Page 71 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
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        Consultation Process with Asia Internet Coalition (AIC) & Its Members

        The  Rules titled  “The Removal  and   response  on the consultation  framework.   stakeholders,  remaining  within  the  legal
        Blocking  of  Unlawful  Online  Content   Besides,  AIC  members  Facebook,  Google   provisions and the tenets of the Constitution
        (Procedure,  Oversight  and  Safeguards),   and Twitter were also approached  for   of Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the
        Rules  2020”  have  been  notified  by  the   consultation individually, as desired by the   PECA 2016. The right to freedom of speech
        Federal Government vide notification dated   AIC.  Google  and Facebook  participated   and expression has duly been included in
        27 November  2020.  These  Rules  have   in the consultation process on  26th and   Chapter 2 of the Rules, in accordance with
        been  framed as  a  statutory  requirement   29th June 2020, respectively. Hence, AIC’s   Article  19 of the  Constitution  of Islamic
        under  Section  37(2)  of the Prevention   stance  that meaningful  consultation  was   Republic of Pakistan. PTA wishes to dispel
        of Electronic  Crimes Act 2016  (PECA).  A   not carried out is misleading and against   prejudiced  and wrong impression being
        comprehensive consultation process was   the  facts.  Since timelines  were to be   created regarding the Rules. It is reiterated
        carried out by the Consultation Committee   followed by the Committee for finalization   that the Rules in no sense aim to harm the
        formed  on the directions  of the Prime   of its  report  based on the Honorable   business  environment  in Pakistan  rather
        Minister  of  Pakistan.  During  the  process,   Islamabad High Court order dated 12-09-  would pave the way for better investment
        key  local and international  stakeholders   2019 and Federal  Government  directions   opportunities  for tech  companies  while
        were invited in the interest of broad-based   vide  Consultation  Committee  notification   remaining  compliant  with local laws.
        consultation, active engagement and open   dated  28th  February  2020,  the  process   PTA,  as  telecom  sector  regulator,  shall
        dialogue including Asian Internet Coalition   could  not be  kept  open-ended  and   continue  to support  all  tech  companies
        (AIC)  and  its  members  i.e.,  Google,   prolonged  indefinitely.  Therefore,  after   and stakeholders  in realizing digital
        Facebook, Twitter etc. The Committee held   due  consultation,  the  final  report  of  the   transformation goals, within the bounds of
        meeting with AIC on 19 June, 2020. During   Committee  was submitted  to the Federal   the country’s laws and relevant rules.
        the  meeting,  the  Committee  and  the  AIC   Government,  considering  all  reasonable
        exchanged  views  on the AIC  submitted   concerns  and  recommendations  of

        Loon Pushes FCC for E-Band Access

        Alphabet subsidiary Loon pressed the US   comments  were part of a consultation   using  antennas  in motion  would  not
        Federal Communications  Commission   process  launched  by  the  FCC  in  June.   interfere  with  fixed  backhaul.  Verizon
        (FCC) to allow it to tap spectrum between   Industry group CTIA previously dismissed   pressed the FCC to focus on updating rules
        70GHz  and  90GHz  (E-band),  aiming  to   Loon’s proposal as “premature”, insisting   for  fixed  wireless  5G  backhaul  and  delay
        overcome  resistance  from operators   “significant   additional   engineering   approval for antennas in motion until new
        seeking to  use it  for 5G  backhaul.   analysis”  was  required to  prove services   interference studies are completed.
        Documents  showed  the company  argued
        its case in a series of recent meetings with
        FCC staff, stating the regulator could adopt
        new rules opening the frequencies to air-
        and sea-based connectivity  services
        which rely on “antennas in motion” without
        risking  significant  interference  with  fixed
        terrestrial systems. It stated existing data
        provided sufficient evidence for the move
        without waiting  for fresh coexistence
        research. “Authorizing antennas in motion
        will  not  distract  the  FCC  from,  or  delay
        deployment  of,  5G”,  Loon  argued,  stating
        the  move could  boost  rural rollouts. It
        added an existing registration framework
        could be used by terrestrial and aerospace
        players  to  coordinate  usage,  and  backed
        dynamic spectrum sharing to “enable even
        more efficient and innovative use”. Loon’s

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