Page 69 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
P. 69


                                              WHOLESALE NEWS

        No Roaming Charges between Central African Countries in 2021

        First  agreed  back  in  February,  the  six  countries  of  the  CEMAC   should also  begin to  encourage the national telcos to  work
        have confirmed that they will abolish roaming changes between   together across borders, particularly when it comes to accessing
        their territories, beginning at the start of 2021. The countries –   subsea cables around the Gulf of Guinea.
        Cameroon,  Congo,  Gabon,  Chad,  Equatorial  Guinea,  and  Central
        African Republic – have been in discussions on this topic for many
        years, with similar agreements being struck across the continent
        in recent years. For example, a union of Western African countries,
        the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), had
        agreed to remove roaming fees for its 15 members back in 2017.
        Finally confirmed, the roaming agreement will allow nationals of
        any of the CEMAC countries to visit these other selected nations
        without fear of expensive calls and texts. “The Council welcomes
        this  decision,  which  contributes  to  the  densification  of  the
        integration of peoples within CEMAC, in that it aims to facilitate the
        mobility of populations through Information and Communication
        Technologies, reducing communication costs," said a statement
        from the Union économique de l'Afrique centrale. This agreement

        Roaming Fees Between Argentina And Chile To Be Scrapped

        Roaming charges for mobile  users    in November 2017, when a bilateral trade   report notes that the scrapping of roaming
        travelling between Argentina and Chile will   agreement  between  the two countries   charges was  initially  scheduled  to  take
        be  abolished  from  29  August,  La  Nacion   was  signed.  The  reciprocal  agreement   effect in 2019 and then postponed until 1
        reports.  The  elimination  of  roaming  fees   was designed to promote investment and   May 2020 but will finally come into effect
        was one of the main points discussed back   the exchange of goods and services. The   at the end of this month.

        ANCOM Cuts FTRs

        Romania’s   National   Authority   for   new rate was  determined  following the   operators  designated  by  ANCOM  as
        Management    and    Regulation   in   update  of several parameters  in the  pure   having significant market power, and cover
        Communications (ANCOM) has announced   Long-Run  Incremental  Cost  (LRIC)  cost   national calls and those made to and from
        that  fixed  termination  rates  (FTRs)   calculation model (the  method  used for   the European Economic Area (EEA), unless
        will  be  reduced  by  30%  to  EUR0.00098   setting the current tariff) and of the cost   existing  international  agreements  allow
        with  effect  from  1  November  2020.  The   of  capital.  The  rate  will  apply  to  wireline   different charges to be imposed.

        Icelandic Regulator Proposes 2% Cut in Mobile Termination Cost in 2021

        Iceland's Post and Telecom Administration   for  termination  on  fixed  networks  will   the  EFTA  Surveillance  Agency  (ESA).  The
        (PTA) said it is proposing a 2 percent drop   remain unchanged. Interested parties have   current prices for call termination are ISK
        in the price for mobile call termination in   until 31 August to submit comments, after   1.02  per  minute  on  mobile  networks  but
        2021 to ISK 1.00 per minute, but the price   which the PTA will send draft proposals to   ISK 0.12 per minute on fixed ones.

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