Page 37 - SAMENA Trends - December 2023
P. 37


        Huawei and etisalat by e& Demo Net Zero 5G Massive MIMO

        UAE telecoms  group etisalat  by  e&  has   represent the convergence of sustainability   a number of solar power and smart energy
        announced a strategic alliance with Huawei   and  cutting-edge  wireless  technology,   storage  solutions.  For example,  it  uses
        to unveil what is described as the first net   notably  massive  MIMO  technology,  advanced  MetaAAU  (64T64R  with  384
        zero 5G Massive MIMO site deployment in   which  improves  capacity, coverage  and   antenna array), multi-band RRU and green
        the MENA region. This deployment is being   user experience. At  the  same time  the   antennas,  improving  energy  efficiency  up
        showcased at  Dubai  Expo City, the  venue   collaboration is said to usher in a new era   to 25% and multi-band RRU reducing radio
        of the  28th  Conference  of the  Parties  to   of green  network  infrastructure, with  the   weight up to 66%. In addition, managed by
        the  UNFCCC  (COP28),  underlining  what   region's  most  energy-efficient  100%  off-  NetEco, an artificial intelligence system, the
        etisalat by e& describes as its commitment   grid 5G site  to date.  It  is  powered by an   site's energy consumption is meticulously
        to  environmental  responsibility  and  innovative  AI-based  energy  management   optimized, with a focus on real-time energy
        technological excellence. Powered entirely   system, expected to reduce CO2 emissions   management.
        by renewable energy, this 5G site is said to   by around 26 tons per year. The site includes

        XL Axiata and Huawei Launch First Commercial Use of Network Digital Map

        in Asia-Pacific

        XL Asiata, a leading Indonesian provider of   differentiated SLA assurance is offered to   growth. Hui Wang, Vice President of Hua-
        telecommunications services, and Huawei   tap into the potential of private line service   wei's Data Communication Product Line,
        successfully completed the live network tri-  growth, enabling monetization of premium   said that digital transformation will remain
        al and initiated the first commercial launch   private line packages.    a focus of global development in the next
        of Network Digital Map with an Asia-Pacific   Leading global ICT provider XL Axiata  decade, and  5G application  experience
        carrier. The two parties are now committed   I Gede Darmayusa, XL Axiata's CTO said, “In   assurance and  the  upgrade  to differenti-
        to accelerate the deployment of end-to-end   line with its three core strategies — network   ated  premium private  lines  will  represent
        SRv6  and  network  digital  map  across  XL   convergence,  digitalization  and  automa-  two  significant  opportunities  for  CSPs  to
        Axiata’s  operations.  This  commercial  use   tion, and customer-centric approach — XL   achieve further growth. “The Network Dig-
        proves  that  iMaster  NCE Network Digital   Axiata  believes  that  network infrastruc-  ital  Map  in  Huawei  iMaster  NCE  will  help
        Map — based on the end-to-end (E2E) SRv6   ture construction is fundamental to digital
        network architecture and software-defined   transformation.” Therefore, XL Axiata built
        networking  (SDN)  automation technology   a  high-efficiency,  future-proof,  unified  net-
        — helps XL Axiata foster a digital founda-  work  infrastructure  for mobile, enterprise,
        tion for autonomous networks. This digital   and home services. To support XL Axiata
        map enables traffic optimization and auto-  on its journey toward SRv6 automation and
        matic load balancing, optimize bandwidth   autonomous  networks,  Huawei  launched
        efficiency. In terms of latency improvement,   Network Digital Map in iMaster NCE. Given
        it can complete optimization and self-heal-  that XL Axiata able to tailor-made require-
        ing in minutes, significantly boosting 4G/5G   ments  from  industries,  Huawei  provides
        user  experience  and  XL  Axiata’s  conver-  workflows  that  support  B2B  private  line
        gence business consumer. When it comes   production  and  the  rollout  of  diversified
        to  premium  SRv6  private  line  services,   product packages,  thereby  driving  new
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