Page 9 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
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                                                MEMBERS NEWS

                                             stc’s Net Income for Q1 of 2020 Increases by
                                             5.93% Compared to the Corresponding Quarter
                                             Last Year

        stc announced the company’s preliminary financial results for the   number 10 globally (coming from number 105) in the internet speed
        period ending at 31 March 2020:                        in 3 years only. On top of that, stc’s internet speed has increased
        •  Revenues  for the 1st  quarter reached  SR 13,935m  with  an   7 times over the past 3 years. stc winning two Speedtest Awards
          increase of 4.10% compared to the corresponding quarter last   for the fastest mobile network, and best mobile coverage in the
          year.                                                kingdom in 2019, shows the company's commitment to provide the
        •  Gross Profit for the for the 1st quarter reached to SR 8,196m   best services to its customers. In addition, stc won the Customer
          with  an  increase of  3.71%  compared to  the corresponding   Experience Management Award for 2020 after competing with the
          quarter last year.                                   largest global telecom operators. Part of our journey for digital
        •  Operating Profit for the 1st quarter reached to SR 3,004m with   transformation  and enriching  customer’s experience,  paper
          a decrease of (8.27%) compared to the corresponding quarter   contracts had been dispensed and 7 million contracts on annual
          last year.                                           basis were digitized which in return will contribute to save around
        •  Earnings  before  Interest,  Taxes,  Zakat,  Depreciation  and   200,000 hours  of customers  waiting time annually.  In addition,
          Amortization (EBITDA) for the 1st quarter reached to SR 5,330m   stc is expanding in the telecom towers infrastructure by building
          with  a  decrease  of  (1.04%)  compared  to  the  corresponding   new towers in the Kingdom while at the same time keeping-up
          quarter last year.
        •  Net Income for the 1st quarter reached to SR 2,913m with an
          increase of 5.93% compared to the corresponding quarter last
        In accordance with the approved dividend policy for three years
        starting  from  the  4th  quarter  2018,  which  was  announced
        on  16  December  2018,  and  has  been  ratified  during  the  Extra
        Ordinary General Assembly Meeting on April 24th 2019, stc will
        distribute a total of SR 2,000 million in cash dividend for Q1 2020,
        representing SR 1 per share. The eligibility of dividends shall be for
        the shareholders at the close of trading on Tuesday 28/04/2020
        corresponding  to  05/09/1441  H  and  as  per  the  registered
        shareholders in the register of The Securities Depository Center
        Company at  the end of the 2nd trading day  following  the
        eligibility date. Dividend distribution date will be on 19/05/2020
        corresponding  to  26/09/1441H.  Commenting  on  these  results,
        Eng.  Nasser  bin  Sulaiman  Al-Nasser,  GCEO  of  Saudi  Telecom
        Company (stc), indicated that the company, despite the emerging
        epidemic conditions of the Corona Virus (COVID-19), was able to
        grow its top line by 4.1%. As a result, stc’s business units achieved
        distinct growth in revenue during the current quarter compared
        to the same quarter of the previous year. Where the increase of
        Enterprise Business Unit revenues were supported by innovative
        products in the field of Internet of Things, cloud computing and
        Cyber security in addition to other telecom products and services.
        Further,  the  Wholesale  Business  Unit  revenue  also  increased
        supported by  the growth witnessed  in Hubbing  services. As
        for  Consumer  Business  unit,  revenue  has  increased  with  the
        support of an increase in fiber optic subscribers by 23% and data
        revenue by 15.5%. As a testimony of KSA global leading position
        in  communications infrastructure  in  general,  and  in  digital
        communications  in  particular,  KSA was  successfully  ranked

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