Page 55 - SAMENA Trends - September 2023
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        generation, dialogue systems  and other   the generative AI model can generate new   AI, especially in sensitive areas such as
        tasks.  By  learning  large  amounts  of text   images  similar  to real  images  and  even   healthcare or finance. Ensure that the AI
        data,  generative  AI  models  can  generate   repair  damaged  photos.  This  brings  new   system  complies  with  data  protection
        new text similar to human language and   possibilities  for artistic  creation, image   and ethical guidelines.
        even produce conversations. This provides   processing and other fields.  •  Skills  &  Talent:  Gen  AI  is  a  complex
        powerful support for applications such as                                   technology requiring skilled  personnel
        automated  text  generation  and  intelligent   In the field of music creation, Generative AI   to  develop,  deploy,  and  manage.
        customer service. The Pangu NLP has made   model can  be  used  for music generation,   Companies need to have the necessary
        a significant breakthrough as it was distilled   music recommendation  and  other  tasks.   talent in place before adopting Gen AI.
        with a large amount of general knowledge in   By learning a large amount of music data,   •  Compute Resources: Gen AI models can
        the pre-training phase, allowing the model   the generative AI model can generate new   be  computationally  expensive  to train
        to embed industry knowledge  bases  and   music similar  to  human  music,  and  even   and  deploy.  Companies  must  ensure
        databases easily to acquire industry know-  personalized  recommendations  can  be   they have the  necessary compute
        how efficiently. Huawei Cloud worked with   made according to users' preferences. This   resources before adopting Gen AI.
        partners to develop the Pangu NLP model   has  brought  new  opportunities  for music
        for the  Arabic language  that  supports   creation and music promotion.  Generative  AI  eases  talent  management
        hundreds  of billions  of parameters  with                               challenges
        semantic understanding accuracy reaching   The essential Generative AI checklist    Companies  can develop a structured way
        95%,  becoming No.1  in  Arabic language   A centralized data strategy is essential for   to experiment  with  Gen  AI to predict  the
        understanding.                       adopting  Gen  AI  because  Gen  AI models   future:
                                             need to be trained on large amounts of data.   Use Gen AI to forecast demand for skills
        In  the  financial  field,  companies  can  use   Collecting and preparing for training can be   and talent. Gen AI can be used to analyze
        generative  AI  to  create  financial  models   difficult and time-consuming if the data is   data  from various  sources,  such as  job
                                             scattered  across  different  departments   postings,  social media, and industry
           A  Generative  AI  model  is      and  systems.  A centralized  data  strategy   trends, to forecast future demand for skills

           a machine  learning-based         makes it easier to manage and access the   and  talent.  You can train  Gen  AI models
                                                                                 using  historical data  to learn patterns,
                                             data, which can help to accelerate the Gen
           technology      that    learns    AI adoption process.                correlations and trends in your workforce.
           from large amounts of             Before adopting  Gen AI or any AI   This  information can  be  used  to  predict
                                                                                 future  demand  for skills  and  strategic
                                             technology, organizations should consider
           data and generates  new           several key factors to ensure a successful   workforce plans  that  ensure that  the
           content.  Compared  with          and  responsible  adoption  of AI.  These   company has the right people in the right
                                             factors include:
                                                                                 places with the right skills at the right time.
           traditional  AI  models,  this    •  Business  Objectives:  Clearly  Define
           technology  is  more  flex-         the  business  goals  and  objectives  that   Use Gen AI to predict employee turnover.

           ible  and  creative and  can        Gen AI is  intended  to address,  say in   Gen  AI can be  used  to predict  employee
                                                                                 turnover  based  on  various  factors, such
                                               improving customer experiences.
           produce      more      diverse    •  Data  Strategy: Gen AI models  are   as  employee  demographics, performance
           results.                            trained  on  data;  to ensure  data  quality   reviews,  and  job  satisfaction  surveys.
                                               and  availability, it  is  essential  to have   This  information can be  used  to develop
                                               a  centralized  data  strategy  in  place  to   strategies to reduce turnover and retain top
        and  forecasts  to aid  in  decision-making   ensure that the data is high-quality, well-  talent.
        and risk management.  Huawei  Cloud    organized, and accessible to the Gen AI
        provides resilient infrastructure, application   team.                   Use Gen AI to simulate different workforce
        modernization  technologies  that  make   •  Ethical  considerations:  Gen  AI  raises   planning scenarios. Gen AI can be used to
        financial applications agile, and innovative   several  ethical concerns,  such as   simulate  different  workforce planning
        AI  and  virtual  human  technologies  that   bias,  transparency, and  accountability.   scenarios,  such  as  the  impact  of  new
        build  intelligence into businesses.  For   Companies must have a plan to address   technologies, changing market conditions,
        conventional financial institutions, Huawei   these ethical concerns before adopting   and  mergers  and  acquisitions.  This
        Cloud focuses on AICC, digital interaction,   Gen AI. We must develop and adhere to   information can  be  used  to develop
        and digital banking for them to go digital.  a responsible AI framework addressing   contingency plans and ensure the company
        In the field of image generation, generative   ethical concerns.         is prepared for any eventuality.
        AI models can be used for image synthesis,   •  Regulatory  Compliance:  It  is  critical
        image inpainting  and  other tasks.  By   to understand  the  regional  and  global
        learning  a large amount of image data,   regulations that pertain to the use of the

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