Page 114 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
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                         Mobile and China Broadcast Network. Outside China,   and outdoor locations in Hong Kong." Two operators,
                         so  far  only  Japan  and  Russia  have  committed  to  it.   China Mobile and HKT, paid HK$120 million (US$15.5
                         However, in a consultation paper issued Thursday, the   million) for each of the two 40MHz of 4.9GHz blocks
                         Communications Authority (CA) said it believed "local   auctioned  last  October.  The  CA  said  it  had  recently
                         and  worldwide  developments"  in  4.9GHz  adoption   vacated  50MHz  of  4.9GHz  spectrum  that  was  being
                         would ensure that  network equipment  and terminals   used by government agencies. It proposes combining
                         would  become  more  commonly  available.  An  even   this  with  30MHz  of  reserve  spectrum  to  create  two
                         more  significant  attraction  of  4.9GHz  is  that  it  can   more 40MHz blocks. It suggests limiting each bidder
                         be used right across the city. The mobile industry in   to a maximum of 40MHz. The new frequencies would
                         Southeast  Asia  has  been  in  conflict  with  satellite   likely be most attractive to Hutchison and Smartone,
                         broadcasters  over  the  3.5GHz  band,  which  overlaps   who have the smallest spectrum holdings overall and
                         with satellite broadcast services. To avoid interference,   the smallest in 5G, with just 70MHz apiece compared
                         the regulator has set up an exclusion zone in northeast   with the 120MHz owned by HKT and China Mobile. The
                         Hong  Kong,  covering  approximately  10%  of  the   CA paper proposes allocating the spectrum through an
                         population. As the CA puts it, compared to 3.3GHz and   auction as with the other 5G frequencies, and requiring
                         3.5GHz, "the 4.9GHz band has the advantage of being   the successful bidders to provide at least 50% coverage
                         able to support deployment of 5G services at all indoor   within five years. (July 23, 2020)

                         India’s Supreme Court has indicated that it may require   pay the dues instead. In a similar vein, the court has
                         cellcos  that have used  the spectrum  of bankrupt   looked to reclaim the dues of shuttered companies from
                         providers to pay the Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR)-  the entities that now hold their former spectrum rights.
                         related dues of those ailing companies, the Economic   On Friday, the court claimed that Bharti Airtel should
        India            Times reports. In a series of hearings over the weekend   pay the outstanding AGR dues for Aircel and Videocon
                         the apex court reaffirmed its intention to enforce the   Telecommunication  –  totaling  INR123.9  billion
                         collection of dues from its October 2019 resolution of   (USD1.67  billion)  and  INR13.76  billion  respectively
                         a  decade-spanning  argument  over  AGR  calculations.   – as  the cellco  purchased  spectrum  from the two
                         India’s  telcos  pay  a  portion  of  their  AGR  in  license   companies,  and  neither  firm  had  paid  the  dues  prior
                         fees and spectrum charges, but many of the providers   to  their  bankruptcy  and  closure.  Similarly,  the  bench
                         named in last year’s decision have long-since closed,   claimed that Reliance Jio Infocomm (Jio) is liable to
                         whilst two more – Reliance Communications (RCOM)   pay the AGR dues of RCOM (around INR252 billion) as
                         and  Aircel  –  have  been  declared  bankrupt  and  are   it utilizes some of the company’s remaining airwaves
                         undergoing insolvency proceedings. As it has become   through  sharing  deals.  The  DoT  has  relinquished  its
                         increasingly apparent that  neither  of the bankrupt   authority to rule on the matter to the Supreme Court,
                         cellcos nor the other defunct providers will be able to   as  the  court’s  current  stance  contradicts  one  of  its
                         pay the dues – which include not only the outstanding   previous rulings on the matter. Last year, the court had
                         license  and spectrum fees but  also  penalties and   rejected an appeal from the DoT seeking to overturn
                         interest – the court has begun looking for other parties   a decision from the Telecom Disputes Settlement and
                         to  pay  the  dues.  The  Supreme  Court  has  turned  its   Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT) which had stated that the
                         attention to the spectrum rights of the two companies,   regulator would not be allowed to collect RCOM’s from
                         as the insolvency process hinges on the concessions.   Jio based on spectrum  the latter  had acquired from
                         The  value  of  both  firms  is  tied  to  their  spectrum   the  former.  The  planned  deal  ultimately  collapsed,
                         rights and any hope  for creditors  to recoup  their   however. (August 24, 2020)
                         expenses relies on the sale of their airwaves, but the
                         Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has claimed   The  Telecom  Regulatory  Authority  of  India  (TRAI)
                         the  companies  cannot  sell their permissions  on  the   declared an additional spectrum usage fee only applies
                         basis that the spectrum is owned by the Indian state.   to  the  specific  frequencies  shared  by  two  operators
                         Regardless of the outcome, though, the DoT is unlikely   and not to their entire spectrum holdings. The regulator
                         to be able to collect any dues. If it blocks the sales, the   issued  its  final  recommendations  on  calculating
                         companies will be forced into liquidation but if it permits   spectrum  usage charges when airwaves are shared
                         the transactions to go ahead, it will not be entitled to   by  two  operators.  Based  on  existing  guidelines,  the
                         the proceeds from the sales due to its classification as   spectrum holders must pay a 0.5 per cent usage fee
                         an operational creditor As such, the court has begun   of adjusted gross revenue (AGR), which is applied to
                         looking into the use of the spectrum rights held by the   the  spectrum  holding  in  the  specific  band  in  which
                         bankrupt cellcos, arguing that operators that used the   sharing is taking place. To give operators the flexibility
                         frequencies via sharing agreements should be made to   to manage their spectrum based on commercial needs,

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