofing
        •  Data Breaches: Telecom  providers   AND WAYS TO MITIGATE THEM         •  DDoS attacks on PBX systems
          continue to struggle with these attacks
          as  they are prime  targets due  to their   1) SS7 and Diameter Signalling Threats  Utility  suppliers  in  the US  faced a  series
          valuable data  and the breadth of their   A number of core telecommunication   of VoIP attacks last year. An attacker was
          services.                          services are still powered by old protocols   initially  targeting  1,500  unique  gateways
        •  Internal  Threats & Human  Error:  This   such as SS7 (Signalling System No. 7) or   tied to  some 600  businesses,  but later
          type  of risk is always present  in a   Diameter.                      focused  on a  single company and, using
          company,  typically  stemming from                                     a  command-injection  technique  over
          an employee who intentionally, or by   SS7 protocol, in particular, has become one   HTTP, injected a malicious web shell into
          mistake, compromises the security  of   of the central cyber threats to the banking   the company’s  server outgoing  directory.
                                             industry since hackers can easily intercept   Granted, the hack was discovered in time
           Communication  networks           2FA authentication codes and drain users’   before much damage had been done.
           need to be resilient. Espe-       accounts.                           Best Practices for Protecting SIP Signalling
                                                                                 •  Enforce strong encryption over  your
           cially, as the scope, variety,    Newer protocols  such  as  SIP (Session   Transport  Layer  Security (TLS) and
           and  complexity  of  current      Initiation Protocol) can also be extremely   Real-Time Protocol (RTP) to protect all
                                                                                    data transmissions.
                                             vulnerable to cyber threats without proper
           cybersecurity  threats  are       controls in place. For instance, in 2018 a   •  Implement   anti-spoofing   for   SIP
           increasing exponentially.         group of  attackers  managed to  stage  a   messages. Ensure that you have proper
                                             denial of  service  (DoS) attack  on Cisco   in-built mechanisms  for challenging
                                             equipment through leveraging malformed   messages and authenticating  SIP
           The  growing  volume of           SIP traffic.                           clients.
           data transmissions, legacy        According to  a  report  by  the European   •  Maintain   strong   Session   Border
                                                                                    Controller  (SBC)  controls  that  perform
           technology,  and signaling        Union for Cybersecurity, most  telecoms   deep  packet inspection  of all  SIP
           protocols,  the  increased        have  implemented the basic  security   messages and prevent unauthorized
           role  of  cloud  technologies     measures for SS7 attacks:              SIP traffic.
                                             Cybersecurity Best Practices for SS7 and
           and legacy DNS and DDoS           Diameter Protocols                  3) DNS Attacks
           attacks  are  among  the          •  Exhaustive monitoring that  covers all   DNS (Domain Name Security) attacks
                                                                                 still remain a major sore point for telcos.
                                               interconnect  and  outgoing  traffic,  as
           most  common  “bullets”             well as core network elements.    What’s  worse, is  that  the cost  of such
           telcos need to dodge on a         •  Harden network nodes by implementing   attacks  is  increasing year-over-year.  In
                                               better firewall configuration rules.
                                                                                 2017, one such  attack  usually  costed  a
           daily basis.                      •  Conduct  regular external network   telecom company $622,100 on average.

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