Page 58 - SAMENA Trends - September 2023
P. 58


        Commission Says Mobile Roaming Regulation Still Important to Competition

                                             remains an important regulatory backstop   wholesale access can take place,’ he said.
                                             for promoting  competition  in  mobile   The  Commerce  Commission  highlighted
                                             telecommunications markets  for  the   that  national  roaming  had  been  critical
                                             benefit of consumers. Telecommunications   to  the  development  of the  New  Zealand
                                             Commissioner Tristan Gilbertson explained   mobile  market  and  to enabling 2degrees,
                                             in  a  press  release  that  the  regulator had   in  particular, to  provide  services  across
                                             decided to leave existing obligations in place   the country as it progressively built out its
                                             following  consultation  on  whether  there   own national mobile network. ’At this stage,
                                             were  reasonable  grounds  for considering   we don’t consider the telecommunications
                                             their removal. ‘Coverage is a critical feature   market  has  developed  to such an  extent
                                             of being able  to offer competitive  mobile   that  roaming  regulation  is  no  longer
        New  Zealand’s  Commerce  Commission   services  at  the retail  level  and national   necessary to safeguard new entry and
        has decided to retain its ability to regulate   roaming is a valuable regulatory backstop   promote competitive  outcomes  in  the
        national  mobile  roaming,  saying  it  against which commercial negotiations for   market,’ Mr. Gilbertson added.

        Citymesh/Digi Sign National Roaming Deal with Proximus, Acquire 400 Sites

        Digi  Belgium, the  joint  venture between
        Belgian B2B connectivity provider Citymesh
        and  Romania’s  RCS&RDS,  has  struck  a
        national roaming agreement with Proximus.
        The  company  claimed  the  deal  marks  a
        significant  milestone  in  Digi  Belgium’s
        plans  to  enter  the  mobile  market,  as  it
        guarantees  a  five-year  access  right  to
        Proximus’  mobile  network. In  parallel,
        Proximus has agreed to sell the new entrant
        around  400   mobile  antenna  sites,
        significantly  accelerating  Digi  Belgium’s
        rollout.  The  sites will  be transferred to
        InSky, the  company responsible  for
        deploying the  infrastructure of Digi  and
        Citymesh.  In  a press  release  announcing
        the  deal, Citymesh  group  chief strategy
        officer Ward Van Ooteghem said: ’We’re on
        schedule! In 2022, together with RCS&RDS,
        we acquired  the  package for the  new
        Belgian telecom player. Creating a complete
        nationwide  Digi  network will  take  a  few
        years, but thanks to this agreement, we can
        combine the  strong Proximus coverage   this project succeed. This agreement is a   that benefits all parties involved. The fact
        with  the  rollout of our  own Digi  network.   crucial step  in  our masterplan.  The  goal   that  Digi  Communications  Belgium and
        This way, we can enter the market in 2024   remains to break the status quo in Belgium   Citymesh  Connect  choose  to collaborate
        with  a  comprehensive  mobile  offering  for   and demonstrate  that  quality and fair   with Proximus, highlights  our mobile
        both consumers  and business  clients.’   offerings are possible here too. We will be   excellence and proves the strength of our
        Citymesh  Group  CEO  Mitch  De  Geest   announcing the concrete plans very soon.’   open  network strategy, allowing  us  to
        added: ‘These were complex negotiations.   Commenting on the agreement, Proximus   capture value out of the capacity, coverage
        Many thanks to all parties involved for their   Group  CEO Guillaume Boutin  said: ‘I am   and performance of our gigabit networks.’
        positive  mindset  and  willingness to make   convinced we have reached an agreement

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