Page 38 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 38


        Arthur D. Little's Paris and Brussels offices,   the need  for companies to  have  digital   Associate  Director in ADL Paris’s digital
        comments:  “ADL’s  digital teams  are a   strategies that reinforce and complement   team, adds: “The pace and complexity of
        specialist group of consultants focused   their business models in the long term. In   digital transformation increases along
        on accelerating the digital transition within   addition,  the EU has recognized that the   with technologies’ maturity. Companies
        government,  corporate  and industrial   digital transformation across all sectors   are now expected to have articulated
        sectors. Linking  digital  expertise  with   in Europe  has to be  accelerated  in order   understanding  of their missions  within a
        ADL’s core skills in strategy and innovation   for countries to remain competitive and   digital world, as well as a detailed roadmap
        is a key way in which we help our clients   not get left behind by the speed of change   to get there. The articulation of the long-
        to succeed  in today’s world. I  would  like   in other  parts  of the world. Digitalization   term vision with quick wins and short-
        to extend  a warm welcome  to all  new   can sometimes feel like  a  long tunnel   term use cases is paramount to bolstering
        members  of our digital teams, as their   fraught  with peril, but ADL is committed   teams’ engagement and set up a virtuous
        experience is sure to significantly reinforce   to successfully moving its clients into the   financial circle. ADL relies on deep industry
        both our capabilities and reach in this area.”   digital future as part of a value-led process,   knowledge and experience in innovation to
        Michael Majster, Partner in ADL Belgium’s   with its digital teams using their expertise   support its  clients in seizing  these  new
        digital team, adds:  “Although  we are   to highlight  how new technologies  have   opportunities.”
        currently living through challenging times,   helped  companies to innovate and
        the COVID-19 situation has re-emphasized   thrive.”  Marie-Catherine Patry  Winckler,

                                             U.S. Dept. Of Homeland Security Awards AT&T 4

                                             Task Orders On EIS

        AT&T has been awarded 4 Task Orders from
        the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
        (DHS) to modernize and transform DHS’
        telecommunications  infrastructure with
        IP-based networking services. The awards
        have a  combined value of $306  million
        over 12 years if all options are exercised.
        The Task  Orders were made under
        the General Services Administration’s
        Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS)
        contract.  The  4 Task  Orders are for
        networking  services in support of the
        department’s  Headquarters, Immigration   products  and services including data   for improved monitoring  and zero-trust
        and Customs Enforcement,  Cybersecurity   networking, voice collaboration, equipment,   networking to help ensure only valid users
        and Infrastructure Security  Agency, and   security and labor. They also provide DHS   have  network  access. These capabilities
        Science and Technology Directorate. Why   the option to access FirstNet®, Built with   can help DHS transform and secure
        is this important? The  Department of   AT&T* – the only network built with public   its  network  to meet current and future
        Homeland Security  has  the extraordinary   safety for public safety – to deliver reliable,   connectivity  demands in the service of
        mission to secure the nation from the   always-on priority communications to   its mission. What is significant about this
        many threats we face,  with more than   its  first  responders  and  public  safety   contract award? DHS seeks to benefit from
        240,000 employees in jobs that range from   personnel. Via these agreements, DHS will   capabilities it  can  acquire  under  the EIS
        aviation and border security to emergency   have options for mobility integration using   contract,  specifically  the  innovative  and
        response  and from  cybersecurity  analyst   FirstNet to connect  beyond  wires with   advanced communications  capabilities
        to chemical  facility  inspector.  To achieve   wireless edge  solutions  for primary and   AT&T  can  bring  to  it.  These  include  the
        its mission, DHS requires a technologically   failover connectivity. What is the scope of   opportunity to benefit from AT&T’s highly
        advanced  communications  platform that   the network modernization?  We will  help   secure,  reliable, networking  capabilities
        offers fast connectivity and data transport   DHS virtualize its  networking  capabilities   in support of the broad and critical
        in a highly secure manner. DHS is using the   on our platform. We will deliver advanced   mission of public safety users across DHS
        EIS  contract  to procure innovations such   technologies  to DHS  such as  our IP   agencies. With AT&T, DHS can modernize
        as IP-based networking services. The Task   software-based  networking  capabilities,   its technology platform in the service of its
        Orders awarded to AT&T pave the way for   SD-WAN, cybersecurity protections that   mission to safeguard the America people,
        DHS to access a full spectrum of flexible   reduce the number of internet connections   our homeland and our values.

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