Page 102 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
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        and  Saudi Arabia. Netherlands  is the  sixth on  the  list, followed   The  relevance  category  examines  the  presence  and  “extent  of
        by  Australia,  Canada,  Bulgaria,  and  Norway.  France  is  25th  on   local  language  content  and  relevant  content.”  It  ranked  72nd
        the  list,  while  the  US  is  33rd  and  the  UK is  54th. Algeria  ranks   globally out of 100 countries due to a “dearth of relevant content.”
        130th,  while  Tunisia  is  68th.  South  Africa  ranks  55th.  Morocco   According to the index, the affordability ranking in Morocco is also
        has few telecommunication operators, including Maroc Telecom,   low. The list puts Morocco 66th out of 100. The category reviews
        Orange,  and  Inwi.  The  three  operators  offer  internet  data  for   the “cost of access relative to income and the level of competition
        customers.  Morocco  also  ranked  62nd  out  of  100  countries  in   in the internet marketplace.” Morocco ranked 65th in readiness,
        the 2019 Inclusive Internet Index. The index scores 100 countries   which  examines  “the  capacity  to  access  the  Internet,  including
        on availability, affordability, relevance, and readiness of internet   skills,  cultural  acceptance,  and  supporting  policy.”  Morocco’s
        connectivity. Out of the four categories, the country ranked best,   National  Telecommunications  Regulatory  Agency  (ANRT)  said
        47th  globally,  in  availability.  The  availability  category  indicates   that the number of internet subscribers in the country amounted
        the quality  and breadth of available infrastructure for access   to 25.38 million in 2019. The agency recorded an 11.43% increase
        and levels of internet usage. The report, however, indicates that   in internet subscriptions in 2019, representing a 2.6% growth from
        Morocco  has  a  low  rating  for  “service  quality  of  internet.”  The   2018. ANRT also recorded an increase of 11.22% in 2019, a growth
        data shows the country also scored low in the “relevance” criteria.   of 2.21% compared to 2018.  (August 30, 2020)


        Radio Frequency Policy Determination Committee has decided to   band  for  Ncell.  While  awarding  the  frequency,  NTA  put  several
        provide 5MHz additional frequency bandwidth in 1800 MHz band   conditions to Ncell for 4G expansion. As per the decision, Nepal
        to Nepal Telecom. Earlier, the telecom operator had been lobbying   Telecom also has to pay the same 5 crores and 80 lakhs per MHz
        for  the  same  spectrum.  The  committee  under  the  Ministry  of   frequency, if the company want to get that chunk of the frequency
        Communication  and  Information  technology  (MoCIT)  is  also   band. Whereas the company was lobbying to get the spectrum at
        headed by the Minister himself. Whereas other members are the   their own bidding price. But Nepal Telecommunication Authority
        secretary  from  the  Home  Ministry,  Defense  Ministry,  Tourism   recommended the price of the frequency in this band to be the
        Ministry,  and  MoCIT.  Nepal  Telecom  currently  holds  15  MHz   same as that of Ncell’s highest bid price.
        bandwidth in the 1800 MHz. After the addition of 5 MHz, the total   (August 8, 2020)
        frequency bandwidth becomes 20 MHz, which is the upper ceiling
        for any operator to hold in that spectrum band as per frequency   The Nepalese government’s Finance Bill for fiscal year 2020/21
        policy. Similarly, Ncell already holds the 20 MHz that they could   extended the ‘mobile ownership fee’ to new post-paid SIMs and
        get from spectrum auction. Earlier there was a 16 MHz residual   recharge cards with effect from 16 July. The 2% tax previously
        spectrum in 1800 MHz band, among which Ncell got contiguous   applied  only  to  pre-paid  SIM  cards,  while  a  one-time  fee  of
        9  MHz  bandwidth  from  the  auction.  NTA  also  performed  the   NPR500  (USD4.13)  was  levied  on  post-paid  SIM  purchases.  In
        spectrum refarming in the 1800 MHz band to make the continuous   addition to the ownership tax, mobile recharges are also subject
        spectrum  possible.  Ncell’s  bid  price  of  1  MHz  was  Rs  5  crore   to a 13% telecommunication service fee and 13% VAT.
        and 80 lakhs, which was now the price of the frequency in this   (August 3, 2020) Nepal Post Daily


        The  Telecom  Regulatory  Authority  (TRA)  in  Oman  has  made  a   Oman’s  Telecommunication  Regulation  Authority  has  issued  a
        statement  on  the  automatic  renewal  of  value-added  services.   new directive to ensure all telecom companies operating in the
        “In  case  you  do  not  want  to  renew  the  subscribed  service   country continue to remain competitive, so that any one company
        automatically, be sure to choose the  subscription  for one  time   does not get an unfair advantage over the others. Mohammed Al
        only, and the company has no right then to renew that service   Rumhi, the chairman of the board of directors of the TRA, issued
        automatically,” TRA said. One of the conditions for participation in   Decision  No.  59/2020,  amending  provisions  to  the  existing
        value-added services is that the company sends a secret number   Resolution  Number  70/2013,  regarding  the  rules  for  market
        and the subscriber must enter the number to ensure the approval   regulation and behavior that goes against the efforts of ensuring
        and validity of the subscription, it added.            it  remains  competitive.  “The  authority,  on  its  own  initiative,  or
        (August 2, 2020)                       based on complaints submitted by a concerned party, may initiate
                                                               investigations to ensure the actions or activities of the licensee

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