Page 35 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
P. 35


        The CRA Qatar and Huawei Conclude 'Seeds for the Future' Program 2021 to
        Develop Elite ICT Talents in Qatar

        In collaboration with the Communications   Third  Secretary  at  the Qatar  Embassy  in   Li, Vice President of Huawei Middle East,
        Regulatory  Authority,  Huawei,  a  leading   China,  and  Mr.  SpaceLee,  Vice  President   commented: “The future of any nation lies
        global provider of information and commu-  of Huawei Middle East. His Excellency Mr.   in education. In the digitalized world, ICT
        nications  technology  (ICT)  infrastructure   Yang  Song,  Economic  and  Commercial   education  is key for social development.
        and smart devices, has concluded the 5th   Counsellor at Embassy of the People's Re-  As a leader of the ICT industry, Huawei is
        edition of its annual knowledge-exchange   public of China in the State of Qatar, com-  honored to uphold its social responsibili-
        program ‘Seeds for the Future’ in Qatar. A   mented:  “China  and  Qatar  are  strategic   ties to help Qatar prepare a robust talent
        total of 34 students from Qatar University,   partners and bilateral relations are main-  ecosystem for the completion of Qatar Na-
        Hamad  Bin  Khalifa  University,  and  Com-  taining strong momentum of development.   tional Vision 2030. In the next three years,
        munity College of Qatar have successfully   This year, students in Qatar  participated   we plan to nurture 10,000 ICT talents for
        completed  the program this year.  During   in the newly launched “Tech4Good”  proj-  Qatar.” Even with the difficulties caused by
        the eight-day online program, participants   ect. Students came up with proposals on   the pandemic, Huawei has worked hard to
        were involved in various technology, lead-  how to leverage technology to address the   provide as many opportunities as possible
        ership,  and  cultural  exchange  courses.   region’s most pressing social and environ-  to students in an increasingly digitalized
        Those  in attendance  at  the closing cere-  mental issues. It also encouraged students   world, with this being the second year of
        mony included  Mr.  Yang  Song,  Economic   to increase their social entrepreneurship,   the program being organized online. First
        and Commercial Counsellor at the Embas-  problem-solving,  and leadership skills   started in 2008 globally, Seeds for the Fu-
        sy of the People's Republic of China in the   through teamwork  with  other  students   ture  is  Huawei’s  flagship  Corporate  So-
        State of Qatar, Mr. Mohammed Al Suwaidi,   from many different countries. Mr. Space   cial  Responsibility  (CSR)  program  that
                                                                                 has  been  operated  in  over  130  countries
                                                                                 covering more than 500 universities. Over
                                                                                 9,000 students have received ICT and cul-
                                                                                 tural trainings while studying cutting-edge
                                                                                 technology such as Fifth Generation (5G)
                                                                                 technology, cloud computing, Artificial In-
                                                                                 telligence (AI), and the Internet of Things
                                                                                 (IoT).  Participants  have  also  had  the  op-
                                                                                 portunity  to  explore  Huawei’s  exhibition
                                                                                 halls and global campuses through virtual
                                                                                 tours,  while  gathering  real-world  experi-
                                                                                 ence through hands-on workshops in col-
                                                                                 laboration with institutions of higher edu-
                                                                                 cation and partners from the public sector
                                                                                 and Huawei conclude 'Seeds for the future'
                                                                                 program 2021 to develop elite ICT talents
                                                                                 in Qatar

        Huawei to Invest US$15  Million  in Middle  East HUAWEI CLOUD  Oasis


        Huawei,  a  leading  global  provider  of   15,  2021.  The  annual  event  connects   organizations of  all  sizes to  grow  in  an
        information   and    communications  business leaders, industry visionaries, and   increasingly  digital  world.  The  HUAWEI
        technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart   Huawei partners to build a more dynamic   CLOUD Oasis Program has set a target to
        devices,  plans  to  invest  US$15  million   ecosystem  for collaboration  and shared   assist 3,000 experts in the region, support
        over  the  next  three  years  in  a  newly   success.  Countries  across  the  region   over  1,500  consulting  and  technical
        unveiled  HUAWEI  CLOUD  Oasis  Program   have witnessed an  acceleration  in  cloud   partners, and empower more than 100
        aimed at accelerating the development of   adoption  and investment  in recent  years.   SMEs  to develop their cloud  capabilities.
        technology enterprises and ecosystems in   Leveraging  Huawei's  30-plus  years  of   The program will also support more than
        the Middle East. The HUAWEI CLOUD Oasis   expertise in ICT solutions, HUAWEI CLOUD   100 marketing events during this period to
        Program was launched during the second   is  now a  leading  cloud service  provider   help cultivate a thriving cloud ecosystem
        edition  of  the  HUAWEI  CLOUD  Summit   globally that  provides reliable, secure,   within the business community. The latest
        held  virtually this year on September   and cost-effective services to empower   investment includes USD7.5 million being

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