Page 46 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
P. 46


                                                       Source: Accenture

        between businesses and subscribers.
                                                Blockchain technology thrives on network effect. It means
        SSI  provides  a  secure  onboarding,   that the global operators must join hands in exploring and
        credential  issuance,  authentication,  and   implementing use cases leading to business benefits. The
        credential verification platform. It enables
        secure next generation logins such as   operators  should  deliberate  on  their  blockchain  strategy,
        password-less authentication enabled    operating  model,  data governance  & sharing  standards,
        by  biometric thereby  reducing identity
        thefts,  frauds,  and  breaches.  Moreover,  it   business  models, partnerships,  alliances,  regulatory
        empowers the identity owner to selectively   frameworks and core competencies.
        disclose  identity  attributes that  could  be
        verified  by  zero  knowledge  proofs.  This   With the evolution of eSIM, telecoms can   investment of 37% on the write offs due to
        feature helps in reducing  possibilities   provide  eSIMs that offer virtual identities   these  processes,  operators  can  leverage
        of data breaches.  Since  customer is the   for devices, data, and users. These virtual   blockchain for real time CDR reconciliation
        identity controller and not any third party,   identities  can be leveraged  to  perform   to enhance the visibility across the value
        it complies with several regulations such   transactions  among  users,  organizations,   chain and thereby  reducing  the  cost of
        as GDPR.                             and connected  devices. SSI will  likely to   operations and frauds.
                                             be  adopted  in phases  rather  than in big
        SSI  would  be  a  $19.3  Billion  industry   bang. Telecom sector plays a crucial role   Blockchain   technology   thrives   on
        by 2023.  With the  platform potential   in  becoming agents of  SSI  adoption and   network effect.  It  means that  the global
        of  SSI,  operators  will  not  only  remain   acting as  a  bridge between  subscribers   operators  must join hands in  exploring
        communication service providers but also   and enterprises/governments.  and implementing  use  cases leading  to
        identity  service  providers.  Blockchain  in                            business  benefits.  The  operators  should
        SSI gives full control to the identity owner   Another major challenge that the telecom   deliberate  on  their  blockchain  strategy,
        by virtue of public key cryptography and   industry is grappling  with are fraud   operating  model,  data  governance  &
        opens plethora of opportunities for telecom   losses worth  $36  billion emanating from   sharing  standards,  business  models,
        sector. Additionally, it provides immutable   ineffective cross-carrier reconciliation. The   partnerships,   alliances,   regulatory
        trail of all the transactions including but not   billing reconciliation, dispute identification,   frameworks and core competencies. They
        limited to creation, issuance, submission,   dispute  confirmation,  dispute  analysis   should  implement use cases centered
        and  verification  of  identities.  Hence,  it   &  resolution,  and  CDR  reconciliation   on their customers  and subscribers  by
        ensures enhanced  security  of identities   are  time  consuming  and  cost intensive   ensuring it leads to enhanced efficiencies
        with full control to the  identity owners.   processes.  With the estimated return  on   and improved revenue streams.

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