Page 34 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
P. 34


                                             Huawei Rotating Chairman Reaffirms Continuous

                                             Innovation for Faster Digitalization Across World

        Huawei's  annual  flagship  event  for  the
        global  ICT  industry  –  HUAWEI  CONNECT
        2021  –  kicked  off  .  Huawei  Rotating
        Chairman Eric Xu opened the event with a
        keynote speech titled "Innovating Nonstop
        for Faster Digitalization". This year's event,
        themed  "Dive  into  Digital",  explores  how
        digital technology can better integrate
        with business scenarios  and industry
        know-how to address critical business
        challenges,  and  how stakeholders can
        work together more effectively to foster an
        open industry ecosystem and drive shared
        success.  In his keynote,  Xu spoke about
        how helping industries go digital is a critical
        aspect of Huawei's mission to bring digital
        to every  person,  home and organization
        for a fully connected, intelligent world. He
        said, "Digital development relies on digital
        technology. For digital technology to stay
        relevant, we must continue  to innovate   alike to take their organizations digital.   The  end goal of ModelArts is to enable
        and create value. Cloud, AI, and networks   As  of  September  2021,  HUAWEI  CLOUD   each and every engineer to independently
        are three critical digital technologies." At   and partners operate 61 Availability Zones   develop  their own AI applications. Xu
        the event, Xu launched the industry's first   (AZs) in 27 geographic regions worldwide,   also  introduced  Huawei's  innovations  in
        distributed,  cloud-native service called   covering  more  than  170  countries  and   the network domain. As organizations go
        UCS  –  a  ubiquitous  cloud-native  service   regions.  Zhang  Ping'an,  CEO  of  HUAWEI   digital, they tend to see exponential growth
        available  on  HUAWEI  CLOUD.  With  UCS,   CLOUD and President of Huawei Consumer   in  network  complexity.  To  tackle  this,
        Huawei  plans  to  provide  enterprises   Cloud  Service,  commented:  “The  key  to   Huawei has been innovating solutions for
        with  a  consistent  experience  while  using   successful  digital  transformation is to   global networks based on the concept of
        cloud-native applications  that are not   think cloud native and act cloud  native.   autonomous  driving network (ADN). The
        constrained by geographical, cross-cloud,   HUAWEI  CLOUD  joins  our  customers  and   company has been working with customers
        or  traffic  limitations,  thereby  accelerating   partners  to  dive  into  digital  and  explore   in  the  finance,  education,  and  healthcare
        digital transformation in all  industries.   the  potential of Everything  as a Service   sectors to innovate  and deploy  new
        HUAWEI CLOUD also announced two new   – Infrastructure as  a  Service for global   applications,  and build networks  that  are
        regions,  and ten  new services  including   accessibility, Technology  as  a  Service   self-fulfilling, self-healing, self-optimizing,
        MacroVerse  aPaaS,  OptVerse  AI  Solver,   for flexible innovation, and Expertise as a   and  autonomous.  Xu  went  on  to  explain
        HUAWEI  CLOUD  Stack  8.1,  Pangu  drug   Service  for  shared  excellence.”  Huawei's   how  Huawei  is  using  digital  technology
        molecule  model,  and  SparkRTC.  It   full-stack,  all-scenario  AI  portfolio  to  support  low-carbon development, as
        was  also  revealed  that  the  first  virtual   released back in 2018 is also progressing   part of global efforts to achieve peak CO2
        human,  Yunsheng,  is  set  to  join  HUAWEI   as  expected.  Its  MindSpore  framework   emissions  and  carbon  neutrality.  Huawei
        CLOUD.  Xu  added  that  HUAWEI  CLOUD,   has become the mainstream AI computing   hosts HUAWEI CONNECT 2021 online from
        the company's  cloud  service that  was   framework in China. Meanwhile, the Atlas   September 23 to October 31. The theme of
        launched just four years ago, has already   900 cluster, as well as the cloud services   this year's  event is  Dive into Digital.  The
        brought  together  more  than  2.3  million   based on it, currently serve more than 300   company will dive deep into the practical
        developers,  14,000  consulting  partners,   enterprises,  supporting the training of   application  of technologies  like cloud,
        and  6,000  technology  partners,  and  also   many  models,  which  include  the  HUAWEI   AI,  and  5G  in  all  industries,  and  how  it
        made  more  than  4,500  services  available   CLOUD  Pangu  large  models.  HUAWEI   can make organizations of all shapes
        in the HUAWEI CLOUD Marketplace. It has   CLOUD ModelArts has made AI application   and  sizes  more  efficient,  more  versatile,
        become an important platform for Internet   development  incredibly simple  with  its   and ultimately more resilient as we move
        companies, enterprises, and governments   full-pipeline,  scenario-based  services.   towards economic recovery.

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