Page 70 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
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        CITC, ITU’s Spectrum Innovation Webinar Tackles Pressing Policy Issues

                                                                                  about 5G because of its potential to grow
                                                                                  our economies  and dramatically  improve
                                                                                  people’s lives around  the  world. “Soon
                                                                                  these   next   generation   technologies,
                                                                                  the  wireless  networks  of  the  future,  will
                                                                                  affect every  aspect of our economy and
                                                                                  society,  from  businesses  to  homes,  from
                                                                                  transportation networks to power grids
                                                                                  and from hospitals to manufacturing.”
                                                                                  One of the most interesting innovations in
                                                                                  the sector is the progress and integration
                                                                                  of satellite communication  systems.
                                                                                  "Satellite communication has now entered
        The “Radio Spectrum for IMT-2020  and   of addressing  the growing global digital   the mainstream, in terms of its commercial
        Beyond:   Fostering   Commercial   and   divide, saying, “We are potentially looking   sweet spot, and it is ready to be considered
        Innovative  Use”  event,  co-organized  by   at  a  polarization  between  the connected   alongside terrestrial technologies such as
        the   International  Telecommunication  and  unconnected  worlds.  “Today,  lack   fiber, microwave, Wi-Fi and mobile, to drive
        Union  (ITU) and the Communications   of digital  infrastructure means that  kids   global broadband adoption," stated Rupert
        and Information Technology  Commission   might not receive  the right education   Pearce, CEO of Inmarsat, a leading British
        (CITC)  of  Saudi  Arabia,  concluded  with   while households  could  be  prevented   satellite telecommunications  company.
        a  wide participation of  dozens industry   access  to  basic  healthcare,  clean  water   Overall, the webinar stressed on the need
        experts  from over 20 countries.  The   and  energy,  among  other  needs.  This   for a global standard and multilateral
        speakers gave their thoughts on the latest   is why it is so critical  for us to come   cooperation  in  spectrum management
        spectrum  innovations  and opportunities   together  as  the greatest thinkers and   and integration, in line with the ITU’s newly
        for  policy  makers,  to  over  5000  virtual   doers in the world in the spectrum arena   launched worldwide technology standards
        attendees.  The  three-day webinar  came   and  find  policy  solutions  to  our  times’   IMT-2020.  The UN’s  specialized agency
        at  a critical time for digitalization and   challenges.”  The speakers explored the   for ICT was represented by its Secretary-
        spectrum  management. The COVID-19   potential  of  5G,  vehicular  communication   General Houlin Zhao, who thanked CITC for
        pandemic  has  moved  work,  education,   systems, unlicensed technologies, satellite   hosting the event. He went on to state, “I
        healthcare and social life onto digital   communications,  and  other  exciting   call on all of you to join us and make the
        platforms,  which  require  large  amounts   developments  in  the  ICT  sector.  Ajit  Pai,   most of this historical moment to deploy
        of spectrum  uptake and strong  digital   Chairman of the United States Federal   technologies  like 5G that promises to
        infrastructure. Minister of Communications   Communications   Commission   (FCC),   improve people’s  lives on a  scale never
        and Information Technology  Abdullah   spoke about how these new technologies   seen before.”
        Alswaha,  acknowledged  the  importance   will impact our future. “Everyone’s talking

        South Africa Moves to Establish New ‘Super-Regulator’

        As  part  of  its  ongoing  commitment to   ICASA  will merge to form one  regulator.’   achieved
        rationalize  government  entities under  its   Additionally,  the  ‘Universal  Service  and   •  monitoring of ICASA and ensuring that
        state-owned enterprises (SOE) plan, South   Access  Agency  of South  Africa  will  be   the regulator is adequately resourced to
        Africa’s Department  of Communications   repurposed  to establish a  state-owned   license 4G spectrum
        and Digital Technologies  has announced   digital fund company,’ it said.  •  repositioning  of  the State  Information
        plans to streamline a number of prominent   The  online  journal goes  on to point  out   Technology Agency (SITA) to drive the
        bodies,  including  telecoms  regulator  the   that the President has signed performance   use of local technologies
        Independent  Communications  Authority   agreements with all his Cabinet ministers,   •  completion  of  decoder  rollout and
        South Africa (ICASA). MyBroadband cites   outlining the targets they will have to meet.   switching-off  analogue  transmitters
        the government  department as  saying:   These reportedly include:          for  the  Broadcasting  Digital  Migration
        ‘The  state signal distributor  SENTECH   •  80% of the population must have access   project  by  2021,  and  rearranging  of
        will be merged with Broadband Infraco to   to the internet by 2024          spectrum radio frequencies
        form one state  broadband infrastructure   •  policy direction in relation to 5G must be   •  release of special dividend by 2023.
        company. Domain name authority ZADNA,   issued by December 2021
        the  Film  and  Publications  Board,  and   •  a reduction in the cost of data must be

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