Page 46 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 46


        Egypt's  PM  Follows  Up  On  Establishment  of  Telecom  Networks  in  New

        Administrative Capital

        Egypt’s Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly   stressed  the  importance  of  finalizing  all   began in 2015 as part of the government's
        followed up on the latest developments in   under-construction  projects  in the  New   plan to  reduce  pressure on the existing
        the establishment of telecommunication   Administrative Capital on time, while   overpopulated capital, expand urban areas
        networks and digital transformation   taking  all  preventive measures  against   and develop the nation’s infrastructure. It
        plans  at  the New  Administrative  capital.   the coronavirus. Last  year, Egypt said   is being built over 714 square kilometers
        According  to a  statement  by the cabinet   it  would  build  an  EGP  40  billion  ($2.53   by tens of thousands  of workers,  and
        on Sunday, Madbouly  was  briefed by   billion)  telecommunications  network  will  be home  to a  government  housing
        telecommunications  minister  Amr  Talaat   in  the  first  phase  of  the  new  capital,   district, 29  ministries and other  state
        on projects  underway  in  the new  capital,   located  east  of Cairo, the cabinet said  in   institutions –  including  the cabinet and
        which  includes  digitizing  and preserving   a statement on Wednesday. State-owned   parliament buildings – and 20 residential
        government  databases and developing   telecom  operator  Telecom  Egypt  signed   neighborhoods  that  can accommodate
        human capabilities  in  the digital  domain.   a  deal with the Administrative Capital   6.5  million  people.  The  government  was
        He  was  also  presented  with  the latest   for Urban Development  (ACUD), the   planning to relocate ministries to the new
        efforts  regarding a  project to establish   company  building  the mega city, to build   capital by mid-2020; however, the move
        infrastructure for the  telecommunication   the network. Construction on the new city,   was delayed to 2021 over the coronavirus
        networks in the  new capital.  Madbouly   located approximately 45km east of Cairo,   outbreak.

        Pakistani Fintech SadaPay Gets In-Principle Approval to Launch Mobile Wallet

                                                               nearly 1 million new smartphones  users  coming  online  every
                                                               month. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, internet adoption is
                                                               only accelerating and more people  turn to digital solutions  for
                                                               everyday payments. This presents a tremendous opportunity for
                                                               SadaPay not only in Pakistan, but also a number of other regional
                                                               markets that the team hopes to expand to. “Sada” translates to
                                                               “simple” in both Urdu and Arabic. SadaPay’s mission is to do away
                                                               with the cost and complexities of traditional banking through their
                                                               simplified digital-first experience. SadaPay offers a smartphone-
                                                               based digital wallet accompanied by a free Mastercard debit card.
                                                               As soon as a SadaPay account is activated, a virtual debit card is
                                                               provisioned for immediate use. Also, users can perform free and
                                                               instant transfers to any bank in Pakistan, and withdraw cash from
                                                               all of the 14,500+ domestic ATMs with no fees (3x per month).
                                                               Furthermore, users can also load their account with cash at any
        SadaPay has announced that it has been granted the in-principle   of  30,000+  retail  locations across  the country.  Speaking about
        approval  by  the  State  Bank  of  Pakistan  (SBP)  for  an  Electronic   the  news  on  the  approval,  Brandon  stated,  “It’s  really  amazing
        Money Institution (EMI) license. This approval allows SadaPay to   to see how committed the State Bank of Pakistan is to adapt to
        ready its operations for the pilot phase, during which the digital   changes  in consumer behavior and advances in technology.  In
        wallet will be available on a limited scale, under supervision of   the last few months alone, we’ve witnessed tremendous progress
        the regulator – the SBP. Though an official launch date has not   by SBP with the release of a number of new regulations that are
        yet been  disclosed,  SadaPay says they will  be  in beta testing   certain to make an incredible impact on Pakistan’s economy by
        mode for the coming months to make sure all their systems are   catalyzing the digitization of its financial system. We are also very
        ready for an official launch later this year. The startup is founded   grateful for the support we’ve received from the Bank of Punjab
        by  American  entrepreneur  Brandon  Timinsky,  who  ventured  to   and Mastercard, which will  certainly  spur our journey  towards
        Pakistan after his last startup in the US was acquired. Over the   rapidly expanding financial inclusion in the country” Speaking on
        last year, Timinsky has assembled a team of banking veterans,   the occasion, Dr Waqar said, “The role the central bank is playing
        liaised with the regulatory authorities, and built the foundation for   in laying the foundations  of a  broad-based  and user-friendly
        a “digital first” financial institution in Pakistan. Pakistan’s former   digital  payment  system  in  Pakistan  is  laudable.  These  efforts
        finance secretary Dr Waqar Masood Khan has joined SadaPay as   have gained momentum since last July. Pakistan would soon be
        chairman of the board. Pakistan is now the 5th most populous   a leading country in digitizing its payment system and SadaPay
        country in the world, with over 76 million 3G/4G subscribers and   would play a prominent role to achieve this goal.”

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