Page 72 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
P. 72



        A Post-pandemic Era: How Telecom Operators are Dealing

        With the Challenges of the New Reality

                                                               Connectivity  is vital to everyone,  from
                                                               emergency  services to  ordinary people
                                                               who  have to work  remotely  and move their

                                                               professional  and  social lives online.  This
                                                               situation has been a stress test for CSPs as
                                                               well, since  it has brought  with  it changing
                                                               traffic  patterns  and  new  congestion  in
                                                               residential areas.

                                                            This  article  examines  some  of  the  ways  CSPs  can  handle  the
                                                            challenges that the post-COVID world has brought, like maintaining
                                                            connection  stability  and  providing  exceptional  customer  service
                                                            during tough times. Most of the examples here are drawn from Russia
                                                            and the CIS, but any company worldwide can use these examples to
                                                            deal with new challenges and boost their business.

                                                            Contactless is key to success
                                                            Unfortunately, the pandemic has made real-life interactions very risky.
                                                            This has led to innovative examples of CSPs using eSIM technology,
                                                            which allows them to attract new subscribers without the need for
                                                            physical shops. People’s usual travel plans are now on hold, making
                                                            eSIM a go-to method for attracting new home-bound customers for
        Artemy Ustimenko                                    CSPs and MVNOs.
        Product Development Manager
        Nexign                                              Telcos in emerging markets should also make sure their BSS supports
                                                            the latest payment methods, so customers can pay for their services
                                                            online and won’t have to leave their home to get pre-paid cards. CSPs
                                                            can also drive the development of e-commerce technologies and new
                                                            consumption models.

                                                            Case study: Uzbektelecom
                                                            Uzbektelecom,  the largest telecom  operator  in Uzbekistan, wanted
                                                            to  provide uninterrupted  service to  all  their clients, no matter  what
                                                            payment  method  they  were  using.  The  company  gave  all  fixed
                                                            broadband and ITPV subscribers a grace period of 2 months, which
                                                            helped customers ensure connectivity even if their bills were not paid
                                                            on time. CSPs can use the experience of Uzbektelecom to build trust
                                                            with  subscribers,  especially  in markets where penetration  of new
                                                            payment methods has so far been limited.

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