Page 103 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
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        limit  or prevent competitive behavior, that  are contrary  to the   postal  articles  slumping  76  per  cent.  “This  can  be  considered
        spirit of competition, or that violate prior regulatory obligations,   as a normal result as many people have moved from using the
        in accordance with the procedures for officiating competitiveness   traditional mail  system  into electronic mailing services which
        complaints,” said a statement from the organization. The decision   are also  considered another  type of communication  service, in
        comes just days after the Telecommunication Regulatory Authority   addition to the electronic billing that is widely available in many
        decided  to update  its  report  on  the current state  of the Omani   mobile applications,” said the Ministry. At the same time, there
        telecom  market, and called for all stakeholders  involved in this   was a 121 per cent increase in the number of domestic postal
        sector to provide feedback on the public consultation document it   packages, fuelled  by strong growth in eCommerce. Ecommerce
        has recently released in this context. “In light of the TRA’s role in   also contributed to a 24 per cent jump in incoming international
        conducting periodic reviews of the telecommunications services   and domestic Express postal articles handled last year.
        markets, the TRA is currently updating the market definition and   (August 4, 2020)
        dominance report issued in 2013,” said the authority.
        (August 9, 2020)                       Enjoying the 50th global position in e-government in the UN index,
                                                               the Sultanate’s focus areas now are telecom and human capital,
        Oman’s telecom sector currently has a total of 16 telecom service   which  stand  at  63  and  72  positions  respectively.  The  Ministry
        providers operating in the following three categories: Category 1 –   of  Technology  and  Communications  (MoTC)  is  studying  how
        Omantel, Ooredoo, Awasr, Telecom Oman ‘TEO’, Arab International   to  improve  these  two  sectors.  Shariffa  al  Maskery,  Director  of
        Connect, Oman Broadband Company, and Almadakhel Investment   International Relations and Communications at MoTC, said, “We
        Company;  Category  2  –  Renna  Mobile,  Friendi  Mobile,  Zajel   are currently studying all possible aspects, the biggest challenge
        Communications,  Awasr,  and  Albahlani  Communication;  and   being updating timely and accurate data with UNESCO’s Institute
        Category  3  –  Azyan  Telecom,  Rignet,  MHD  telecom,  MHD  Sat   of Statistics and telecom data with International Telecom Union
        Services,  and  Kuthban  Middle  East.  The  announcement  came   (ITU).”  “These  two  organizations  need  time  to  validate  193
        in  the  newly  published  2019  Annual  Report  of  the  Ministry  of   member states. So if we delay uploading our information on their
        Technology  and  Communications.  Telecom  towers  installed  by   dashboard,  we  would  miss  the  chance.  Once  the  UN  begins  to
        licensed operators across all service categories reached 14,167   gather the information and if our information is not up to date,
        in 2019 distributed across 2G (4,498 towers), 3G (5,399), and 4G   they would use the old one. So we will be working very closely
        (4,270),  the  report  stated.  To  ensure  telecom  service  coverage   with the Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA) and ITU
        in the rural areas, the TRA introduced the “Universal Service” in   as well as the Human Capital Index and Institute of Statistics of
        collaboration  with  licensed  telecom  companies.  The  operators   UNESCO. They are all very cooperative but we just need to ensure
        provide the services to the rural areas in return for facilitation and   that information is uploaded,” explained Shariffa. COVID-19 has
        exemptions. This initiative is being implemented in two phases   seen a  move  towards  digital  services more  than  ever and  has
        during 2018-2019 and covered 350 villages. In the next stage, the   seen  a  speed  up  to  use  Artificial  Intelligence  technology.  “The
        operators will focus on upgrading the coverage to include 3G and   Ministry of Health is using Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology
        4G networks. Meanwhile, broadband subscriptions by residential   to monitor people in quarantine. The Royal Oman Police is using
        and  commercial  customers  surged  53  per  cent  in  Muscat   drones  to  urge  people  to  stay  indoors.  Government  employees
        Governorate last year, but subscription trends were significantly   have been working from home is something we would have never
        lower in other governorate, according to the Ministry. The Ministry   dreamt of. Thanks to technology, we did not stop working even
        attributed  the  high  uptake  of  services  in  Muscat  to  the  high   when we are at home due to the pandemic. Universities, colleges
        population density in the capital area, as well as concentration of   and schools have adapted to the situation by bringing education
        commercial activities. Service providers too have been active in   online,” she noted. Many factors enabled the Sultanate to secure
        developing and promoting their services within the capital area,   the  50th  position  in  e-government.  The  two  major  factors  –
        it noted. There was a rapid increase in the number of residential   the  e-transformation  program,  and  the  MoTC’s  work  with  the
        subscribers  of  fixed  broadband  services,  but  fewer  subscribers   potential  ministries to improve their portals  and e-services –
        in  comparison  in  the  commercial  and  institutional  segments.   were mainly due to cooperation among the government entities.
        Mobile  broadband  subscribers  saw  their  numbers  grow  12  per   The  e-transformation  program  sees  the  MoTC  engaging  with
        cent  in  2019.  Around  99  per  cent  of  the  population  currently   the whole of government – supporting, advising and training, to
        enjoys 3G/4G coverage, representing a 10 per cent growth over   transform services to digital services, and hence in 2018 for the
        2018 trends. A significant decline was recorded in the volume of   Online Service Index, Oman was ranked 43 and now it is on 24th
        traditional postal services last year, with outgoing international   position. (July 19, 2020)


        Federal   Minister   for   Information   Technology   and   are being taken for the development of IT and Telecom sector. The
        Telecommunication Syed Amin Ul Haque has said that the steps   Federal Minister for IT was chairing the 7th meeting of the Prime

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