Page 72 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
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        Govt Greenlights Framework for License-Free Wi-Fi

        India’s  Cabinet  has  approved  the  their  local communities. PDOs  are not   for Development  of Telematics (C-DoT).
        Department   of  Telecommunications’  required  to hold a license  or to register   In a statement from the DoT the ministry
        (DOT’s) proposed  regulatory structure   the  business  with  regulatory  authorities,   noted  that  approach is  intended  to be
        for the provision of broadband  services   and will not need to pay fees to the DoT.   business  friendly,  with  the  removal  of
        through  public  Wi-Fi  networks. The   Public  Data  Office  Aggregators  (PDOAs),   licensing  requirements  in  particular
        program,  dubbed  the  Prime  Minister’s   meanwhile,  will  aggregate  PDOs  and   aligning  with the  government’s policy
        Wi-Fi  Access Network  Interface (PM-  provide services relating to accounting   goals of improving ease of doing business.
        WANI),  aims  to  accelerate  the  take-up   and authorization for PDOS.  PDOAs are   The DoT went on to elaborate on the PM-
        of broadband  services nationwide  by   similarly  exempt  from holding  a  license   WANI’s  goals: ‘COVID-19  pandemic  has
        enabling the use of public Wi-Fi networks   but  are  required  to  register,  albeit  with   necessitated  delivery of stable and high
        to deliver fast and stable connectivity, with   no  registration  fee.  Finally,  the  PM-WANI   speed  broadband  internet  services to an
        deployment encouraged  by  exempting   scheme  requires application  providers   increasingly  large  number  of subscribers
        providers  from licensing  fees. Under  the   to  develop  applications  to  register  users,   in the country including  areas which do
        PM-WANI framework, Public Data Offices   help  customers  find  PM-WANI  hotspots   not  have 4G mobile  coverage.  This can
        (PDOs)  will  establish Wi-Fi  hotspots   and to authenticate  subscribers.  As with   be achieved by deployment of Public Wi-
        to provide last-mile  connectivity  to   PDOAs,  these  app  providers  will  just  be   Fi. Further, the proliferation of public Wi-Fi
        subscribers by procuring bandwidth from   required to register  and are not subject   will not only create employment but also
        ISPs. In practice, the government expects   to  license  fees. The initial  registry  of   enhance disposable incomes in the hands
        PDOs  to take the form of local shops   PDOAs and application providers will  be   of small  and medium  entrepreneurs  and
        and small businesses  that will serve   established  and managed  by the  Centre   boost the GDP of the country.’

        Singapore Issues Digital Licenses to Open Up Banking

        Singapore’s central bank issued only two   Management, which “were assessed to be   the  industry’s bar in delivering quality
        of three possible wholesale digital banking   demonstrably stronger across the criteria”.   financial services, particularly for currently
        permits but awarded  full licenses  to a   MAS noted since digital wholesale banks   underserved businesses  and individuals.
        partnership  between  booking  company   were  introduced  as  a  pilot,  it  will  review   They will further strengthen  Singapore’s
        Grab  and  Singtel,  along  with  internet   whether  to  grant additional licenses  in   financial  sector  for  the  digital  economy
        platform Sea. In a statement, the Monetary   the future.  It  had  planned  to  issue up to   of the  future.” The  monetary authority
        Authority of Singapore (MAS) said digital   three wholesale permits. The central bank   had  hoped  to  issue  the  licenses  in  June,
        wholesale banking licenses went to  an   received a total of 14 eligible applications   but delayed to allow  companies and
        affiliate  of  Ant  Group  and  a  consortium   and expects the new digital banks to start   authorities to focus on tackling the impact
        comprising  Greenland  Financial Holdings   operations  in early 2022.  MAS MD Ravi   of Covid-19 (coronavirus).
        Group,  Linklogis  Hong  Kong  and  Beijing   Menon  said: “We expect  them  to thrive
        Cooperative  Equity  Investment Fund   alongside the incumbent banks and raise

        Zimbabwe Plans to Invest in ICT Improvements in 2021

        Zimbabwe is to allocate a significant sum   rollout of optic fiber and digital television   support  an inclusive digital economy”.
        of money  to  infrastructure improvement   services as well as access to online public   Ncube  said priorities will  include  the
        in the ICT sector  over the coming  year.   services by citizens. Even though progress   implementation  of  measures  that  create
        According to the website Biztechafrica, the   has been  made for the past decade  to   an enabling environment for private sector
        country’s Finance  Minister Mthuli Ncube   improve  the  country’s  ICT  infrastructure,   investment and full implementation of ICT
        recently announced  that  the government   its digital economy is still lagging behind,   infrastructure  sharing,  as  well  as  a  full
        has  allocated  $89  million  to  the  ICT   mainly  because  of  poor  connectivity,   roll out of an e-government program. The
        sector  and was  making infrastructure   Ncube  said.  Thus,  the  government  aims   proposed  ICT  investment will  be greeted
        improvement  a  top priority.  He was   to  facilitate  deployment of broadband   warmly by end users and businesses but,
        speaking  during  a 2021 national budget   infrastructure and investments in last-mile   given the country’s  economic  woes and
        presentation in Harare late last week. The   connectivity  by  industry  players  that  will,   associated  planning  issues,  a  detailed
        money, which will be invested in the sector   as he put it, “ensure affordable, accessible,   plan and timetable  will no doubt also be
        during  2021,  will,  he  said,  mainly  target   ubiquitous  and reliable ICT services that   welcome.

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