Page 67 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
P. 67



        Cyber Threats Are Surging due to the Pandemic

        Critical Post-COVID Cybersecurity Considerations

           As digital  transformation  continues  to  pick
           up steam, companies need to be aware of the
           significant security implications at hand.

        For most SAMENA businesses, one of the most noteworthy aspects of
        the current pandemic has been its impact on digital transformation.
        Businesses across all sectors have been forced to pivot and embrace
        digital  operations.  For  some  companies,  digital  transformation  has
        merely involved a shift to remote offices, with employees moving to
        virtual  desktops,  video  conferencing  platforms,  and  cloud  services.
        Yet,  for  many  SAMENA  companies,  COVID-19  has  required  an
        even  bolder  leap  into  digital  markets.  For  example,  MGM  Resorts
        International is now making a pivot into online sports gambling, as
        they  look  to  recoup  lost  profits  and  cater  to  customers  who  can’t
        make  it  into  physical  casinos.  “As  digital  transformation  continues
        to  pick  up  steam,  companies  need  to  be  aware  of  the  significant
        security implications at hand,” says Sameh Sobhy, Managing Director
        META  region  for  communications  provider  PCCW  Global.  “Digital
        transformation is  permanently  changing  the way  that  companies
        communicate with workers, partners, and customers,” he adds. Mr.
        Sobhy  identifies  three  critical  security  issues  that  are  emerging  as
        the pandemic slowly chips away at our lives. “Across the globe, we’re   Sameh Sobhy
        seeing an increased reliance on virtual interactions; more vulnerable   Managing Director META region
        end users; and outdated network architectures,” he stresses.
                                                                   PCCW Global
        1. Increased Reliance on Virtual Interactions
        The  pandemic  has  led  to  widespread  brick  and  mortar  closures,
        forcing non tech companies to digitize to survive. For example, many
        regional  retailers  have  all  been  forced  to  update  and  expand  their
        online shopping strategies, to protect their market share and compete.
        Unfortunately,  many  smaller  organizations  —  like  small  restaurant
        owners and retailers — are now in over their heads. One issue that
        businesses  are  facing is  that  customers  are  increasingly moving
        to virtual hubs to make transactions. As a result, companies are at
        increased  risk  for  threats  like  distributed  denial  of  service  (DDos)
        attacks,  which  can  lead  to  lengthy  bouts  of  downtime.  Sustained
        DDoS attacks, after all, can sometimes last up to 24 hours.  “It’s one
        thing for a large enterprise to be knocked offline for this long,” adds
        Mr. Sobhy. “It’s quite another for a small to medium-sized business to
        go 24 hours without internet, especially during busy times.”

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