Page 116 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
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                         Iliad filed a request in April. Meanwhile, Telecom Italia   2100MHz TDD frequency permits will not be renewed
                         (TIM), Vodafone and Wind Tre have had their 2100MHz   since the operators have failed to use them.
                         FDD licenses extended for the same duration, though   (August 3, 2020)

                         The  Ministry  of  Internal  Affairs  and  Communications   switch service provider, but the MIC believes there is
                         (MIC)  is  reportedly  considering  moves  to  bar  mobile   no justification for the fee which acts as a bar to stop
                         network  operators  (MNOs)  from  charging  customers   users from porting their number. It plans to draw up
                         for moving to another service provider via the country’s   its recommendations to amend the MNP regime – first
        Japan            mobile number portability (MNP) regime. The Ministry   introduced  in October  2006 – with the tentative aim
                         will review its MNP guidelines with a view to making
                                                                        of  removing  the  fee  as  early  as  autumn  2020.  With
                         it easier for consumers to switch carrier and hopefully   the move likely to face opposition from the incumbent
                         trigger  a  fall  in  mobile  phone  charges.  Currently,   MNOs, it is noted that MNP requests currently languish
                         Japan’s  established  MNOs  NTT  DOCOMO,  KDDI   at less than five million per annum – or just 2.7% of the
                         (au)  and  SoftBank  Corp,  as  well  as  budget  carriers/  total wireless subscriber base.
                         MVNOs levy a fee of JPY3,000 (USD28) on requests to   (July 21, 2020) The Japan Times

                         The  State  Communications  Agency  (SCA)  has   The SCA – a subordinate agency of the State Committee
                         launched  an auction  for wireless  spectrum  licenses   for  Information  Technology  &  Communications  –
                         in  the  2300MHz-2400MHz  TDD  band  in  all  regions   confirmed  that  registration  for  the  auction  is  open
                         across  the  country  except  the  capital  Bishkek  and   until  the  following  dates:  3  September  (lot  one);  4
        Kyrgyzstan       second largest city Osh. Concessions are valid for ten   September  (lot  two);  7  September  (lot  three).  The
                                                                        auctions themselves will take place on: 4 September
                         years, with combined starting bids valued at KGS60.92
                         million (USD784,000).                          (lot one); 7 September (lot two); and 8 September (lot
                         The SCA’s website shows that the spectrum on offer is   three). Applicants must pay a guarantee deposit of 5%
                         split into three lots as follows:              of the starting price for each lot. Separately, news site
                         •  Lot  one:  1×40MHz  (2300MHz-2340MHz)  in  all   Tazabek  reported  that  Kyrgyzstan’s  government  has
                            regions  except  Bishkek  and  Osh;  starting  price   approved new regulations  to  tighten  up the network
                            KGS82.450 million                           interconnection  framework.  Under  the  new  rules
                         •  Lot  two:  1×20MHz  (2380MHz-2400MHz)  in  all   operators  designated  as  dominant  market position
                            regions  except  Bishkek  and  Osh;  starting  price   holders  must accept  interconnection  requests  on a
                            KGS41.225 million                           non-discriminatory  basis  and may  only reject such
                         •  Lot  three:  1×40MHz  (2340MHz-2380MHz)  in   requests if technically impossible.
                            Batken, Talas and Naryn regions only; starting price   (August 21, 2020)
                            KGS19.691 million.

                          Luxembourg’s    Department     of     Media,   and  Luxembourg  Online  10MHz.  Eltrona,  the  fifth
                          Telecommunications and Digital Policy (Services des   qualified bidder, participated in the auction but failed
                          Medias et des Communications, SMC) has announced   to  win  any  spectrum.  The  auction  began  on  13  July
                          that four bidders have secured 5G frequencies in the   and ended five days later after 38 rounds of bidding,
        Luxembourg        recent  700MHz  and  3600MHz  spectrum  auction,   according  to  the  Luxembourg  Institute  of  Regulation
                                                                        (Institut  Luxembourgeois  de  Regulation,  ILR).  The
                          paying  a  total  of  EUR41.3  million  (USD47.8  million).
                          In  the  700MHz  band  (703MHz-733MHz/758MHz-  15-year  licenses,  which are  renewable at  least  once
                          788MHz),  Orange,  Post  and  Proximus  were  each   for a period of five years, are subject to a number of
                          awarded one of the three available lots of 2×10MHz. In   coverage obligations which aim to ensure 5G services
                          the 3600MHz band (3420MHz-3750MHz), where a total   are  available  in  the  Luxembourg  municipality  by  the
                          of 330MHz was up for auction, Orange and Post each   end of 2020 and nationwide no later than 2025.
                          secured  110MHz  of  frequencies,  Proximus  100MHz   (July 23, 2020)

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