Page 9 - SAMENA ELITE - July-September 2024
P. 9


        Indoor CPE makes up the most of                                          Regional Trends
        FWA CPE shipments, but its share                                         When looking at the regional
        decreased by 2% points YoY to repre-                                     breakdown, Middle East and Africa
        sent 60% of the total FWA CPE ship-                                      accounted for the largest share of
        ments this year. This is forecasted to                                   shipments at 23% of volumes. That
        drop marginally to 59% in 2024. Bat-                                     is followed by North America (17%),
        tery-operated pocket routers made                                        Europe (16%), China (15%) and Rest of
        up 25% of total FWA CPE shipments in                                     Asia-Pacific (15%).
        2023 and this isn’t expected to fluctu-
        ate in the coming year. Outdoor FWA                                      Various regions driving 5G FWA
        CPE constitutes the remaining 15% of                                     shipment growth in 2023. North
        CPE shipments, having grown from                                         America accounts for the largest
        11% in 2022. Within the outdoor CPE                                      share of 5G FWA shipments at 31%.
        segment there is an expected growth                                      However, the percentage of FWA
        of flexible indoor/outdoor self-in-                                      shipments that are 5G for North
        stallation devices from 1.6m in 2023                                     America is 65%, which is lower than
        to 1.9m. These flexible install devices   Evolution of 5G FWA Millimetre-wave   India that has the highest share of 5G
                                                 capable shipments (thousands)
        represented 36% of the outdoor CPE                                       FWA shipments at 86%.
                                             Sample: 2022 FWA Survey, 26 respondents,
        segment in 2023 and is expected to
                                                      2023 FWA survey, 25
        remain at similar level during 2024.
                                             and this is anticipated to increase by
                                                                                        In 2023, 7.2 million
        5G FWA Device Shipments              44% to 10.4 million in 2024. 3.0 million   shipments were 5G
        5G FWA device shipments grew by      shipments were 5G non-standalone        standalone activated/
        18% from 8.7 million in 2022 to 10.2   activated/enabled and this is also
        million in 2023, representing 34% of   set to grow to 5.2 million in 2024, an   enabled and this is
        total FWA CPE shipments. In 2024, 5G   increase of 73%.                     anticipated to increase
        FWA device shipments are forecasted                                         by 44% to 10.4 million in
        to be 15.6 million, comprising 42% of   5G millimetre-wave capable FWA    2024. 3.0 million shipments
        shipments.                           devices have experienced significant   were 5G non-standalone
                                             growth from 452 thousand units in
                                                                                  activated/enabled and this
                                                                                    is also set to grow to 5.2
                                                                                  million in 2024, an increase
                                                                                              of 73%.

                                                                                 Device Form Factors and Capability
                                                                                 Looking at future device trends, there
                                                                                 is clear consensus that the majority
                                                                                 of the survey respondents think
                                                                                 Window Mounted CPE, Flexible Indoor
                                                                                 and Outdoor CPE and Self-Installation
                                                                                 Apps are growing. In contrast,
                                                                                 respondents are increasingly
                                                                                 pessimistic towards Hybrid fibre/
                                                                                 DSL CPE with 47% of respondents
                     Evolution of 5G FWA-enabled device shipments, millions
           Sample: 2022 FWA Survey, 26 respondents, 2023 FWA Survey, 25 respondents, 2024   expecting it to be flat and 13% state
                                  survey, 30 respondents                         that it is declining.

        The survey this year asked           2022 to 736 thousand units in 2023.   Survey respondents were also asked
        respondents to share what            By 2024, 5G FWA millimetre-wave     about module and chipset strategies.
        proportion of their 5G shipments     capable shipments are expected      47% said that their current module is
        were standalone activated/enabled.   to grow by 22% to just under 900    from more than one third party, an
        In 2023, 7.2 million shipments were   thousand units.                    increase from 41% last year. Looking
        5G standalone activated/enabled                                          forward to the full 2024 year, both

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