Page 115 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
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                         TRAI  also  suggested  government  guidelines  require   was the cause for the insolvency filing. As previously
                         spectrum-sharing  agreements  to  include  an  exit   reported  by TeleGeography’s CommsUpdate,  RCOM’s
                         clause  allowing  either  party  to  terminate  an  existing   asset monetization plans were blocked by its dispute
                         arrangement. The recommendations come days after   with  Ericsson,  restricting  its  capacity  to  raise  funds.
                         the  country’s  Supreme  Court  said  Reliance  Jio  must   The  company’s  chairman  Anil  Ambani  only  narrowly
                         pay  Reliance  Communications’  (Rcom)  AGR  fees   avoided a jail sentence for contempt of court for failing
                         since  it  has  been  using  the  now  defunct  operator’s   to pay the vendor when his brother Mukesh Ambani –
                         spectrum since 2016. Rcom is undergoing bankruptcy   the chairman of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) and
                         proceedings. Jio, which filed an affidavit with the court   one of the world’s richest men – paid the dues on his
                         today, said it is not liable for Rcom’s AGR fees, arguing   behalf in March 2019. RCOM’s AGR dues were most-
                         the spectrum-sharing deal is not connected with AGR   recently  pegged  at  INR310  billion  (USD4.1  billion),
                         liability. (August 17, 2020)  and  the  company  owes  around  INR490  billion  to  its
                                                                        creditors. The apex court questioned the potential sale
                         The Supreme Court has demanded that the Department   of the  spectrum  holdings  by the bankrupt  providers,
                         of Telecommunications (DoT) explain how it expects to   seemingly  unaware  of  the  DoT’s  continued  efforts
                         recover  dues  related  to  the  Adjusted  Gross  Revenue   to prevent such transactions. The DoT has taken the
                         (AGR) case from bankrupt providers Aircel and Reliance   stance that the license holders do not have the right
                         Communications  (RCOM.  The  court  had  previously   to sell the spectrum, as it is national property. Aircel
                         stated that  it  suspected  the two companies  had   and  RCOM  have  argued  that  they  own  rights,  which
                         declared bankruptcy to avoid paying the dues, despite   are transferable, and as  such  are authorized to sell
                         both doing so long before the October 2019 ruling on   the  frequencies.  The  duo  have  also  highlighted  that
                         AGR.  Nevertheless,  the  bench  was  cited  as  saying   the  spectrum  resources  are  both  companies’  key
                         that it intended to look more closely at the cause of   assets. The telcos’ position was upheld by the National
                         the initiation of insolvency for the companies, and their   Company  Law  Tribunal  (NCLT)  and  the  National
                         liabilities.  The  court  highlighted  the  fact  that  RCOM   Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT), but the DoT
                         had already settled its  dispute  with  vendor  partner   has filed an appeal before the Supreme Court, which is
                         Ericsson  prior  to  the  insolvency  filing,  RCOM  having   currently pending.
                         previously  stated  that  its  legal  battle  with  Ericsson   (August 11, 2020) The Economic Times

                         Italy’s  government  has  green-lighted  a  proposal  to   thanks  to  its  existing  involvement  in  the  Flash  Fiber
                         create a single broadband network company which will   joint  venture  which  has  been  deploying  fiber-to-the-
                         now be presented in a Memorandum of Understanding   home (FTTH) networks across Italy.
                         (MoU)  to  incumbent  operator  Telecom  Italia  (TIM).   (August 28, 2020)
        Italy            State investment fund Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP)   The  Italian  government  has  reportedly  approved  a
                         has  been  at  the  heart  of  negotiations  to  merge  TIM
                         with  wholesale  broadband  operator  Open  Fiber;  CDP   move by Telecom Italia (TIM) to sell a stake in its last-
                         owns 50% of Open Fiber and has a minority stake in   mile networks business FiberCop to US investment firm
                         TIM.  According  to  a  report,  which  cites  several  local   KKR.  KKR  has  offered  EUR1.8  billion  (USD2.1  billion)
                         newspapers, the plan put forward by CDP and approved   for  a  37.5%  interest  in  FiberCop  and  La  Repubblica
                         by the government will restrict TIM’s control of the unit   writes that, following the government green light, TIM’s
                         while still giving it majority ownership. TIM is known to   board  is  expected  to  vote  on  31  August  to  push  the
                         favor retaining control of the merged unit, while Open   deal  through.  The  Rome  government  is  still  trying  to
                         Fiber wants an open access broadband provider which   help  negotiate  a  tie-up  between  TIM  and  wholesale
                         is wholly independent of TIM. Daily La Stampa said a   network operator Open Fiber, which would lead to the
                         strong state presence would be guaranteed thanks to   creation  of  a  single  national  broadband  network.  An
                         CDP, and TIM would not be allowed a majority of board   agreement  has not yet been  reached  as  the various
                         members in the future network. Meanwhile, TIM is also   parties  have different views  on  the future ownership
                         discussing the future of secondary, or last mile, copper   and governance of the business, with TIM looking to
                         and  fiber  networks  business,  which  it  has  dubbed   retain control but politicians favoring an independent
                         FiberCop. Following on from news that the government   unit. (August 27, 2020) La Repubblica
                         has approved plans to sell a 37.5% stake in FiberCop
                         to  US  investment  fund  KKR,  TIM  has  now  signed  a   Italian  cellco  Iliad  has  been  granted an  eight-year
                         MoU with Italian ISP Tiscali which could pave the way   extension  of  its  900MHz  license  which  was  due  to
                         for its participation in the project. Another broadband   expire at the end of 2021. Telecoms regulator AGCOM
                         provider, Fastweb, is already taking a stake in FiberCop   has  agreed  to  extend  its  permit  to  end-2029  after

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