Page 38 - SAMENA Trends - December 2023
P. 38


        XL  Axiata  build  a  digital  foundation  for   enterprise customers' private lines, and de-  automation  with  customer-centricity  in
        autonomous  networks and  achieve  visu-  liver better user experience with 5G appli-  mind. Together, XL Axiata and Huawei will
        alization on one map, demarcation in one   cations. Looking ahead, Huawei will double   deliver automatic and intelligent converged
        minute, and optimization in one click," Hui   down on its cooperation with XL Axiata in   IP transport services with the best possible
        Wang said, adding that this will empower   reinforcing the digital foundation and ramp-  experience,  lead  digital  transformation in
        the  digital  ecosystem  of  SRv6  converged   ing up the large-scale commercial deploy-  the  Asia-Pacific  region,  and  set  a  bench-
        transport networks, improve the quality of   ments of Network Digital Map + E2E SRv6   mark for the global digital economy.

        Huawei’s Role in Accelerating Morocco’s Digital Transition

        At the inaugural International E-Health Fo-  investments, fostering new industries and   in providing cloud services and managing
        rum in Rabat, Huawei made a strong com-  increasing output, and described digitaliza-  data centers.
        mitment to advance Morocco’s digital tran-  tion as a necessary transition for countries.  Sharing Expertise and Developing Use-Cas-
        sition, particularly in the healthcare sector.   Collaboration in Healthcare Digitalization  es
        The event, held at the Faculty of Medicine   Li  expressed  Huawei’s  eagerness  to  part-  Achour  highlighted  Huawei’s  ongoing
        and Pharmacy, saw key industry players   ner in Morocco’s digital transition, particu-  projects  and  training  programs  in  Moroc-
        and government officials discussing inno-  larly in healthcare, to drive innovation and   co, focusing  on  cybersecurity and  privacy
        vative digital health strategies.    sustainable growth.                 governance.  He  also  mentioned  Huawei’s
        Commitment to Digital Transformation  Cybersecurity and Privacy          commitment to developing region-specific
        David  Li,  Huawei  Morocco’s  General  Man-  Youssef Ait Kaddour, Chief Cyber Security   use-cases  to  contribute  to  Africa’s  digital
        ager, emphasized the company’s mission to   Officer  at  Huawei,  highlighted  the  compa-  evolution. Huawei’s involvement in Moroc-
        support Morocco’s unique digital transfor-  ny’s focus on cybersecurity and privacy. He   co’s  digital  transformation, particularly  in
        mation journey, especially in healthcare. He   emphasized  the  importance  of  collabora-  healthcare,  signifies  a  significant  step  to-
        highlighted the multifaceted value of digi-  tion in technology, especially in healthcare.  wards  integrating  advanced  technologies
        talization in improving governance, health-  Huawei’s Role in Morocco’s E-Health Strat-  in key sectors. This commitment not only
        care, education, and economic growth.  egy                               aligns  with  Morocco’s  digital  strategy  but
        Social and Economic Impact of Digital Ap-  Chakib  Achour,  Huawei’s  Head  of  Mar-  also demonstrates Huawei’s role as a cat-
        plications                           keting  and  Business  Strategy,  discussed   alyst in the digital evolution of the African
        Li focused on how digital applications can   Huawei’s role in supporting the Moroccan   continent.
        enhance governance and citizen well-being.   government’s e-Health infrastructure devel-
        He  stressed  the  economic  benefits  of  IT   opment. He outlined Huawei’s capabilities

                                             stc Selects Nokia Orchestration  Software to

                                             Deliver 5G Slicing and  Strengthen  Monetization

        Nokia announced that its Digital Operations’   reliable  and  programmable.  The  deal  will   “We are excited to further build on the Nokia-
        Orchestration software has been selected   be  adding  value  in  realizing  stc’s  ‘DARE’   stc  partnership.  This  agreement  enables
        by stc  to orchestrate  the  Saudi  Arabian   strategy (Digitize, Accelerate performance,   stc  to  capitalize  on  new  5G  business
        operator roll out 5G slicing services to meet   Reinvent  experience, and  Expand  scale   opportunities  with  premium,  automated
        and customize its customers’ increasingly   and  scope).  Nokia  Orchestration  Center   network slicing  services that  deliver an
        diverse  and  specific  network  needs,  in   in stc, which aligns with TMF Open Digital   enhanced   and   on-demand   customer
        a  deal  that  strengthens  the  operator’s   Architecture  (ODA), will  provide a single,   experience,  with  all  the  requirements  for
        network   monetization   efforts.   Nokia   multi-tenanted  platform  for  onboarding   scale and SLA fulfilment.” Anwar Al-Subhi,
        Orchestration Center, which is part of Nokia   customers; orchestrating  the  design  and   GM  Cloud  Infrastructure,  at  stc  said:
        Digital  Operations  Center, automates  the   deployment  of  multi-vendor  services;   “Providing  new  5G  slicing  services  and
        creation and lifecycle management of end-  and  delivering  against  business-specific   technology openness go hand in hand for
        to-end 5G slicing at scale for personalized   Service Level Agreements (SLAs). stc will   stc, so we’re pleased that Nokia has these
        connectivity  services  for  enterprises  use Nokia’s Orchestration Center software   capabilities that will provide our customers
        and  consumers.  Through  intent-driven   for various  use  cases  including  slice  and   with  specific  network  experiences,  while
        autonomous operations,  the  creation  of   IP-VPN  orchestration.  Samar  Mittal,  VP,   giving us fresh automaton and operational
        end-to-end slices at scale will be accelerated   Cloud and Network Services (CNS), Global   efficiency benefits.”
        from days to minutes and becomes highly   Business Center (GBC) at Nokia MEA, said:

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